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Leekeworld L-Type Boys Discussion - Part 2

Dec 18, 2013

    1. Thanks! The proportions are really spot on, and the match is nice. I'm fairly sure the head was a bit yellowed, and I know for a fact that the body has been. The head is a shade or two paler but still the same color family, and definitely not so far off that it can't be blushed easily. I need to make his eyes today, and see about putting feathers in his wig. He's borrowing some clothes for the moment, but I'll need to make him some of his own in a hot minute.
    2. Hi OkamiKodomo! Sorry for not replying sooner, but your boy looks wonderful on the DZ body! I love how proportionate and good he looks. That's a fairly nice body too, I for once actually like a DZ boy body. ;P Anywho, good luck with the name! He's absolutely adorable in that blond wig. XD

      Sent from my Fusion5 using Tapatalk
    3. Thank you! I made his eyes and wig, and he has a name now. Haru'kan Arata-Ramiel.

    4. Went to the park today and took some doll pics. Khale was being a butt-head at first because he was in an outfit he doesn't like and was extremely uncooperative. Fortunately, I thought it might go that way (although I hoped it wouldn't *sigh*) and brought a change of clothes for him. As soon as I changed his clothes, he behaved just fine *rolls eyes*. This is after the wardrobe change.
    5. He looks great in that outfit! Isn't it funny how they sometimes just absolutely REFUSE to wear certain things? And they can get so grumpy about it!

      Thanks for sharing. He is gorgeous as always. :)
    6. Funny enough, I'd initially bought the outfit he's wearing for a different doll. I was at a con and when I asked, the seller told me that it would fit fine on my 58cm boy. I didn't have him with me at the time so I couldn't try it on him when I got back to my room. While I was in the sales room, I put my name in for the raffle for Khale on a whim. I got the phone call the next day that I'd won him and when I got home and went to try the outfit on the other doll, I realized then that there was no way in hell it would fit him. But it most certainly fit the brand new doll (and the only doll of that size that I owned at the time) I'd just won. Talk about your happy circumstances.
    7. Wow, it's like he was fated to live with you and to have that outfit! LOL. That's a cute story. :)
    8. He's one of my favourites. Not bad for a doll I had no idea what I'd do with. And while he initially only cost me $10 for the raffle tickets, within days I knew who he was, had bought him the DZ armour hands, a new wig and was scouring the internet for his lover, Fei-Lau (DZ Edward). During the scouring process, I also found his other lover, Sleet (Soom Auber Storm Sprite), in the MP here on DoA. And since having all 3 of them home, I've also found Fei-Lau's brother, Rhas-Khan (ImplDoll Ziv) and his lover, Eilian (SD Rail), whom I'll be saving up for next. And while I don't think I'll bring them home, I have also found the sculpts for Khale's identical twin half-brothers, Isshaul & Qyliah (Mystic Kids Lawrence) and their lover, another brother of Fei-Lau's, Ji-Sun (BBD GenX Nile). This grouping is starting to rival one of my other family grouping in size *sigh*.

      For a "free" doll Khale has sure squeezed a heck of a lot of cash out of my wallet *laughs*.
    9. Iron_Dog ,Interesting story, thank you.
      My dolls are very secretive. They do not tell their stories.
      But, I guess some of them are not people
      • x 1
    10. [​IMG]

      I sew a new coat for a guy)))
      • x 1
    11. He's awesome, useless t! I love the coat. What kind of fabric did you use?

      Also, Iron Dog, I meant to tell you how much I love your boy, too. The wig and the robes are beautiful. (totally belated comment, I fail at keeping up in threads)
    12. No worries. Life gets busy at times and things we mean to do often get delayed while putting out fires (sometimes with gasoline *sigh*).
    13. OkamiKodomo,Usually, I go to the studio and take a "rags."
      I used a tarp, black jersey and faux leather for this coat.
      I plan to make a riveting, pagon shoulders, belt, pockets)))
      Iron_Dog , Most good ideas come to me when I'm in a hurry somewhere and do not have time)))
    14. I succumbed to Leeke's recent SD sale so I've got some heads on the way. This thread (along with several others) have been really helpful in giving me an idea of what might work in terms of bodies and resin matching. Of course, we'll see how much this batch varies from the former ones, but it's given me a little list at least. No idea what body I'll get for my guy though, not 100% settled on what kind of body type he'd have. That said, I'm nervously anticipating their arrival + starting the adventure of finding a body for them.
    15. I was at the Dollism con in Buffalo and fell in love with this kimono that a very nice lady made. Apparently, she buys old kimonos, takes them apart and re-sews them into doll kimonos. how cool is that? While Khale has more than enough clothes, I just couldn't walk away from the con without this one. It is supposed to be for a girl, but I like the pattern on the silk and the colours are neutrals for the most part, which Khale favours. I had to modify the underskirt waist to get it to fit him, but that was easy enough.
    16. Can anyone tell me if there is a Leeke M type discussion thread. I have been looking with no results. Thanks
      • x 1
    17. hi....I purchased 2 leekeworld heads, koji and min, and they don't have any leekeworld markings on them? is that common? they are older heads
    18. Wow Luthigern, sorry I didn't notice before but your boy is gorgeous! He looks wonderful, I really love his faceup!

      Orangecornelius I don't really know about other Leekeworlds heads, my boy is a fairly old one from the original sale of Lionel's I believe, he has the word Leeks stamped in thick letters on e inside of his headcap. But maybe your two are from before they started doing that. Did you buy them from someone or from Leekeworld? I'm not up to date on this but perhaps those moulds just never had any kind of stamp to say where they came from so even the newer ones don't have that'd as its not part of the sculpt perhaps?

      Sent from my Fusion5 using Tapatalk
    19. Arcanesdesires,
      I bought both from the marketplace here on DoA. I sold one on ebay and they are questioning it is real or not. But since I had the koji it was the the same. No markings. So just wanted to ask the forum and see what other people had experienced with the leekeworld heads.

      Thanks for responding.