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Lumedoll 30cm discussion part 1

Sep 28, 2010

    1. My Blaze arrived today! I got him in the light flesh color with the new big muscular body, which is awesome, except that I have no pants that fit him. :lol:

      He's actually got an open mouth and little TEEF oh man I love dolls with teeth. He looks so derpy. I took a couple of quick and absolutely terrible snapshots, the best I could get after dark with a point-and-shoot camera:



      He's borrowing my poor Koit's wig because everything else I have in his size is terrible. The tank top fits him like a dream--I think it's an Azone men's top.
    2. I love that vest! Where did you find jeans-that really look like jeans-I mean.

      Is he wearing the Azone that fits FR boys or the Azone that fits slim obitsu? I bought Action figure clothes for him. He has khakis and a white oxford cloth shirt waiting, along with laceup dress shoes. I am ordering Azone ties tomorrow. He is being frankendollied into a tiny young Pierce Brosnan as Remington Steele. The Lucas head will become Kyohei from The Wallfower
    3. Congrats, Gallye! How exciting. Ok, the wig does look a little out of place on him, I think because of the face up and how light it is. Are you eventually going with a light-colored wig for him? That shirt fits perfectly, though. Too exciting. I need to sell something in my shop so I can pay off my Lucas...

      richila, sounds really cool--I look forward to seeing him. I used to love that show.
    4. The tank top came from this line of Azone male stuff, which looks like the FR size? The shirts fit great, but I have no pants from that line to compare, so I'm not sure if they would work. He does have some bulky thighs going, poor dude. :lol:

      I did some concerted digging in my wig box last night and came up with a light brown Monique Johnny wig which seems to suit him pretty well. It's a little bit of a hair bubble, but not as terrible as some, and the color is definitely better on him. I'll try and take more pictures later today. :)
    5. Yep, those are the eyes Blaze came with! I think they're 6mm green acrylics? Really, when they get that small, the difference between acrylic and higher-end eyes is pretty small. :lol:

      I wrote to Lumedoll to ask about the wigs and clothes shown on the website, and Eva wrote back to let me know that the best wigs that she's found so far for the Lumelights are the 3-4 Glib wigs that MuDoll sells. She also hinted that she's working with a wig factory now and that she hopes to have Lumelight-sized short boy wigs to sell soon--I'm keeping my fingers crossed for that!

      As for Blaze's pants problem (hee) she says that the best fits she's found for the muscular v.2 body so far are clothes made for male action figures by TTL/Toys City and Triad Toys. Apparently TTL pants are skin-tight on the v.2 body and loose on the original body, which is just what I need all around! (She also says that clothing by the Crazy Owners company is too large.)

      Off to spend money! :)
    6. Junkyspot just got some glib wigs in. No short ones, but i am fearless with scissors to get the look I want.
      I bought shirt, slacks and shoes for my guy here. http://www.gijoeelite.com/f_display.asp?strDisplayName=ACIWildToys
    7. richila, the slacks are long enough? They've got some cool things. I really like the men's dress shoes. eBay also has a ton of stuff if you do a search for 1/6 clothing or action figure clothing. Several stores carry action figures and clothing/accessories for them.
    8. Does anyone have any photos of him with other small dolls like Notdoll Pandora or Limhwa ToYou? I have some lonely little girls here.
    9. I got a box full of action-figure clothes in the mail today, and... damn, I could not be happier. This is the best I've done for mature-tiny clothes in ages! I bought everything from Good Stuff To Go, because they're located in the States and could therefore get me my stuff faster. :sweat

      Almost everything I got was TTL/Toys City and ACI Toys--I looked through the Triad Toys stuff but didn't end up getting anything from them.
      - These TTL jeans fit the bigger v.2 body very well, but are maybe a hair too short in the leg.
      - This TTL jacket is pretty sweet, although it kind of slopes over the shoulders where I was hoping for a sharper fit.
      - These ACI jeans are just a tiny bit too big, particularly in the waist, but the detailing is lovely and the belt can be used to rein in the waist.
      - These ACI shoes are awesome and a really good fit, although they gap a bit at the back of the ankle.

      [EDIT:] Whoops, hit 'submit' too soon! I also got this TTL three-piece gray suit, and is it sweet?


      It's pretty sweet. :D

      (My Koit is wearing Taeyang/Ken-sized clothes off Etsy and military boots from Newline Miniatures, for the record.)
    10. Forgive the terrible quick snapshots, I just plunked my Blaze down amongst my bigger dolls and snapped away:
      That's my Lumedoll Blaze with an SD16 boy, an SD13 boy (the one he's standing astride of), an MSD boy, and an SDGr boy hybrid.

      And that's him next to my Kid Delf Bory, who was not impressed.

      I don't have any Yos left, unfortunately, but I hope this helps!
    11. Are they the TTL jeans or the ACI they look great on him. I am worried my incomming Lucas is not going to fit in any of the pants that I have for my Koit
    12. Would somebody be able to take a shot of one of these boys standing with a MNF (or a similar sized MSD)? I'm pretty much sold on Koit to be a character of mine, but a visual of the height difference/proportions would be awesome.
    13. I took a picture of my Koit, PD Dandy and OD Tae together standing. My Tae has been modded to be be shorter-36-37 cm tall rather than 40.
      055 by richila9098, on Flickr
    14. Lucas arrived and my poor Koit was dumped the second Kiki saw those abs!

      Kiki in love by imajica63, on Flickr
    15. Hi gang! After much anticipation, my Lumedoll Arine (aka-Antoinette) arrived on Saturday morning 4/30/11. I had 2 other dolls show up too but chose to open Antoinette first. I must say I was extremely unimpressed with her. Almost to the point of tears. :(

      I ordered her in the medium flesh, real skin resin and paid xtra for the face-up (since her website pix were so lovely). In other words, I ordered her with the works. Her face-up could not have been more basic and she looks nothing like the one Eva shows in her promo shots. To me she looks like a $300 Barbie and I am not bonding with her.

      She came with tiny, bright blue, acrylic eyes which I promptly switched out for a pair of gray glass eyes. The wig I already had.

      She was intended to go with a Dragon Model Jointed horse and be dressed in Victorian riding attire. I had an English Side Saddle custom made for the horse and her but she is about an inch too small in scale to make this work. (Another disapointment)
      I'm going to end up having to re-do her face-up myself. Perhaps I will like her better after that.

      She can wear Barbie clothes but not the shoes. I am still trying to find something that will fit her feet. Eventually, I will make a Victorian outfit for her but for now I have no desire to even look at her. But, you all might want to see her, so here are a couple pix of her and one from Eva's website so you can see my pain.



    16. Oh no, I'm so sorry for your disappointment. I've had experiences like that. The good news is that it can turn around!

      I think at least some of the faceup difference is because of the translucent resin. I have noticed the same type of thing with many companies. Somehow it makes things look lighter and clearer. I'm sure you can compensate for that when you do your own faceup. It sucks that you already paid for one, but in my experience, painting her youurself is a huge step in loving the doll, so it could turn out to be a good thing!

      About the horse scale difference - can you show a picture? Sometimes scale differences come across differently in photos, and it might cause you to see the set differently. I'm sure you know a lot about correct horse size and scale, but to someone like me with absolutely no experience I bet it looks just great. Plus the act of getting everything put together and taking photos helps me bond, always. And I've really been looking forward to seeing your Dragon horse.

      Again, totally understand how you feel. I really hope that fades and you have a better experience. *hugs*

      (How'd the other dolls turn out?)