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Lumedoll 30cm discussion part 1

Sep 28, 2010

    1. My Koit Dima has the real skin
      Original Faceup:
      321.JPG by richila9098, on Flickr

      After I added to it-and changed his wig:
      Dima 3 by richila9098, on Flickr
      I still want to redo his eyes, but I like him much better.

    2. I decided to email Eva and tell her of my heartbreak. I don't know what, if anything, she can do to make it right at this point, but I figured at the very least she should be aware of my disappointment.

      This is the first doll I've ever owned in the translucent (French) resin and it too took some getting used to. She looks like she's made of porcelain. Very pretty actually but I thought she would be a little darker.

      I have never purchased a doll with a default face-up either. I always do my own (and commissions for others) But I liked the photos on the website and thought she would be too tiny for me to do as good a job. So I sprung the Xtra $$ and ordered it too. I have done enough face painting myself to tell you that the translucentcy of the resin has nothing to do with the awful face up I received. I could have applied this tiny amount of paint in 10 minutes!

      Perhaps this weekend I can get some more photos of her with the horse and post them in another thread in the photo gallery. She should be eye to eye with him and she only comes up to his muzzle. He looks like a Clydsdale next to her!

      Thanks for the kind words and hugs. I'll try to fix her up and maybe I'll like her better.
    3. eva has a very gentle, very delicate touch with her paint brush ♥ her work is subtle and gentle. her dolls are hand sculpted with great care and carefully constructed. i know she takes great pride in her work.

      i have an "award winning" lumedoll sitting next to me as i type this. he was constructed and painted by eva.

      andergib: it is unfortunate that you are not thrilled with your doll but, i would attribute that more to your 'expectations' rather than any fault on eva's part.
    4. The doll is very lovely, the resin is smooth and translucent and she looks like she is made of porcelain. I am by no means upset with the quality of the materials nor do I think that my expectations were anything more than what I had seen on the Lumedoll website.

      What I am unhappy about is the face-up. I have had several PMs about this and every single person has all said the same thing, "is that the same doll?". My frustration is that now I am going to have to re-do her face-up myself and I paid to have her look like what I saw on the website.

      And with that said, I am heading to my studio to repaint her.............News at 11.
    5. it is not 'the same doll', if the doll shown on the website is 'not french resin'. the paint "will" be different.
    6. Cat, did you actually look at the comparison pics that andergib shared? While I can concede that a face up will look somewhat different on a different resin, the style of face up isn't even the same. The brows are the biggest giveaway--the ones on andergib's doll are almost straight while the ones on the website pic are nicely arched. There isn't any visible blushing around the eyes on andergib's doll. It's not just that the face LOOKS different because of the different resins, it's that eva did a completely different face up on the doll than the sample she showed on the website and it looks unfinished, in my opinion. if she's going to do a different face up on the french resin, she really ought to put a sample pic up of the different face up, otherwise it's misleading.
    7. lady artisan: i did just go and 'take that look' . ♥ i suppose the 'variation' did not bother me as 'art' and 'cookie cutter' are not synonymous in my book.
    8. Ah, well, "art" and "bland" aren't synonymous in my book. "Art" and "quality" are, however, and I think the quality of the face up on the doll that was received is rather inferior to what was represented on the website. But, we obviously disagree about that.

      Look, fact is that eva represented one style of face up on her website and sent a different one. Whether we agree about the quality of it or not isn't the issue, really. The real issue is that the customer expected one thing and received another so she's dissatisfied. And the customer's expectation was set by the sample eva posted on her website not by some fabricated assumption that she would get something the artist doesn't do.

      No one's arguing with you about the overall quality of eva's dolls or her talent. Andergib is just expressing her disappointment at the quality of the face up she paid for and, based on the photos she's shared, I have to agree that eva's "subtle and gentle" touch are vastly different from the rather exquisite looking face up she's got posted on her website for this doll.
    9. Ok everyone, please calm down. It's not the end of the world. After all I started out my doll painting career doing repaints on Barbies almost 15 years ago. I just didn't think I had wanted to do this one because I had grown so accustomed to the larger resin dolls. BUT! Never fear my dears!!! GiGi has once again come to the rescue! (My own this time)

      I haven't applied her upper lashes yet, or glossed her pretty lips, but I am finally starting to fall in love with her! Once I get her make up finished, and Victorian outfits made for her, she will finally take on the persona I had planned for her.




    10. No, but what is the point of having a face-up shown on the website if the one you do for your dolls does not resemble it even slightly. The website face-up looks as if it was done by a completely different artist. As mentioned, the eyebrows are arched, the eyes aren't blushed and there is much more blushing to outline the nose, lips and general features. I love the face-up on the website, but would not pay for the face-up Andergib was sent. I was thinking of buying Arine but waited to see what she looked like in person. I'm glad I did. Luckily Andergib was capable of redoing the face-up. It is fine if the artist wants to do minimalist face-ups, but she should let the buyer know that is what they are getting. It is very misleading. In fact, far from art, the face-up that was given was cookie-cutter - the whole face lacked any style or personality.
    11. Just wanted to post a quick update here. Lumedoll has issued me a refund for the face up and all's well that ends well! I will post more photos of Antoinette as I develope her character. Thanks for all your compliments on her "Extreme Makeover".
    12. I love the real skin resin as well, but alas, Eva just informed me that, ....."I also plan to discontinue the Real Skin resin type as it has become very difficult and time consuming to work with." She did not indicate if this last run in March would be the final one of when she would be discontinuing it.

      Perhaps, if there is enough interest here she may reconsider..........
    13. Has anyone tried beveling the eye wells so that the eyes fit closer?
    14. I really think Johnny looks best with his chest showing *wink, wink*
    15. LOL Johnny & Kiki look great in their loft. Poor Koit!
    16. I have something I'd like to try with a Koit, but I'm not sure it would work. I'd originally wanted to put hooves on a Koit, but the little devil has changed himself up on me and now wants dragon legs *sigh*. I'd be looking at modding a pair of Alk/Yrie legs/feet for this and I have the measurements I need for those. I now need some dimensions for the legs of the Lume Light boy and figured somebody here might take pity on me and provide them.

      I need the circumference of Koit's upper leg, specifically mid thigh and just above the knee. I also need the length of his lower leg from knee to foot so I can figure out if the size difference between Koit's lower leg and the Alk/Yrie leg/feet would be acceptable. If it's foreshortened too much, the idea is off. If the size between the two parts is too much, the idea is off.

      Can anybody help me out here?
    17. Hi guys, just spamming my new little guy who I found on ebay.
      his new clothes just arrived so I thought it was time for his debut,
      meet Cameron he's a tan skin Blaze

      his skater guy look

      in his army parka

      and wait for it....

      here's the six pack shot :aeyepop:
    18. Hi everyone! I have a large bust Arine and a slim-figured Lucas on order, so I've been looking for clothes for them. I talked to Eva last night, and she gave me some details about what clothes Lumelights can fit into. I thought I'd pass this on for future reference:
