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Lumedoll 30cm discussion part 1

Sep 28, 2010

    1. New Line Miniatures has a slim cut jean that fits and I love their motorcycle boots on my Koit.
    2. Hi all. I'm in the midst of commissioning a wardrobe for my incoming Arine [small bust], and I got some information from the seamstress about the size of the Lumelight girls as compared to Momoko, Pullip, Obitsu and Liv dolls. She was using the measurements on the sales page as a basis.

      She says:

      Just thought this might help others....

    3. Am joining this thread because I have just brought home Lumedoll Koit (slim body) & Blaze (muscle body)- I adore both their sculpts, they are very different boys! Both are wearing Ken board shorts- a perfect fit for Koit, a tight fit for Blaze (which actually really suits him lol) but he can't sit down without popping the back fastener :sweat .
    4. Can someone tell me about the poseability of the Lumelights? Do they stand and sit well? Do their wrists co ck and stay cocked? Can they hold their arms out to their sides, or do they need wiring?

    5. Sorry, I got your email, but school just started-i am way behind. My Koit and Blaze stood out of the box.
      Dima 1 by richila9098, on Flickr
      Click on the picture to get the set of my boy, Dima. The only thing I have added to him is his wing and more color.
    6. So far, Gunari (Koit) has been an excellent little poser. He's rather steady on his feet and stays where I plonk him. I haven't had time to play with him much though and I did get him 2nd hand although I don't believe he was re-strung and he has no sueding/wiring.
    7. Takhisis your Cameron looks great :aheartbea I especially like his wig!

      Both my boys sit & stand beautifully- their joints are smooth & not 'kicky' at all. My Koit cannot hold his arms out to the side, but Blaze can hold one arm out...both boys have excellent wrist mobility, ie. they can hold their wrists at a 45 degree angle away from the body- hope this helps :) Here's a pic:

    8. I must be getting more familiar with his posing :roll: but here is Koit with his arms out from his sides at 90 degrees (no sueding or wiring, just a gentle rotation of the joint in the socket):


      Pose was very easy to attain :)
    9. Hey all!

      My suntan realskin Elin just came home today, and I am super thrilled with her! Already plotting to get her a boyfriend! :X

      I was wondering if anyone here has found clothing options for their girls besides Barbie clothes? Or patterns that they like? :)
    10. Ahhhhh, Nope. Barbie stuff fits great! But I am having porblems finding shoes. Action figure shoes are HUGE! Not even close to fitting. Gonna try a pair of Blythe size boots next. And if those don't work, I may just have to cast her feet and make my own shoes for her. (Dread~I hate working that tiny)




    11. MysNiin-
      Did you get the large bust girl? My Arine (aka "Libby") is a large bust and she seems to fit perfect into the Barbie "Limited Edition" type clothing. I can't imagine "regular" Barbie stuff not fitting, but so far all I have purchased for her was the higher-end outfits from Limited Edition dolls. I do have to take her hands off though when putting on long sleeves. And she has the same problem with the gloves as the shoes. Poor Libby has pudgy hands and feet compared to unrealistic fashion girl.

      I also purchased for her a 12" male action figure "companion" which looks in scale and fabulous by her side!
      I finally found a pair of Blythe boots that I like well enough for Libby's period look. If those don't work, I also thought of possibly purchasing a pair of HH feet from Dollmore (for their 12" dolls). Another investment but maybe worth it if it allows her to wear fashion doll style shoes.........
    12. I got an AbFab deal here on DoA for a pair of Dollmore feet for Libby. They arrived Monday and fit great! Resin doesn't match at all (as I expected) but with stockings and shoes on, no one will notice. Just waiting for her boots to get here from Thailand. I hope this is the trick to getting this girls shod finally! LOL

      Will keep you all posted........
    13. Hiya!

      Just got a Lumedoll Blaze (second hand) and now I'm wondering: where to get shoes for him? I have a pair of boots here that fits and kinda - doesn't fit. They're more like kids' boots, i.e. made for Yo-SDs and as nice as they are - it shows, proportion-wise, if you know what I mean. Also, as for clothes, would Ken-sized clothes fit him? Especially pants, I got enough hand-knit pullovers to last him for quite a while. ;)
    14. Action figure shoes should fit him. I believe Ken's clothes are too short for him but you might find some that would work alright. Again, some of the action figure clothes fit and you can find them all day long on ebay under 1/6 scale or action figure clothes. I think there are more suggestions, too, if you read back through this thread for specific companies that sell the right size.
    15. I was hoping the action figure clothes would fit. There's some really nice ones out there. Thanks for the quick answer!
    16. I found some squishy blue Ken thongs that fit the boy's feet perfectly- the hard plastic Ken shoes don't fit. Here's some spam of my Hikaru (slender body) in Ken jeans, shirt & beanie (the turtleneck belonged to a girl doll, not sure whom, sorry!)

    17. I dunno if it's been posted here but for shoes, New Line Miniatures got some really nice ones. I can confirm that the pirate boots (they're awesome!) and the dockers fit these guys here.

      Also, Dollsfigure clothes are a good fit for the muscular body, so I guess they'll also fit the slender body. The shoes don't, though - they're hard plastic - but I already guessed as much. The prices are reasonable and they got some neat clothes (anyone wanna go Matrix with their Lumedoll guys, that's the place where to get Neo's coat. :D).

      Another question: I'd like to put different S-hooks in my boys' hands and feet. Nothing really wrong with the S-hooks they currently got, I'd just like to go for some with larger "s-loops" cos I'm using pretty thick elastic for the legs and the ones they got are kinda hard to hook around it. So I'm looking for ones that are a bit larger than the current ones and that I can bend into shape a little. I just don't know what size to get ...?
    18. My camera seems to have gone on strike *mutters* so despite wanting a MUCH better shot of Gunari (Koit) this is what I have to share and what I'm pretty jazzed about. Gunari is a half-dragon and I'm seriously considering getting him so wings even though I've written his character as not having them because I think it'd look awesome on him.

      Angel Toast is the one who did his gorgeous face up and mods. He's got Soom Alk/Yrie legs & feet modded to fit his knee joints. She did all the modding to the Soom parts so he can still wear his original legs if I wanted him to.