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Leekeworld L-Type Boys Discussion - Part 2

Dec 18, 2013

    1. Snowy, wow!! Amazing work on your Lionel's faceup -- just stunning. Congrats on ordering the Mirodoll body. I'm eager to see how it looks with Lionel's head!

      Thanks for the congrats on my Popo body, guys. I will definitely post photos as soon as it arrives!
    2. @ArcaneDesires:
      Hehehe. Sometimes they are just meant to be <3
      I'm just glad there was such an awesome sculpt aout there. Nope, didn't thin out the eyewelts. I'm considering it but SafrinDoll Eyes apparently fit him rather well <3 Well... I never really had a problem with their eyes with any dolls to be honest. Looking forward to ordering his right ones.
      Ah, if you are scared, why not get one of these balls in the right size intended for sanding. Then you have perfect control on just how much you sand, opposed to a dremel or something.

      Aaah! Right :3
      The Granado was unfortunately (?) too built in my case. Looking forward to seeing him whole ;)
      Wow. I only know one EID in person and he's... huge. And massive. And heavy ^^°
      But I'm pretty sure Granado's Titan size could top that ^^°

      @vadafade: Thanks -^^- I'm so glad my first BJD friend in the area encouraged me to try and do my own face-ups. It's thanks to her support and being able to ask her 1000 things that I keep getting better and better - slowly ;P

      Aaah >3< I'm totally looking forward to that Popo body. It looks rather handsome (and so do the boys). Also, supposedly they are rather good poser. Nearly as good as Loongsoul. :3

      ... I just can't help but snicker everytime at popo. (It's like butt in slang german XD) I wonder what it means in their language ;P

      Soo... What's your Min-head, soon to get popo-body, going to be? :3 Character wise?
    3. Oh, that's funny! In American English, "popo" is slang for police. But the idea of it meaning "butt" in German slang is so funny! LOL.

      Actually, my Min doesn't have a character... yet. (I don't really create OCs or use BJDs to shell them; I just buy dolls whose sculpts I find very compelling. I know that makes me kind of weird in the BJD world, but it is what it is!) Anyway, I haven't figured out his personality yet, but I'm attributing that to the fact that he's still a floating head. ;) :lol: Maybe once his body arrives and I put some clothes on him, his personality will come through!

      What about you? What is your Lionel's personality like? Is he based on an OC?
    4. Snowy Ah ok gotcha. But yeah, I wanna put Eyeco eyes in him and since they are fairly flat, they simply will not show up unless I thin those eye wells out a good bit! Darn you Lionel for having such thick eyewells! hehe But I was definitely considering getting one of those, just I'm kinda scared of those kinda things too. I've never done any modding on any of my dolls and only recently been brought out of my shell in terms of lightly sanding all over my dolls faces to remove some of the shine they have before giving them a face up. lol

      Those Granado bodies are pretty built aren't they? But yeah the boy I'm creating is a pretty big, buff guy so it had to be a large body. I originally planned an actual EID boy from head to toe for this character, but Lionel was the more appropriate choice. XD The body shape of that one wasn't quite right for what I had in mind though, so even if I could have an EID body for Lionel it'd be a no on that part anyway. There are only a few bodies I like that are even close to this guy, but Granado wins out. As far as EID's go, yeah my boy is a beast all right, but that Titan body is a total monster. He beats EID by a long mile I think! haha

      Popo always makes me giggle though. I just hear or read that word and I can't help but laugh. hehe
    5. You know, "Popodoll" always makes me think of that ridiculously vapid dreck of a song by Britney Spears' ex, Kevin Federline, called "PopoZão" -- which, coincidentally to Snowy's comment, is about ass-shaking. So apparently "popo" is slang for "butt" in at least two totally unrelated languages! Hahaha. :lol:
    6. XD That's really funny! Never heard about that before :3

      I don't think it's weird at all. After all I used to collect anime / video game figures - and I bought those who I liked visually and didn't necessarily knew. But giving them a personality/character helps a lot when deciding on what the face-up is supposed to look like and also helps with choosing colors and style of clothing :3 That's mainly why pretty much all of my characters have a personality - and then later develop a story of their own - wether I want themto or not!

      But yeah ;P I'm pretty sure he'll jump you and throw his personality at you as well, once he's done and finished :3 Dito for name.

      My SDs are set in a sort of apocalypse world based on the game 'The last of us' and developed further for my own means. Lionel aka Keldrean is a former soldier who knew the world before the weird plant-zombie-mutation epidemic broke out. He's had his fair share of wars and when he left the military (partly due the injury on his face, partly through an injury on one of his knees, that makes him limp slightly) he was convinced the end of the world would soon be upon them (because of nuclear war) and thus prepared himself accordingly (getting some sort of bunker, hoarding canned food and water, getting an air and water filter thingy, etc.).
      That much for backstory. His personality is rather ... well... distant, grumpy and practical. He has a soft spot for 'youngings', teens, but especially kids.
      I'm curious to see how things will develop in the group ^^ With him, if all my SDs are home, I currently have 10 'players' in the setting -^^-

      @ArcaneDesires: Ugh. I totally get what you mean. I had that problem with another doll before. Also, one reason for widdening his eyes is because I actually want to see the eyes I put into him.

      Your dolls have a shine? That sounds kinda odd. Maybe someone sprayed too much sealer onto them before?

      Yes -^^- I'm getting a Granado Davon on the 64cm body for a different character :3 For him it works out perfectly well, but Keldrean, while built, is not THAT buff :3

      XD I totally believe that. I'll see how I'll do with Lionel being to (darn) big. I hope it doesn't open the forbidden door into the next size thought ^^°
      I'd love to get a popodoll thought.
      Which reminds me...

      @vadafade: Where did you order the body and how long is it supposed to take? Cause the official page of popo, where I wanted to check out some pics, is currently down, I believe.
    7. Yeah, Popo's website is currently down, and neither Alice's Collections nor Mint On Card are carrying them going forward. Some members have been talking about it here and here. I have to say, it's pretty bizarre, and it made me kind of worried about ordering a Popo body. However, both Think Pink, based in the Netherlands, and Jeeryama, one of Popo's longtime vendors on eBay, are still selling carrying Popo. I believe they also have an agent here on the forum, but I forget what her username is.

      I purchased from Jeeryama on eBay, and the agent, Christina, was so incredibly kind and helpful. She said that she has been in touch with Popo almost every day, and they are indeed still in business. She doesn't know why their website isn't working. Anyway, she said that my body will take about 2 months, which is totally in line with what I was expecting.
    8. Snowy, I'd think it was a sealer thing to, if not for the fact that even brand new dolls straight from the company have it. I don't mean like super glossy shine or anything, but just that smooth, polished top layer of resin, like... well normal dolls really. It's just that my friend mentioned one of my dolls looked a little shiny when we went to spray it and I realised my Lionel's resin was too smooth after we'd very lightly sanded the other doll, so we did him too. I really like the effect it gives, more fleshy than the smooth resin of before. But it hasn't ruined them at all, it was the lightest sanding ever and I love the effect it's produced! XD As far as Lionel's eyes, yeah I'd really like to see the eyes I put in him too. I've considered paying someone to mod my boys eyes open a little more too, but I'm worried it won't look as super angry as Cato needs to then. I'm stuck on what to do! But thinning out the darned eyewells is definitely happening either way. XD

      Vadafade, I'll just be over here laughing my POPO off about that whole thing now. haha Sorry, couldn't resist. XD But oh ok, well it's good to know they are still in business, I was really confused when I saw Alice and Mint On no longer selling them. I love dealing with Christina though, she's so lovely and helpful. Can't wait to see your body when it gets here! Hope the time passes fast for you. XD
    9. All this talk of eyewell thinning and the like to actually see the eyes in the head... I do wish Khale's eyes would show up better than they currently do. Unless the lighting is juuuuust right, they tend to look like deep, dark spots in his face, which is weird as they're really an electric blue colour. I can't even buy another pair in maybe a smaller size as they were the defaults from another doll (I think I know which one, but I'm not 100% sure) and I don't think that company sells eyes separately.

    10. Iron_Dog So is it a Leeke thing for the thick eyewells then? I thought perhaps it was just a Lionel thing, but what you described just there is exactly what I'm worried about with Cato, especially since the eyes I want, even though they are a nice light blue, are very low dome. I think before I attempt a face up for him, I'll sort his eyewells out. It's bugging the heck out of me just how thick those wells are. He's a gorgeous sculpt but I cannot get any eyes, no matter what style to show up in his eye wells properly because of the incredibly thick lids. Khale does look gorgeous with those eyes though! I adore him so mcuh!
    11. It may well be. Along with their habit of hot gluing in the default eyes and having the Knot O' Doom (tm) in the head. Seriously, I can't take Khale's head off unless I cut the elastic and completely re-string him because the knot won't fit through the neck/head opening and they left maybe 1/2" of elastic ends beyond the knot. There was also a lot of... colourful language used when I went to change his default eyes (which were nice, but not what his character needed) to the ones in his head now and discovered his defaults were hot glued in place.

      The ones in his head right now are 16mm glass and low dome. There's no gaping or anything and I think his defaults are also 16mm, but it's very hard to get them to show up well in photos.
    12. Oh wow really? Ok, it's probably a Leekeworld thing then. Huh, that's kinda sucky really. Does make me glad I didn't want a full Lionel doll or anything when they had them back up for sale recently. That sounds like a nightmare and really? They hot glue the default eyes in? I'm glad my boy was like 3rd or so hand and not direct from the company and had already had his eyes changed then. Wow, why would you do that?! That's bad.

      I just took another look at Cato and yeah his eyes need to be sorted out. Maybe I'll get someone to open them just a tiny bit some day, but I am definitely going to thin out the eyewell resin of doom! before I get started on his face up. Which sucks, I wanted him fixed up soon, but since it's gonna be a fair while before I get his body, or his custom wig and even longer before I get him his clothing then I suppose it's not so bad. But I would love to have his face up done soon at least, because I'm so excited to have this guy and I've done nothing with him. *sadface*
    13. I hear that if you purchase direct from Leeke, you can request that they not hot glue the eyes in but I can't confirm that. I won Khale as a fullset in a charity raffle at DollNorth a couple of years ago so I had no say in how he came to me (not that I'm complaining *grins*). There was somebody else in this thread (or the previous one) who had a full doll from Leeke and they had the Knot O' Doom (tm) in their boy's head, too. They needed to remove the head for a face-up so they had no choice but to cut the elastic to get his head off.

      I can't speak about other Leeke dolls regards the hot gluing of the eye (maybe it's only for fullsets?) as my OD Tae Vampire came to me third? fourth? hand through the MP here. I would hope that they don't hot glue those eyes as they are like 6mm and that would be a pure nightmare to try and change.
    14. @vadafade: Oooh! I love dealing with Christina -^^- I think she is one of the best, most reliable retailers around <3 And she's very awesome to arrange layaway with :) I'm already a regular for most stuff. Actually I either go via the MP, the company or her :3
      Good to know that her contact with Popo is still good and running. I think Popo might have a language barrier / communication problem with the other two (MoC and Alice) from what I heard.

      2 months is a good time :3 *nods*

      @ArcaneDesires: Well, some do spray it for safetly even if they don't get a face-up. And if the temperatures aren't favourable - especially when it comes to MSC - there might be side-effects. The only other thing I can think of are certain environmental-resins. Those tend to be sometimes a little shiney layer. But yeah :3
      Sometimes one of those little white dirt-rubber thingies can help with that as well. (Well, those ARE very fine sanding tools, so... yeah ^^°)

      Yes, it's better to let a pro handle this in some cases. Me, I'm too insane in most cases ^^° (I was barelly a half year into the hobby when I made my first massive mods and half-built and hybrided a doll)
      But I think I'll try to sand the eyes a little as well. The eyes are kept too far in the back for my taste. If I work by hand I shouldn't run into the danger of ruining the face-up either :3

      @Iron_Dog: Grats on your lucky win -^3^-
      Those are rather nice eyes. I agree it's a shame if you can't see them properly. Sanding definitely will aid with that, I think.
      I think one of my boys has similar eyes like him - but in dark green :3 Got them from a friend thought. We both think they are from Luts.

      I'm kinda glad I bought the head second head. No glued in eyes or Knot of Doom (tm).

      Now if only my impatience would go somewhere else. *squirming around waiting for body*
      Doesn't help I got really awesome photobackgrounds today.. *can't wait to do some shooting*
    15. Bwahahaha -- good one. :lol: Thanks so much! I will definitely post photos when the body arrives!
    16. If I was anywhere near brave I might try to do something. But I'm not and I'd be terrified of ruining something about his face-up since it is one of the fullset face-ups (and it's perfect for his character).
    17. Hello guys!
      I just received my LW Mihael back from his face-up artist(Gothdoll) today!


      My classy dude, Dexter Emerson. He&#8217;s so gorgeous!
      He&#8217;s a Leekeworld Mihael hybrided on a Magical-doll body.
      The largest doll I owned so far ;w;

      I sincerely apologize for the long post :sweat

      Story Time:

      LW Mihael is a long-time Grail doll of mine, &#8216;Grail doll&#8217; being that I didn&#8217;t think I would own him cause 1) he&#8217;s huge 2) he&#8217;s sold out on leekeworld&#8217;s site and expensive on 2nd hand market. But after owning a Delf, I know that SD isn&#8217;t that scary at all AND lo&#8217; and behold, Leekeworld was re-selling their sold-out dolls so I quickly nabbed a Mihael head. I always loved other collector&#8217;s broody Mihaels and at first, that&#8217;s what I wanted, a pissed off emo murderer looking Mihael(haha) but I changed my mind in the end and went for a gentler/bookish Mihael. So glad I did though, he&#8217;s so precious ;w;

      Another Story Time:

      While Gothdoll was finishing up Dexter&#8217;s face-up, I couldn&#8217;t help but notice that she had a Magical-body for sale, being that I was looking for a cheapo, slim, short body for Dex, I asked her to tried Dex&#8217; head on the body and surprisingly, the proportions and resin match looked pretty good so I bought the body from her.
    18. Ahhh welcome Bulletsbanq! I always love seeing your beautiful dolls and I'm glad you managed to snag a Mihael. I love that sculpt myself and he looks wonderful! Such a cute, but still grumpy face. Those eyes are beautiful in him too. He's lovely!

      Iron_Dog Honestly I'm terrified of doing it myself and Cato doesn't even have a face up! *fail* But he needs this done I feel.

      In my news though, looks like all the bodies I'd love to put my Lionel head on are going to be too big and the one I know of that does kinda work, looks pretty nice to me, but isn't tall enough! I might have to bite the bullet and settle for a shorter body, or I might go back to the slightly less perfect head I originally planned for my Cato. I'll be keeping my Lionel either way though! I love his seriously angry look. hehe
    19. Welcome to the thread, bulletsBANQ! That is a great faceup on your Mihael!
    20. Well :3 Practicing with some self-made stuff really helps. But if you really do handwork and not use a motorized tool you don't really run into the danger of ruining anything, I think. I've been thinking about using my tool on his eye-holes, but decided against it ^^° I'm good with it, but... I'll go the longer, slower and more precise rout with less danger...

      @bulletsBANQ: Grats on getting your boy back :D He's certainly somethign else :3 Also... Is it my monitor or does hia hair have a slight greenish shimmer?

      Also: My Keldrean's (Lionel) Mirodoll body shipped out! <3 <3 <3
      Had a short moment of panic here, cause I don't have anything in SD17 size, but then calmed down. I got my sewing machine and enough fabric to cloth a whole resin army, if it came down to it >:3 He'll be naked for a short while, but I don't really mind.... ;9