1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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LIMHWA To You Sara discussion part 3

Jun 20, 2013

    1. There are so many beautiful dolls to be seen here! I love these little Limhwa ladies so much, and am proud to present my own! She arrived Oktober 27th.

      She is not quite how I want her to be yet, still a bit of a wip, but we're getting there :)


      Winter is coming by Bella Beltane, on flickr.

      Please meet the little forest spirit Violaire!
    2. She looks beautifull Niiv! I really like her color scheme and all the layers of lace!

      Another pic of my, still nameless, girl :D
      Little Nameless by Hasel-Anne, on Flickr

      She got a new face-up after I slightly modded her face, I have softened the line of her upperlip becaus it looked harsh to me, now I think her face is even more beautifull and I'm quite proud of the face-up, especially her eyebrows :D I haven't succeeded in such cute eyebrows on such a tiny scale before :D
      • x 3
    3. Oh, she's lovely, Hasel! I'm in awe of that delicate faceup on such a tiny face.
    4. dollsfairy, She is so pretty! Her eyes look very vivid in that light.

      My two Saras had fun rocking some new styles at a recent meetup:
    5. Very nice! There are a bunch of nice pictures I've missed!
    6. I have missed a lot of photos too *whoops*

      dollsfairy I love how you have dressed your girl to keep warm in all that snow and allurose I love how your girls decided to dress up for the recent doll meet :)

      I am still having no luck in finding decent adult style shoes to fit my girl *sigh*
    7. @Hasel: Wow, I love your faceup, so detail!
      @allurose: Your tinies are so cute, your star coat is lovely. Where do you get it?

      Long time to see my friends at here, my Little Pea again says to Hi ^^

      • x 1
    8. Very interesting girl! She is very beautiful in that dress!
    9. I wasnt sure if Mari's were also allowed on this thread, but I couldnt find a thread for them specifically ;~; If I'm breaking any rules please let me know and I'll delete my post or something ;w;

      I almost sold my Mari since I got frustrated with her faceup, but recently I picked her up again and gave her a completely new one and I'm so much happier!

      Paeon puts the P in Punk by ★ kalce ★, on Flickr
    10. @NATA: Thank you ^^
      @Nalufel: I love your couple, so cute girls and lovely wig! I think Ashley color is suitable for her :D
    11. [​IMG]

      Fairy ・.*☆ by Niiv.

      I just love seeing all the different little ladies here! So many cute dolls ♥

      I've repainted and restyled my To You Sara, Violaire. She's a wee little fairy now ;)
    12. Wow Niiv! I love the wings you used on her! The faceup suits her look very nicely! :)
    13. i am having the toughest time on finding shoes for my little girl..the last 2 pairs i have had through are not big enough..soooo frustrating
      any ideas for shoes anyone?
    14. Rubyred galleria work well but my problem is not shoes but shoes that are adult looking not baby looking.
    15. Ruby Red Galleria shoes fit perfectly!

      • x 1
    16. Yes me too! I dont really want a pair of cutesy pukifee shoes for her...something flat or heeled i really dont mind but something grown up....
      I really like hose Nalufel, they look lovely and contemporary
    17. Tell me about it *sigh* I have had my doll since 2011 and I still haven't found any decent adult shoes that fit.
      To be honest it is the lack of decent footwear that has rather spoilt my fun with this doll.....