1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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Leekeworld M discussion thread Part 2

Dec 14, 2007

    1. I just got that wig in blond. Your Valentina looks so cute!
    2. Jenniekay - short answer no not really. Longer answer I have seen someone manage it with a large 9-10 inch wig but it took a LOT of pulling and tugging and I think they had to clip the elastic in the end so it's risky. Try looking for Blythe wigs they should fit great :)

      LARA_387 - too cute! your girl really makes me want a Valentina! :D
    3. My poor Carol finally got some camera time today:

    4. Keladry - I feel like giving Carol a hug. I love her pout!

      Requesting pictures of more Leekeworld minis! Here's one of Tino (Leekeworld Lana) that I took recently:

    5. First time showing off my girl, Juri, on this thread :) She's a Leekeworld M-line Mabel on a 2nd Girl Real Body; the ability of the default body to pose is not exactly top-notch and clothing choices are also limited, so I'm planning to hybrid her when I can - probably with a smaller waist and a better bust.

    6. Just wanted to confirm that Leeke's 9/10 wigs will NOT fit the big-headed girls >_<
    7. nyann - Juri is very pretty, and her hair color and style goes really well with her.
    8. [​IMG]
      Mos by Hasel-Anne, on Flickr

      Took Famke into the dunes to photograph her yesterday, I quite like this portrait shot, I fall in love with her over and over again :)
      There are more photo's of this set in my Flickr.
    9. I get My Valentina a couple weeks ago and she has new wig.
      Still not her own Cloth.
      But she is to cute with her big head:D

    10. DajmDumle: I LOVE that wig! It's so quirky and cute.

      Okay, so I've been under a rock with LeekeWorld the past year, and I notice all their main dolls are "sold out". Are they planning to bring them back again, ever?
    11. maybe but theres no guarantee, basically what they are doing is releasing a couple of dolls every order period, these could be new dolls or old dolls, if theres a doll you want I would request a restock from Leeke, they might not give you a date but if enough other people request it then they are more likely to :)
    12. As part of the Winter Event from 28th November -5th December, Leeke are offering pre-orders on the unlimited M-type dolls. (Other types of dolls are also being offered at different times within the event). You can see what's available under the menu DollLeeke(Winterdoll).
    13. Look who came to live with me :)
      She arrived yesterday...yet unnamed but greatly loved.

      Arrived by Estes 'n Anne, on Flickr

      First order of business will bearing. She can't stand worth anything, just collapses into a ball...even after tightening her strings.
    14. Thats a beautifull Ange! Striking how different she is from mine :o

      About the posing, mine is quite floppy but she stands really well, even on uneven floors like forrest leaves. I usually hold her feet and slightly move her upperbody back and forth till I find the balance point, sometimes her knees buckle but not to often :) Goodluck figuring your girls body out! I hope this helps a bit!
    15. Hasel, thank you for the tips! I did end up wiring her, and it works so far.
      It is strange how different our Ange's are...but I just realized they have a similar name! Mine is Babke. And yours, I believe is Famke? Mine is a variation of Baba (as in Baba Yaga). Is your girl's name common in the Netherlands? Or did you dream it up? I love it :)

      I took Babke out in the pitiful little bit of snow we got here (first in years...) And of course she face-planted before we even got a shot!

      Babke in the snow. by Estes 'n Anne, on Flickr

      I posted the rest of the shots in a gallery thread.
    16. Famke actually means girl in Frysian :) As a little ghost she would have lost her name so it felt logical to me (I'm Frysian myself)

      And Babke actually is a real name here to XD although it has multiple spellings, most of the times it's spelled as Bapke ^^ I geuss maybe your girl has Frysian heritage to ;)

      And indeed, I love how different our girls are! Every photo I see of yours makes me want another Ange XD I love her sculpt so much, it's so beautifull in every way :D
    17. I just recently adopted a Leeke Leina on the second body. I love this little girl, esp her chubby cheeks. :) She's told me her name is Hayley.

    18. Oh, I love Famke the little ghost girl. Every time I see her, I want to get another Ange too!!

      Funny thing is...I just had another doll steal Babke's name...last week in fact :( It worked out for the best, because right after she stole it, I learned that a Babke is also a kind of chocolate cake, which doesn't suit my girl at all :) But the other doll....she was SO EXCITED that her name was a kind of Chocolate Cake. Sheesh, dollies :) The girl who stole my Ange's name, tells me Ange's real name is Chessid. And Chessid doesn't argue with that. But I do wonder now what Bapke means in Frysian.

      I took some photos of them together the other day...I must get those uploaded so I can share!

      Welcome Hayley! I like your chubby cheeks too!
    19. It's not a word it's a name, -ke is often put after a sound to make it a girls name in frisian langauge. Babke is derived from Barbera and it means stranger-born in another country. (which is really weird for a frisian name XD ) It's quite a rare name, only 30 girls/woman are named Bapke/Babke.

      Congrats Opal, she's really cute! :D I love her patchwork dress!