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Lumedoll 30cm discussion part 1

Sep 28, 2010

    1. [​IMG]

      Tan Koit elf with Soom faerie Metato. We're still waiting on his wig (China) and for the weather to warm up and stop raining so he can get his face painted. :3
    2. tygati Metato's wings are gorgeous! I was over in the sewing and crafting forum and saw a tutorial/ project journal on making a doll-sized recreation of Jareth's costume from Labyrinth, and started thinking how cool it would be to have a doll to make freaky fantasy armor for, and about the character I want my Lucas to be. I nearly died from the awesomness of the idea of having my own dark knight. And no, the character is not Batman, he's just got the fan nickname of "Chinese electric Batman".
    3. I don't know if any of the clothes for GI Joe or action figures would work for you. I guess its mostly contemporary, but some of it might work for you. Tonner's Victor Dreary might have a few things too.
    4. I need help. I was under the impression that size 4 wigs would fit Koit, since they fit my Soom minigem, but it arrived and it absolutely refuses to stay on his head. :( So now I'm looking at Monique, but I'm not sure if I should go with a size 4 since Monique is usually stretchy (at least in the larger sizes) or go with a size 4/5 and risk it looking too big. :/

    5. Parabox size 4 are a tight fit for my Koit- I use double sided tape to keep it on his head- it's not easy to get on, but once it is, it stays on! However this might not be ideal for you if you want to swap wigs fairly often :/ I would go with the Monique size 4 because of the extra stretch- with size 4-5 an extra inch on his small head will look like a lot imho. Good luck :)
    6. Another Koit Elf! \o/ Kaith will be thrilled to have a pale cousin. <3

      Is anyone else baffled by Lumedoll's eye sizes? Koit's sales page states he takes 6mm eyes, but my Soom Metato takes 6mm eyes and they're WAY bigger than Koit's defaults. @_@ Confuuuuused.
    7. Thanks tygati! I do like both your tiny but mature boys! Eugene is not too far from me as I'm just east of Vancouver -cool!
      I too am confused about the eyes -on the website it states the eyes are custom made. I used to have an Arine and her eyes were the oval flat backed style. I have not found any like them as 6mm is hard to find!
    8. Oh how awesome! I know where Camas is. ^_^ Maybe we can meet in the middle after you get your boy and let them socialize. ;)

      I'm going to take some careful measurements and see about ordering some eyes. I found this awesome spot that makes eyes down to 4mm, which is what I suspect Koit's are given how much smaller they are than official-bought 6mms.
    9. The eyes are 6mm. If you get anything else it isn't going to look right. I have measured the eyes and they are exactly 6mm. Stray at your own risk :sweat

      Kurogane- The eyes in the promo photos are albino eyes which are a red color.
    10. V chan -The eyes are red? Humm, they sure look orange/gold on my monitor, lol. I like them no matter the color -I'll be happy with what ever I get as they are in scale and look marvelous.:)
    11. I've been to a couple Portland meets. We went to the Zoo twice, and the Chinese garden, and a corn maze. ^_^ It was fun.

      You sure about that eye size, V chan?


      Supposedly, both of these boys wear 6mm eyes, according to their sculptors. However, Soom's idea of 6mm is about twice the size of Lumedoll's 6mm. >.>;;

      ... it's got to be a difference in eye manufacturer. Must research further.
    12. They sure are! I was helping Dollist out the other day and saw them in person! I also measured the eyes even though I knew they were accurate per the site. They are so awesome and in scale! I don't know how she finds all the time to be so creative!

      Tygati- Yeah...I mean why wouldn't the site be accurate? She does make all the dolls by hand. I measured them XD you can check yours if you still have doubts. Or order a different size if you want at your own risk. The choice is yours!:daisy

      Edit: if you measure te eye corner to corner it's 6mm however the iris is 2mm. Is that where the confusion is?
    13. How the manufacturer chooses to measure the eyes varies greatly, I have found. For example, I have a pair of oval shaped Tallina's 8mm Acrylic Eyes which measure 10mm horizontally and 7mm top to bottom. It's always beneficial to be aware of manufacturer quirks when ordering eyes, especially when ordering eyes as small as these! A person may need to order 5mm from one company, or 7mm from another.

      Here are my two boys in close-up:


      Part of the difference is clearly in the iris size. Lumedoll irises are smaller in comparison than more 'typical' proportioned doll eyes. I also took my Koit's eyes out after taking this picture since I have to paint him anyway, and the eyes he arrived with measure almost exactly 5mm edge to edge. Since these are all handmade, there is some variation to be expected. For stylistic purposes, if I was going to order traditional eyes for my boy, I would probably get 5mm so that the iris didn't take up the entire eyesocket. However, since Kaith is blind, I will probably go ahead and get the 6mm to fill in the tiny gaps.

      ... I kind of wish he wasn't blind, honestly, because these little eyes are exquisite. ^^;

    14. You do have a point it can very especially with iris sizes but we've found that 6mm scelra does work the best with them. You're saying your Koit eye's edge to edge are 5mm? I'm going to have to recheck all the heads now to see if there is a 1mm difference due to mold shrinkage. First time we've run across this! But yes, the irises do run smaller since it looks better in our opinion. Out of curiosity what are the iris sizes of the doll to the left?

      He's blind! Oh no! Those blue eyes are so pretty XD I can't wait to see how he looks when he's all painted up! What kinda style are you going to do him in?
    15. Faceup! \o/

      Slightly uneven eyebrows, but considering I normally paint 9-inch heads, I'll live with it. Temporarily wearing beads for eyes which are far too large but the only other ones I had were too small, and now I feel like Goldilocks. >.>

      What I'd really like are a pair of white eyes with iridescent glitter and a pearlescent shine but I know that's never going to happen. :/ I don't know what it is about Kaith, but big Kaith gave me just as much trouble, if not moreso.

      We're also still having wig issues. -__- DD-Anne 4in wigs won't stay on his melon-noggin, Monique 4in wigs fit but the colors look different in person than in pictures and they don't make the style I want in the color I want. *grump*

      According to the fabric tape I keep on my desk, yes, they measure 5mm edge to edge. I didn't mean to cause trouble for you, especially since I'm not even using the eyes he came with! ^^;;

      The doll on the left (Soom Metato) has irises that measure 4.5mm, as near as I can tell without taking them out of his head because they were a PAIN to get in there and I'm not taking them back out again unless I find him a better color in their itty-bitty hard-to-find size. >.> I think this is why I'm an SD girl. Lots available. :3

      I do rather want another 1/6 like these two though. They're just so elegant in their tininess. I was sorely tempted by the latest Lumelight release, but Koit is the only one with elf ears. ^^;
    16. He looks great tygati. Your pictures are making me impatient! I know, I gotta wait, lol. ;)

      I too have trouble with wigs in the smaller sizes. They usually are way off scale and look huge -not to mention the lack of styles for boys. I have been looking up various wig making tutorials and am going to attempt to make my own. Thankfully for me, the smaller the size the easier it is for me to make as I'm used to dollhouse miniatures. I splurged and got a face up as I wanted my Koit to look great (normally I do my own face ups to save money). I am going to sew his outfit myself. I got some vintage silk scarves to use so the fabric is thin and drapes well. If the wig idea doesn't work out, I'm thinking of tying a bandana on his head!
    17. There are three new on-topic sculpts: Kiran, Helena, and Fionn

      Link to the news thread here

      It's so wonderful to see the new sculpts released and three new resin colors as well. :)
    18. Oh, heck yes. One ebony-skinned Kiran is joining my Lumedoll Light herd right now. :D

      I hope the urethane resin doesn't look too odd next to my older translucent-resin boys!
    19. Oh, they're beautiful. *__* I so do not need a new doll right now, but, but...

      That little sleeping guy is so cute, and Kiran has gorgeous bedroom eyes. <3 <3

      Does anybody remember where Lumedoll keeps her resin color chart? I could have sworn I saw it recently, but now I can't find it and I'm wondering about the tans... and Zombie. o.o There's already a white, and a grey, so... is it green?

      Edit: Found the tan resin comparison. Still no idea what Zombie is.