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Les Enfants Terribles (LET) heads

May 17, 2017

    1. I want to discuss the Les Enfants Terribles heads by ChocolateDecadence.

      Link to the website:

      Don and Ryan are 1/3 scale and suitable for 65-70cm bodies, fit is best on 10.5cm necks

      Don has a circumference of 19.5cm (7.6inch).

      Ryan has a circumference of 20cm (7.8inch).

      Anyone else who loves these heads and how mature they look?
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    2. Yes! I love Ryan. He reminds me of a much older Cary Grant. He's so lovely and perfect. I shudder at the thought of trying to match that tan though.
    3. @stuartsmycat Yay! I'm glad you like them too :D Ryan is super cool! I think he is amazing, but I really would like to see a picture of a head with faceup because I think it is very difficult to judge him properly when he is blank.

      Should I tell you I have a near perfect match for my tan Don head :D
    4. I adore my Don. I needed an older looking sculpt to shell one of my characters, and Don fit the character amazingly well. When I first saw the sculpt, I knew it was him! I also got him in tan, which is a lovely color. I had custom color matching done on his body, and well, it is off, by a lot, but it's fine since he's a modest dresser. :)
    5. I am very happy to see this thread here :')

      I am the one who paints the face-ups for LET and helps Choco with photos and support.
      We had planned to reveal some painted Ryans already, unfortunately I still have regular commissions that eat up all my time and had no chance yet to take care of Ryan. I already have some concepts written down though ;)
      The finished heads will, like Don, end up for sale then on the website.
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    6. I love those heads very much.
      I bought a Ryan last year. Currently he has no faceup, no eyes and no wig. I'm trying to put him on a 60cm body. I'd like to turn him into an old grey creepy thing! ;)
    7. You probably shouldn't, but now I just gotta know! What company body?
    8. The Ryan sculpt is amazing! I got him earlier this year and put him on a Doll Family-H body. The resin match might not be 100% perfect, and this is my first face-up on a human head, but I'm very happy with him! He still needs eyes, a wig, and clothing. I would like to turn him into a cyborg warrior character. :)
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    9. @UrbanHermit I'm very curious to see your Don. Do you have a picture to show us?

      @Ara That is good to hear :D I am excited to see how you will make Ryan.

      @Follow-the-Wind Uhhh! That sounds like an interesting idea. I'd like to see how he turns out :D What color do you have him in?

      @Juxtaposition Nice! I'm very happy to see a painted Ryan :D He looks very nice and I am very excited about him to be a cyborg warrior :D

      @stuartsmycat Older Soom Brown Tan is a nice match. I have a Soom Dia on a Super Gem body from 2013 in brown tan, and Don matches really good to that body, I think. The body is a little more reddish, but not by much. I do apologize that the light in the pictures is not better, but it still gives an idea. For now Dia and Don will share the body.


    10. I do have photos, but they're a few months old. My good camera is away for repairs. I should be getting it back on Friday, but until then, here's a pic of him from this past winter. He hasn't changed much. Same wig, same eyes, same clothes even, but I do plan to update his outfit soon. It was one of the first I made, making my own pattern and everything, and there's some obvious flaws. Compared to the things I sew now, it's due for an update.
      [​IMG]100_7435 by Debbie, on Flickr
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    11. @UrbanHermit I've seen him on Flickr before; I didn't realise he belonged to you! He looks very cool :D What body do you use for him? You said it was custom color matching, but it was not very good.
    12. It's a Mirodoll 68cm body, which is cheaper than the head was, but a good solid body if you're willing to put a little work into it. When I re-do his outfit, and have him naked again, I'll probably just keep going and get out the restringing tools and the hot glue gun. Another Mirodoll body I have benefited greatly from being restrung and having the gaps in the joints filled in a bit with hot glue. While he can stand on his own, it's a bit scary. I'll upgrade his body eventually after my key characters are all shelled, but for now the Mirodoll body works. It's good to to see the super gem can match.
    13. @Prinsessen I bought him in white skin. That way I will change his color quite easily. Well, I hope it will be easier than my last try! :lol:
      Your Don looks wonderful on your Dia's body. :thumbup

      @UrbanHermit Oh I'm happy to see a Ryan with a face-up! Yours seems to be a tough guy.
    14. @UrbanHermit It's good to know that Mirodoll is a possibility for a cheap body to use. How far off is the custom color?
      When you do have him naked again, can I ask you for a picture of how the head looks on the body? :D

      @Follow-the-Wind That is a very good plan! :D It's just so much easier to blush darker than lighter :sigh
    15. @Prinsessen The custom color is off by quite a bit. I do have some photos in his doll profile where you can see the neck, but as it's a bad match, I've always tried for angles and lighting that hides how bad of a match it is. And I'm not dragging Mirodoll over it. They sent me a photo and even said it wasn't exact and asked if it was okay. I could have very well asked them to try again, but I said it was fine. Technically, it is, because it's not going to show anyway. I could have gotten the body in white and it would have been fine for his character.

      @Follow-the-Wind He's a Don! I considered getting Ryan, but I had already decided on another sculpt for the character he could have shelled.
    16. @UrbanHermit Oh my! I didn't recognize Don :doh
      @Prinsessen That's right! I nearly bought my Ryan tan skin, but I was scared I may not find a body for him. WS can be turned in tan or in grey (or anything else) quite easily :lol:
    17. I love these heads. As much as I like my dainty, pretty boys, I wish there were more like LET.
      I've had a 65cm DZ Mo forever that just hasn't worked out, but I kept it because I like the body. I'm considering getting a Ryan head to see if that works with the body.
    18. @louiselle I am very excited to see how Ryan would look on that body, so if you buy be sure to post the pictures here :D

      I was able to take some new photos of my Don. I know the background is not so interesting, but I was trying to see how well this body poses (Soom Super Gem body with jointed hands).
      He also still needs to have his sword painted and have his own boots (since these belong to another doll of mine)
      His name is Robert "Rover" Hunt Morgen.
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    19. OMG, these are amazing!
    20. @IngieBee I totally agree :P I think the style of these heads are very cool. Do you plan to buy one?