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Lumedoll 30cm discussion part 1

Sep 28, 2010

    1. My Koit arrived today!!!!!! He is STUNNING in person, (the detail on the hands and feet? amazing!). I'll be posting box opening pics in a day or so. But, oh are those of you waiting for christmas to open yours in for a treat :)

      I'm still trying to figure out what kind of wig this little guy is in need of...and I'm thinking I might actually go with 4-5mm eyes if I can find ones I like, (the 5-6mm silicones I have work, but I'd like a smaller iris I think)

      But...squeee! I love this boy!
    2. I will have a proper play tomorrow but they are awesome. So luminous , so graceful and easy to pose. This is all I had time for today. Momoko dresses and tops and skirst fit wonderfull. Blythe shoes are also great
    3. Liv Dolls have started putting out boy clothes in anticipation of their upcoming boy, Jake. These clothes will fit a slim obitsu male. I am hoping they fit these boys as well. I am checking my local stores and will let you know.
    4. It looks like I'm going to have to make a trip to Target.

      I got my boy yesterday, he so cute with his little angry face. He fits Ken clothes perfectly. Well at least the prom tux that I got from Barbie (it's the one with the pink blazer.) The shoes fit also, but they are tight.
    5. My boy fits Ken shorts and tops. Glad to here that he jackets fit too, I just ordered him some from ebay.
    6. He is pretty much Ken sized, just a bit longer in the leg but you may need closer fitting garments for your fabulous idea. Cant wait to see what you do with him.
    7. I am so, so tempted! Does anyone have a picture with a PlanetDoll? I'm sure the heads won't match, but I'd like to see the difference.....
    8. DaisyDayes: Absolutely perfect interactions, as usual! XD Thank you for posting the comparisons!

      richila: I'm so glad they aren't listed as limited, so we have time to figure out payment options. I'm in the same boat as you!

      Could any of you lucky owners post close ups of the male hands? It's nearly impossible to tell from the website what they really look like!
    9. Gah! I dunno how I missed those photos of Jareth, you're in my Flickr contact list! Well, he's gorgeous. :drool Did you do his faceup yourself?

      Are the black gloved hands from an action figure?
    10. Hi All,

      I am in serious want of an Elin but, before I buy, I was wondering if anyone could comment on the posing abilities.

      I am not very talented (or patient) with posing so the easier the doll makes it for me, the better. :)

      Thanks for the help.

    11. Lucas somehow fell into my basket. Poor Jin (Koit) is in for a nasty shock I think.

      They are very elegant dolls Jen. My Kiki (Elin) stands very well. She holds a pose nicely for something so small. I get a bit frustrated with her legs, sometimes they spin so she goes knock kneed and I wish her arms were double jointed so she could touch her own face. Having said that, the resin is ethereal. It just glows, she is so pretty, is easy to clothe and shoe.
      I am very happy with her.
    12. Thanks very much, imajica. That is very helpful.

      Can I ask what skintone Kiki is? She is absolutely stunning.:aheartbea:aheartbea
    13. Well, Gallye, that is all that I needed to push me over the edge.;)

      I ordered Elin this morning. :fangirl:

      Now, a shoe/boot question.

      Any recommendations for suppliers/types?

      In particular, I would love some boots. Shoes would be good too though.

      Thanks again for the help.
    14. I'm seriously considering getting a Koit. I fell for him the second I saw him when he first was released. I plan to have him paired up with another of my dolls in a mostly best buddy way that sometimes turns to a friends with benefits thing. To that end, the character he'll be with is sometimes the size of a 6 year old and sometimes the size of a teen and I wondered if anybody here happened to have a MNF boy and one of these darlings and could take a pic of them side by side.

      I measured 30cm against my MNF and it appears that Koit's head will be about nipple level (which I'm totally fine with as I've another doll couple with that kind of height mis-match), but I'd like to see the actual dolls side by side if possible.
    15. Sorry, I dont have a MNF to compare.

      Blythe shoes /boots fit perfectly Lati yellow shoes also fit her. She is very easy to find things for. Congrats to you Jen!
    16. thanks! sorry t answer the 'glove' question so late! I missed it the first time it was asked, eep!

      the gloves are just the hands he came with (painted)
    17. My boy currently is wearing Monique's Johnny in a 4-5 and it fits perfectly.
      Thanks T4124! I have fur wigs you can try out on your boy-they weren't right for Dima-ie he didn't look like the picture in my head-but the smooth wig really suits him. I also have the Monique 4-5 Johnny in Auburn and Black if you want to try those.
      Gallye Hurray for shipping notices! When did you order your boy?Yes, pictures please!
    18. Oh I'm jealous. I hope I can pay my Lucas off quickly. Must share pics when he arrives.