1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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Limhwa Elly Discussion (New 57 Girl from Limhwa)!

Nov 9, 2009

    1. I want Elly! I have the Half-Elf and Human in tan. I'm thinking of getting Elly in NS, but it would be helpful to see her in tan before I order. With Christmas just around the corner, I won't be able to buy a doll till after the holidays so hopefully someone will have gotten her in tan and posted photos by then. I'm always concerned when I order tan dolls. I really like tan, but the "light" tan. I don't like the orange dark tan and you never know what you'll get. I had Luna in tan but when she came, she was the orange dark tan and a lot darker than her sisters here. So I sold her. I think I'd like to get her again in NS. But I will get Elly first. I really love Limhwa's sculpts.

    2. Ah, sigh. Another one gets added to the wish list. She's really a lovely girl. I like the half-elf also, but I like this girl as a human. Both are now on the list, even with the bits of similarity. ;)
    3. The Limhwa International page updated with a new ordering period from Nov 15th to the 30th. There's no option to order Elly yet, but since it just opened, I'm expecting it to update again in the next few days.

      I'm exicted; finally gonna order my Limhwa girl soon!
    4. That's great to know! I guess I'd better get over there and make my order, then! Thanks so much for the information, SpiffyMuffins
    5. Just checked again and it's back to the old ordering period that closed in September. I feel like I'm taking crazy pills; I would have sworn it was open yesterday.

      Maybe they're still updating the site.
    6. Haha you're not the only crazy one, then!

      The main page had said the ordering period started yesterday with new Elly and the Aria girls (and discontinuing Mano, Eva, and Dreaming Half Elf? ;A; ) but I guess updating the site is taking longer than expected (thank goodness, too... I think it's been needing an intensive update) Let's hope it's finished soon!

      ... Even though I have no money to get Elly this period XDD

      [edit] I just checked the main page and the new ordering period is still up, they just haven't changed any of the other pages yet. (Which still means no Elly!)
    7. Alright, at least I'm not entirely crazy!
      You're right, that site's been needing an update something awful. No page for Elly yet, but we've got some time. I hope hope hope that they'll let us order her in tan. I'm set on her now rather than a half elf. And, amazingly enough, I've got the money to order her this time!
    8. I hope they let you order tan resin too! Since I don't have the money to get her right now, I'm counting on you for lots of pictures of tan Elly :D Oh man she's going to be gorgeous!
    9. YAY Elly's ordering page is up!

      You can order her in any of the urethane resin colors (including tan, although it looks like the tanned page hasn't been updated yet :/ ). No French resin this period...

      It looks like there's still a bit of updating needed... The Aria girls aren't up yet either, as far as I can tell...
    10. Hi everyone,
      Sorry for the slow update. What happened was Limhwa got notice that French resin is in low supply at her casting place, so they were checking to see what to do.. anyway, we've decided we can't offer it this time around.

      I'll be making a general announcement tomorrow, since I am still checking on a couple things with the artist. She's discontinued a few things.. which you guys noticed.. but I am asking her if anyone who wants to order a discontinued thing in French resin can still do so, but wait til the supply comes in. Since the Dreaming face will be discontinued, I thought it was a bit unfair to those with French resin dolls to be forced to order it for the last time in urethane, which won't match.

      Whew, so many little details! I really thank you for your patience. I try to get all the details before I open a sale, but this has been a little complicated.

      Last order is now in-flight from Korea.

      More soon, thanks!
    11. Awesome, so excited for more updates and announcements tomorrow. It's my day off too so I'll have time to place my order! Just waiting for the rest of the pages to be updated ^__^

      Thanks for letting us know what's up Catrina!
    12. I love Elly -- and had been thinking of nabbing one -- but had to jump on the dreaming half-elf girl while I could. I'm really glad I saw that discontinuation notice! Whew!
    13. I really love Elly and she is officially on my wishlist now :aheartbea. How long do the ordering periods last for?
    14. Hi, I just got another email from Limhwa but waiting for my translator to read it for me. She will be allowing people to order the discontinued dolls in French resin if they prefer it. I can't read more of what she means.. so please hang on with your questions. I get the emails and run them through Google translate while I'm waiting for the official translation. That's because curiosity gets to me.. it's hard to wait.

      Anyway, we'll be making the announcement later today when I get more info. Thanks much for your interest. We'll extend the sale by a few days to reflect the fact we've had to wait a little for things to shake out.

    15. Hi catrina! Do you know if we can order the half elf in tanning resin this time, as a full doll? I have been looking trough the website, but I can't find where do I exactly. I do own a regular half elf in white resin, but I don't know how to proceed with this specific combination. Thanks a lot!
    16. i think i can help with this one!

      Nanyalin: on the first page of the limhwa website there is a link to the "tanned limhwa 57cm girls".
      it is on the left hand side, thirteenth link button down, right under the the one for the "limhwa 57cm girls".

      this leads to the order page, and at the bottom of said page you have the "choose head and type"option menu. under that menu, right at the bottom , you will find the "limhwa dreaming half elf tanned urethane" option.

      hope this helped.:)
    17. Thank you very much, maitalia!! that was really helpful!
    18. I think Elly is so lovely :) To the wishlist she goes!

      I've looked at the half elf many times, but I agree with what others have said, I like that she is smiling and I love her features (particularly nose and eyes) :)
    19. Even if molds from the same companie look similar, sometimes its that little change that makes one mold more 'right' for a person. I've liked limwha females, but never really enough to WANT one. But now with Elly, I dont know. She just seems to click with me.

      I now have a wish-list that's getting too long lol! I'm going to have to put her on it XP, but I want to wait to see other owners versions of her to see for sure. We all know how it is. You look at a doll, think, "well, she's pretty..but I dont know..."
      Then you're in the galleries and see different versions of the mold and all the sudden, BAM :D! They look totally different and you see what the mold can do. And you fall in love. Oi.
    20. She's a lovely girl for sure, but there don't seem to be many of "Elly" around.