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Loongsoul Muscular 73cm Male Body Discussion Thread

Jan 12, 2013

    1. I have been searching for anyone's comments on the new Loongsouldoll 73.5 cm Boy Body Version 2, and it seems no one has posted anything about it. So here goes.

      The new body has five - yes, 1234 ~ FIVE ~ variously sized penis parts attachable with a magnet.

      You can see the [completely pixelated] image on their website.

      ... any thoughts?
      • x 1
    2. Initial thought: Well no one can say the new loongsoul boy body isn't well-endowed enough ( ' o ')/
      As an afterthought I decided I rather like the detachable doll penis(es) a few companies got going on, it efficiently prevents the awkward tight pants problem you occasionally run into ( ~* 3 *)~
    3. I want to thank you for bringing this to my attention. I am only interested in female dolls so I would have never clicked on that body without seeing this thread.

      I think this pretty awesome! It's a little silly that everything is pixelated, though! A friend of mine joked that it's what the parts actually look like when you get them:lol: Personally I've always like the idea of detachable penises. As sanachii has mentioned, you wouldn't have to worry about it getting in the way when clothed. Swapping it out for different types, though, that is genius. I love the idea of being able to switch between flaccid and erect. Brilliant! I hope to see more companies do this...
    4. It disturbs me, actually...what someone does with their dolls in their spare time is none of my business...but just knowing this exists, for sale, on a mainstream site...damn. I mean, call me a prude, because I rather am, but...yeah
    5. The idea makes me laugh terribly immaturely, then mildly uncomfortable, then swings back to how I'm the person in my family who has seen the most penis because I took nude figure drawing and penises shouldn't be such a big deal.

      Though for all the penis options, the lady dolls don't have a lot of vagina options. Both of the girls I have owned just have like... a line... (though there's another thread on that topic, isn't there?)

      Though while I see the merits of a removable penis for putting on pants and stuff, but I have no idea what to do with 5 penises... I'd be tempted to use one to make one of those flying penis spirits the Romans have.
    6. Well.. I remember getting my first ringdoll and I didnt know about the movable pee pee and I had to run downstairs with him holding it in his hand to show my dad. It was hillarious.

      Im quite intrigued about this bodies multiple parts, I have no idea what I would do with them all. I think if I had one his extra parts would just sit wrapped up with all my other extra resin bits in there box.
    7. this is fascinating! i am quite intrigued with the idea. it sounds totally practical while being slightly odd at the same time. im trying to imagine attempting to explain to my guests why i have random boy parts lying around my room...
    8. I had quite a laugh when I saw this ridiculous amount of "option parts", too. It seems to be the standard with 70cm dolls now, as my spirit doll proud body has 3 "option parts", and both my ringdoll grown and popodoll 68cm bodies have a movable part (the funny thing with the ringdoll body being that this part is strung to the others, so sometimes, when you move an arm or leg, there's movement down there...).
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    9. The funny thing about Loongsouldoll (besides the fact that they did a kinky S&M photo shoot for this body) is that there are FIVE penis attachments. And because the photo is so pixelated it makes you wonder exactly what level of detail these attachments have. But I don't like the new ankle joint (what is up with that weird double joint?) The version A body is more aesthetically appealing to me... although it doesn't have the special attachments...
    10. The ankle joints do look weird, and I'm not too fond of the veins everywhere. I like the original version I have better, even if he doesn't have a variety of boy bits. :lol:
    11. That's a hilarious idea of what to do with the extra bits. You raise an interesting point about the girls. I guess they have a variety of chest parts to choose from...?

      I already thought the old body was too ripped, so meh.
    12. I did not know that about bjd ...are they any other companies that do these to their male bodies o.o? ((now i am very curious))
    13. I want this body SOOO MUCHHH just for the penis parts... I feel like just sitting there swapping penises would be a good time xD am I the only one?? no?? yea?? yea I'm the only one.
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    14. I just ordered this body from Jeeryama (DollsSinging)on EBay. I'm so excited as it should be arriving in the next few weeks. Other than it being very awkwardly sized and hard to find clothes for, I like the more muscular and manly build and the removable parts offer so much in terms of making it easy to put on pants and for photo story fun times ;)
    15. What I wish is that they put the penis swap on body ver.1, I like the body 1 more because he isnt vainy like he just went to the gym and has 8 Octillion abs :< NOT that i am hating on the body, It is still nice in many various ways. Just wish they'd do that :3
    16. I'm so sorry if this is an old thread but I just put down a payment on a layaway for a loong soul Fox Boy and just... I'm really excited! Since he will be second hand, I'm glad he comes with all the special bits. I'll have three BJD characters by this time next year and my 70cm characters are an item. I can only imagine the photo shoots I will have :whee:
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    17. Hey! I was wondering if maybe anyone had the measurement around the neck, and wrist of the 73 cm body

      They're so nice though! What do you guys think about the extra joint in the hips/waist, I hear some people say they love it and others really don't! What's your guys' opinion, or experience with or without it??
    18. The idea is absolutely hilarious. I remember the first time I was on the Loongsoul and Ringdoll sites back in my senior year in High school. I was in my last class of the day and I was on my phone looking at the male bodies to choose. I laughed really loud about the part of the removable magnetic penises. My classmates probably thought I was insane. I'm still trying to get used to the idea of getting one that has removable bit where they are usually sculpted.
    19. This is my biggest worry with my Thunderbull I am getting. I just have no idea what I’m going to do with them :/ so far suggestions have included making fridge magnets, earrings or necklaces using the spare parts.

      I think the worst (in my opinion best) horror story I heard about them was from a YouTube video. Where they spoke about one of the loongsouls dropping their peen in a doll meet and it landing on the floor to roll to freedom.
    20. This thread single-handedly made my night! :lol: