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Leekeworld L-Type Boys Discussion - Part 2

Dec 18, 2013

    1. Handsome boy! Is that Min, or possibly Koji? Forgive me -- I can't quite tell from that angle. :) If you don't mind telling us, what body is he on?

      Also: I love his little can of Pepsi. LOL.
    2. Always want leeke-Lion. Why its sold out:(
    3. I can't wait to hear what the match is like :)
    4. I just got my Akagidoll 66cm body in NS for Zeke, my Leeke Khal head. :D The body is a pretty good match, size and proportion wise. You can see more photos in my box opening, but I'll leave just the photo of him after I dressed him here. Zeke's the one on the left.

    5. Awesome; thanks for posting!
    6. Well, here's my Min; his head arrived today! Still waiting on his hybrid body from DF-A.

      Leekeworld Min Head by vadafade, on Flickr
    7. cian Your boy looks good on that body! Really nice combo there and I love his styling! XD

      vadafade He has such a cute face! I can't wait to see him all done up and with his body.

      Sadly I cannot produce pics of Cato, he's face upless, bodiless, wigless AND eyeless. I fail as a doll owner! *pats poor Cato*
    8. Well that's a shame, but good to know Iplehouse is such a pretty good match. Thanks for posting that! I still kinda wish I'd gotten a new Lionel head, he'd be easier to match to the granado body then, but alas I didn't have the money at the time. Still, thanks for sharing, good info is always helpful. XD
    9. Yeah, I hope it helps other members! Based on all the research I did before I purchased a body (and I did a ton, LOL), it looked like DF-A would be a perfect match for Leeke. I think DF-A must have changed their "normal pink" resin color recently, because there is absolutely no way that the DF-A NP resin I just received is the same color as in other people's photos from previous years, which shows it matching "normal skin" from PopoDoll, Luts, and InfinitiDoll.

      I think, for this most current batch of Leeke resin, that recent Iplehouse and Soom "normal skin" will be the best matches. Everything else is going to be too dark and/or too yellow.

      Is Granado supposedly a good match for Iplehouse (and therefore Leeke)? What kind of Granado body are you trying to match to? (I ask because I'm wondering if a Granado body will meet my needs for my now-floating Leeke Min head.) :)
    10. Granado is a fairly close match to Iplehouse. Or well it was in 2012 anyway. According to this post But not perfect. At least in my eyes. Iple seems paler and more pinky while Granado is a little darker and seems to have more yellow in it. My Lionel head appears to have lost most of it's pink, but I'm still worried that it may be too dark or too yellow to match Granado normal. It'd be easier if it was paler imo. XD

      I'm matching him to the male Neuvo body, I've seen a Lionel on um I think it was a 64cm body and loved how it looked. But Cato needs the taller and slightly bigger body, which I've been told he should do fairly well on though I may need to widen his neck whole just a little, so since the body shape is perfect for my Lionel head and Lionel is perfect for Cato, I'm basically just going to put them together and if it doesn't work, find a way to MAKE it work. Yeah I'm that determined, but should be ok. lol

      EDIT: Actually looking at a newer post from 2013 aka this one the match of Iple and Granado looks even better. So a granado body may be suitable for your boy, though possibly a tiny bit darker if Leeke matches Iple pretty well? Hope that helps!
    11. Thanks SO MUCH, ArcaneDesires! Those links to resin comparisons are so helpful! Glad to know that a Granado body in normal pink might work for my Min head. It looks like a very close match to Iplehouse normal.
    12. You're welcome! Glad I could be of help. XD Just out of curiosity, which body would you consider getting for your Min if you did go with Granado?

      Ahhhhh I'm so excited! I've commissioned a custom wig for Cato, so now I just need to collect my birthday money together and hopefully get his body and then I just need his eyes and clothes. The only thing I haven't decided on is his t-shirt, the place I got his partners top from doesn't do them in his size and I still suck at sewing. lol *ponders*

      Sent from my BQ1078 using Tapatalk
    13. I'd probably get the 64 cm male body so that I might still be able to have Min share clothes with my other SD boy (a Luts Senior Delf). The nuevo body is really beautiful, though!

      That's awesome about the custom wig for Cato! You must be thrilled!
    14. That'd be awesome to see him on that body I think. I'd probably have gotten the 64cm for Cato knowing that he fits on it great, but the body shape of the Nuevo is exactly what Cato should have and he needs to be taller. Good thing is, although I only have one outfit for him right now, even though they won't be the right style for Cato, Cato can borrow my Iplehouse EID's clothing until he gets his own. So that's good at least. XD We won't have a nekkid Lionel/Cato in here! lol

      But yep I'm absolutely thrilled to be able to get a short masculine wig for him. The examples the wig maker showed me were almost exactly the style I wanted. So happy! *dance dance*

      Sent from my BQ1078 using Tapatalk
    15. Update on the hybrid body search for my floating Min head:

      After sifting through more resin comparison threads and photos (since I'm kind of a stickler for matching resin, lolsob), it looks like late 2013/early 2014 AprilStory NS (reference), Granado new normal, Iplehouse NS (confirmed with my own dolls, reference), IMPLdoll PS (reference), and PopoDoll NS (reference) will be good matches for recent Leeke NS, with Iplehouse and AprilStory being the closest, and IMPL and Popo also being totally acceptable for my requirements. I really like the aesthetics of the Popodoll body the most, though.

      So that means that these bodies are my latest contenders:

      IMPL's website shows their Star Man body as having single-jointed knees, but IMPL themselves and the members over in the discussion thread all confirmed that the body now has double-jointed knees. That's good to know, because that body was not on my short list before! Plus, that under-$300 price is so attractive. By happy accident, all of those bodies just so happen to have a fairly large neck circumference (10-10.5 cm), which will work nicely with Leeke's giant heads. After all that additional research, I'm still really leaning towards the Popo body.

      ETA: Just bought the Popo body! Woohoo!! :fangirl: Fingers crossed that it will work. Searching for a hybrid body sucks, man!
    16. @Vadafade: Grats on the Popo body :D Definitly gotta show him of!

      I just recently (tuesday) got a Lionel head and choose to go and try going with a Mirodoll (68 cm) body for him as the built - and also current price - were tempting. I'm curious to see how it turns out.
      I had to mod his eyes slightly (bigger) to fit the character I had in mind and today got to do his face-up <3
      Keldrean_face-up von Wildcard_Snowy auf Flickr
      He still needs smaller eyes (he's wearing 12 mm and I'm thinking of trying 10mm), wig, body, clothes and shoes but for a spontaneous idea of mine he's coming along really nicely -^^-
    17. Vadafade Congrats on the Popodoll body. Those were all awesome choices, but though it won't work for me, I really do love that body. Nice choice, looking forward to seeing your boy complete!

      Snowy! OMG I am so sorry I wasn't able to get pics of my Lionel head to you, I never had good light or anywhere to really take pics and then you already had him. Wow he looks so good! I love his lips and the burn? by his eye. He looks great and nice job on the eye opening there, looks great! I would have totally gone with the Miro body myself, if it was bigger, I really love the look of that body. Can't wait to see him, I hope it works out well for you!

      Sent from my Fusion5 using Tapatalk
    18. @ArcaneDesires: Yes, after avoiding me at first, all of sudden that Lionel head was rather in a hurry to come to me (afraid I might choose an other mold? XD). And I totally know the light issue. This weekend is the first one in a while that has really good weather :)
      Thank you -^^- I'm glad others are able to enjoy is look as well (yes, it's supposed to be a burn-remainder from an explosion). A sharp scalpel is the tool to go for when eye-opening I came to realize. I really was able to peel millimeter for millimeter off and slightly adjust the eyeshape -^^-

      Oh, I think I never asked, but... what body did you take for yours?
      For me taking a 68 cm body is already a 'large' step for me - in every sense of the word ^^°
      Well, not really, now that I think about it. My currently largest boy is around 64cm so... :3 Not that much difference.
    19. Reminds me of what happened when I got my Lionel head too. Guess those guys just wanted to come home to us both. lol I LOVE the burn this guy has, he really has wonderful character already, he's great. XD Did you thin out his eyewells as well as change the shape? He has such thick eyewells that the eyes I want to use on mine won't show up at all unless I thin those out, but I'm too scared to touch his eyes like that.

      As far as body, I don't have it just yet, still got a little more saving to do since I just bought myself another Elfdoll girl head, but mine is going to go on the Granado Nuevo body. It's perfect for his character. I do wish the Mirodoll body was broader, because I love that one too and would love to have it for him, but it just doesn't seem big enough compared to his partner. I may be wrong having never seen one in person, but still going for the Granado right now. Love the shape and look of that one so much. XD And he's not even going to be my biggest. Those Iplehouse EID's, now those boys are BIG. lol

      Sent from my Fusion5 using Tapatalk