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Leekeworld L-Type Boys Discussion - Part 2

Dec 18, 2013

    1. my brand new Leeke Christopher head has Leeke stamped inside the head cap. Don't know if that helps at all?
      and whilst I'm here, some Chris spam :D

    2. Hello, I've been stalking the forum for many days, but only just been approved ^^;;;
      I just ordered a Chris head early Feb this year, and I'm just so excited since he's my first doll!! But of course, after finding out that Leekeworld bodies aren't double-jointed, I am deciding to invest in an Akagidoll 66cm type 2 body instead. FINGERS CROSSED!!

      Meanwhile I'll just appreciate everyone else's boys!
    3. [​IMG]

      This is my Rihael. he is awesome, but his head is too long..:( so I cut his forehead by my self. now his head size is pretty fine.
    4. After getting my hands on a Chris head, I've come to realize... his head is really quite huge. A normal 1/3 sized wig won't fit at all, and that's pretty worrying since most of the wigs I have are just nice 1/3 sized (up till 9 inch or so). His head circumference is stated to be 9-10inch, but I'm pretty sure it's 10 inch at this rate :/
      time to comb around for larger wigs I guess!
    5. I just ordered & paid for vampire Rihael head in WS even though I really shouldn't order another while I'm already waiting for other doll to be arrived. T~T Anyone else?
    6. Yes I ordered vampire riheal and khal head too.....Its kinda silly though...I have 2 vampire khals, rose skin with pale face up and a white with dark face up, and one basic khal in ns......wow so who is my favorite sculpt....Khal......so this will be number 4 khal head....:P
    7. I would love to have ordered a Vampire Riheal, but couldn't I just couldn't afford it this time, not even as a head. I hope leeke gives me another chance. Be sure to post pictures of him when arrives Cain421 and vamlest1. Did either you get him with default faceup?
    8. I ordered a vampire Rihael with his default faceup, he was too cute to pass up since I could afford him this time. I have no idea how to post pictures yet, but I should have it figured out by the time he arrives :) I'm still trying to choose a body for him though. I really want an AOD body, but there aren't any pictures to show if the Leekeworld basic skin and the Angel of Dream normal pink skin are close enough, though I have heard it's very likely an okay match. I shall keep researching for a bit longer....
    9. I love Khal, I not ordered because I have two, a vampire and human, they are twins hehehe but this faceup on Khal vamp this time is gorgeous too.
    10. Hey guys! I also ordered a khal vamp head and it just arrived, does anyone know any good matching body for him? I got him in snow skin because I only have Luts and Dolld chateaus here, all bad matches... any suggestions? O o O
    11. If I'm not wrong, I think one of my heads doesn't have a marking, while the other one does. I have a Mihael and a Khal, but can't remember which is the one with the marking. Both are ordered from Leeke.
    12. My Mihael doesn't have any markings at all, but my vamp Rihael and my friend's Khal both have markings. So I think it's probably the same ^_^ It might have to do with when the heads were sculpted?
    13. Yea, I think so! I went to check my Mihael and he indeed doesn't have markings. So I'm going to assume it's my Khal who has markings, and that would make sense, I guess, since Khal is a newer release than Mihael.
    14. Hi guys,

      I'm just curious if Leeke L head can be hybrid to a smaller body like msd body? Will the head look too big on that size of body? I've never owned any big doll before, but Lion head which is currently on sell really hits me so I'm trying to figure it out if I can hybrid him to a smaller one.

      Sent from my X9006 using Tapatalk
    15. An MSD body, definitely not. I have my Lion on a Dollzone 65cm boy body. You could probably get away with a 60cm boy, but definitely not much smaller, and the shoulders would need to be pretty broad to support the size of the head.
    16. Thank you OkamiKodomo! So that 60cm body would probably be the smallest one I can get for him. I'm not used to the big doll, your answer helps a lot dear :)

      Sent from my X9006 using Tapatalk
    17. Hello from newcomer!

      I am some kind of mad man, who has currently three heads of rihael.
      One, perhaps, is well known person. His name is Eli, and now he is with me)
      That is my first photo of him. I think, he is sad to have owner like me XD


      The second is my first Rihael head. I love him very much!


      The third is new Rihael-Vampire head, and his ears were surprise for me, so he hasn't any character now)
    18. Hi everyone! I didn't know there was a Leeke discussion thread >_> I would have joined earlier. Anyway, here's a pic of my Leeke Kyle, his name is Elijah.


      He's on a Doll Family 65cm body. He is shall be my one and only hybrid doll ever.
    19. Wow! handsome boys here!! I have Khals twins