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Leekeworld L-Type Boys Discussion - Part 2

Dec 18, 2013

    1. Okay, I got Keldrean clothes and thus decend and ready to show off :D
      Keldrean_test-outfit-1 von Wildcard_Snowy auf Flickr

      And you can find a (nude!) pic of the head on the body here for references:

      Also I was surprised that Lionell didn't have these small notches on the inside of his head where the S-hook usually rests. I carefully cut some into the resin (definitly thick enough) as otherwise the S-hook would not have held whenever I would have turned Kel's head.
      Also, the Mirodoll S-hook is to big to get through the head-slit, so I had to carefully unhook it from the strings, pull the strings through the opening and put the S-hook back into the strings @.@
      The resin match is ok, but not perfect - thought that might partly be the face-up's fault.
      Posing wise the body at first freaked me out a little, because he wouldn't stand and was rather floppy - even restringing didn't help much. (I think the joints are simply too smooth) But now that I've hotglue-sueded some of his joints (chest, hip, knee, feet, shoulders) I'm rather pleased with him -^^-
    2. He looks awesome on his new body, Snowy! Congrats!

      In terms of the resin matching, you said that the faceup makes it less of a good match. Would you mind taking a photo of the back of Keldrean's head (or his headcap) against the Miro body so we could see an unblushed resin comparison? :)
    3. Yepp, I'll try.
      To try to put it in words: The head looks like it's slightly yellowed compared to the body as of now. And the resin is slightly darker :3
      Pic will most likely follow on friday/the weekend. I need to give him a body blushing anyway, thought, so that will not be an issue for that long.

      Oh and thanks <3
      I'm glad he's working out, cause size-wise, shape-wise and body-built-wise he's perfect for the character.
    4. Aww, thank you so much! :)
      I'm really happy to have him home! He's an adorable grump, haha XD

      THank you! Happy to be here~! I'm glad you like him! ;)

      THank you so much :)
      The green thing is probably because I edited it, his hair is platinum blonde with no hint of any color underneath XD

      Congrats on getting his body! He's looking pretty good on it! The resin match doesn't look that bad! I actually considered getting a Mirodoll body for Dexter as well, since it was affordable, haha XD But changed my mind in the end as Dexter isn't the type to work out that much has a very lean body.
    5. Sorry for the double-post but bed!hair!Dexter <3

    6. I'm a bit late, but...

      Here is the shoot of the headcap of the Lionell head with the Mirodoll body. As you can see there is a difference, but not drastically so (headcap is slightly pinker).

      A body blushing might help in the future, so the head doesn't look that much darker as it is in my case due this face-up.

      Also Keldrean's outfit is slowly coming together... here you go :3
      Keldrean_army-outfit von Wildcard_Snowy auf Flickr
    7. Thanks for the resin comparison photos, Snowy! Keldrean looks great!
    8. Thanks)))) Hero and he is on Akagidoll 66cm body.
    9. Hey guys, I just wanted to make a note for further resin-matching reference that I just received a new Doll In Mind girl in NS, and the resin match is perfect with Leeke's January 2014 NS.
    10. Snowy, Keldrean looks amazing on that body! Since my plans for my Lionel head have now changed (yay for finding a doll to be the perfect Cato!) I may have to get him that body myself now. It would definitely work for my boy. Still so in love with your boy. XD

      Bulletsbanq Bed hair Dexter looks amazing! ;P Gah I love him so much!

      UselessT I Love that pic of your boy! He's so cute! Forgive my ignorance, but what sculpt is he?

      vadafade That's actually really good to know. I don't have a head that would match, but I'm still really interested in knowing that. I have a DIM boy and I love his skintone so nice to know that Leeke can match it. XD

      So yeah, my Lionel head is no longer going to be my Hunger Games boy, he's now switched to being my all time fav movie character, Eric Draven from The Crow! Thought I'd share that, going to work on doing a faceup for him very soon. I can't wait to be able to do something with this guy. Now I just need to sort out clothes for him and a wig and eyes and then once his faceup is done I can finally show him off to you guys! XD
    11. The Khal is a wonderful sculpt, but I'm 100% biased as I own the limited vampire version of it. This is Khale. His hands are the DZ armoured claw hands that I lightly dyed blue. I also changed his limited wig and eyes to what you see.
    12. UUUoooUUU!!!
      Vampires - this is my big love)))Thanks for the pics!!
    13. I have quite a few "vampire" sculpts although Khale is the only one suitable for this thread. Funny enough, none of the sculpts I have with fangs are vampires. Khale is half Frost Elf and half Ice Demon (his demon side is where he gets the fangs from). The others that have visible fangs are created species of mine and are in no way vampires.
    14. Very interesting. I have dolls - vampires. They do not have fangs.
      But I know - they are vampires)))
    15. [​IMG]

      I have a Khal too, but he's the human ver :) And he's using an Akagidoll 66cm body too, haha.

      By the way, has anyone noticed that Khal is actually a vaguely smiling sculpt when blank? I never noticed since I got mine with the default faceup, and Leeke likes to make the versions of Khal a bit grumpy/neutral, haha.
    16. Great guy. Great photo
      It's fate)))The doctor should be good))))
      Akagidoll 66cm body-super body.
    17. Hello everyone! I just received the Leekeworld Lion head I purchased from GalaxyShi, and thought I would introduce myself! :) My boy doesn't have a name yet, but he immediately stole the body from my Dollzone boy, and it seems I will be needing to purchase a different body for that head. Just a heads up, the body is old Dollzone yellow, and has lost any pink undertones it had, but the leeke head is still a good match. I'm not sure what years any of this stuff was made, as it was all second hand, here on DoA. He also stole that wig from someone. -_-

    18. OkamiKodomo - Your boy looks good :D I've been wondering about Leeke heads on Dollzone bodies for a while, so it's nice to see the proportions :) I'm a bit surprised about the match since I've always thought Leeke is quite pink but maybe it's just because different batches. Hope your boy gets a name soon ^^