1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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LUTS Product Review

Nov 3, 2012

    1. * What did you order?
      Zuzu Delf Lio with faceup

      * When did you order?
      Feb 19 2015

      * Was the quality appropriate for the price, in your opinion?
      Definitely, though the shipping was pricey.

      * Did the item look like the sales pictures?
      I had asked them to make the face-up a little lighter if possible, so it looked a little different, but that's exactly what I wanted. It was even better than I expected.

      * Were you satisfied with the product?
      Very much so.

      * Tell us some of the positives and negatives about this product (optional)

      Positives: Aside from the doll itself being pretty much perfect, it shipped very quickly! In fact the arrival surprised me because it was much, much quicker than the estimate.
      Negatives: The magnets on the tail were weak and it kept falling off so I had to get extra ones. I also got extra ones for the ears so they would be more stable with a wig on.

      * Would you buy more from this company?
      • x 1
    2. * What did you order? Tiny Delf Elf Dorothy in Real Skin Brown
      * When did you order? It took about 5 weeks from order date to arrival at my house
      * Was the quality appropriate for the price, in your opinion? Superior quality!
      * Did the item look like the sales pictures? Even better!
      * Were you satisfied with the product? Absolutely!
      * Tell us some of the positives and negatives about this product (optional) They sent me, not just 1 "event" wig, but 2! Plus, and outfit for FREE!
      * Would you buy more from this company? Definately!
    3. * What did you order? Delf Aragorn, Senior Delf Abadon, Delf Moon (second hand), Kid Delf An

      * When did you order? Beginning of the year, July and somewhere on September.

      * Was the quality appropriate for the price, in your opinion? Absolutely, all of my luts boys pose amazingly and their bodies look great, they are sturdy and have no issues that I can easily notice when comparing them to my other bjd. I love their bodies and possibility. I think what I love the most about luts is their consistency and I hope their quality never drops like it happens with some BJD companies.

      * Did the item look like the sales pictures? Yes and no, the bodies look exactly the same as the sales pictures but their heads tend to have a lot of lighting manipulating. My Aragorn actually has marks around his eyes that I love and are precious as it makes him look like he could have dark circles with the right make up, but in the pictures they don't show at all. My Abadon has very asymmetrical eye sockets, you can EASILY notice that one eye is bigger than the other by quite a bit but you don't see it in the pictures.

      The differences were not deal breakers at all, but you can tell they didn't want to show it.

      * Were you satisfied with the product?
      Yes, I don't have four luts for nothing! Or some bodies in layaway! I really love their bodies and heads.

      * Tell us some of the positives and negatives about this product (optional)

      Great sculpts
      great bodies
      FREE tan color
      amazing costumer service
      great posers
      variety of bodies

      Their pics tend to be manipulated for no reason
      you have to pay extra for having double jointed knees and elbows with some bodies
      Will like to see a wider variety of hands

      * Would you buy more from this company? Yep! I can't wait to buy from luts again!
      • x 2
    4. * What did you order?
      Delf Aragorn
      1x Wig
      1x Pants

      * When did you order?
      19 - 09 - 2015

      * Was the quality appropriate for the price, in your opinion?

      * Did the item look like the sales pictures?


      * Were you satisfied with the product?
      I was satisfied with the doll and the pants

      * Tell us some of the positives and negatives about this product (optional)

      I was told that Delf Aragorn wig size was 8-9 inches. So I bought a wig fitting that size. I get the wig and doll and the wig is to small. I contact the compant they apologised once re checking and it was 9-10 inchs . but they were very kind and gave me a refund (via their points) and I was able to keep the wig

      * Would you buy more from this company?

      Yes I would

      • x 1
    5. * What did you order? SDF Karis with default faceup
      * When did you order? May 15th, arrived to me June 27th
      * Was the quality appropriate for the price, in your opinion? Yes!
      * Did the item look like the sales pictures? Exactly :3
      * Were you satisfied with the product? Very much so
      * Tell us some of the positives and negatives about this product (optional) I ordered the single jointed body without looking at my order options, and they allowed me to change the body 2 weeks after they confirmed my payment so awesome customer service such a pleasant experience.
      * Would you buy more from this company Absolutely! I already have too, will put the details of my other purchase in another post
    6. * What did you order? Luts MDF Annette with faceup B
      * When did you order? July 4th, arrived to me October 20th. She took longer because their rainy month occurred during my order production time. I asked them specifically and they gave me that answer, and the rainy month is something they disclose on their site so it was not an unexpected addition to my wait time.
      * Was the quality appropriate for the price, in your opinion? Yes! Love those Type 2 joints
      * Did the item look like the sales pictures? Almost! everything was spot on except for the lips, the lips were not as pictured on their site. Since then they had chipped and I had them repaired and am much happier with her look now. Below is the before and after to show how lovely her lips really can be.
      * Were you satisfied with the product? Yes for everything except the above mention about the lips not living up to their photos
      * Tell us some of the positives and negatives about this product (optional) Again Luts had to deal with me changing my order after confirming payment, I wanted the SD event head and I thought I qualified but didn't (because shipping costs don't count towards that total) and they let me add her heel feet parts to get me to the qualifying price!
      * Would you buy more from this company Yes yes I love them so much, i don't have plans for any others right now but I would love to support this company.
      • x 1
    7. * What did you order?
      I ordered an ear cuff (#4 on the website), the Union wappen set, and a Bible.

      * When did you order?
      January 16th, 2016

      * Was the quality appropriate for the price, in your opinion?
      Yes. The wappen set was all embroidered, and embroidery can be a landmine for screw-ups. I saw none. The other two items were perfect as well.

      * Did the item look like the sales pictures?
      The Bible and the ear cuff both looked like they did in sales pictures. The wappen set pieces were a lot bigger than the pictures depict.

      * Were you satisfied with the product?

      * Tell us some of the positives and negatives about this product (optional)
      Everything was as pictured on the website and in good shape. The single thing that was most problematic for me was the size of the wappen set pieces. My doll is MSD-sized, but the badges look like they're meant for an SD-sized doll. That might look a little silly on Johnny, but I can let it ride. The Bible has real little pages inside, and the pages are all printed front and back, but I can't read it because it's in Korean! LOL, I know that it was single-minded of me to think it would be English, but it was still a surprise to open up that Bible and see Korean writing. Also the little Bible may be a bit large for Johnny, but Bibles run in all sizes so that's not a big deal.

      * Would you buy more from this company?
      I intend to, yes. I like their products, and I like their customer service. I go over their customer service in that thread.
    8. I purchased second-hand, but I'm very happy with the product, so I wanted to leave a review of it. :)

      * What did you order? TDF Kai centaur
      * When did you order? n/a
      * Was the quality appropriate for the price, in your opinion? Yes. I don't remember for sure what their original price was exactly, but the ballpark range I do remember seems like it was appropriate
      * Did the item look like the sales pictures? yes
      * Were you satisfied with the product? very
      * Tell us some of the positives and negatives about this product (optional)
      I am very pleased with Luts resin. It looks great, and is very solid, especially considering some of the very, very small parts. I'm not worried I might break something.
      Construction is very, very good. I have Soom centaurs, and I love them, but the TDF centaur can hold a pose much better than the Sooms. It also has better locking mechanisms in the leg joints and torso parts - Soom does have them as well, but the notches seem to be deeper, and therefore more stable on the TDF.
      All in all, very, very stable construction.

      The arm elastic seems a little small. Or not stretchy enough. Or something. I realize that it needs to be small since the arm parts are so small, but it doesn't have quite as much stretch as I'd like. (easy fix though)
      Resin tail seems a little loose. The magnets are strong, but the hole for the tail is just a tad bigger than the tail part itself, so it wiggles around a bit. But again, not a big deal, as again, the magnets are strong.

      * Would you buy more from this company? Yes! :D
    9. * What did you order?
      Steampunk set Welcome to LUTS - Ball Jointed Dolls (BJD) company

      * When did you order?
      End of October

      * Was the quality appropriate for the price, in your opinion?

      * Did the item look like the sales pictures?

      * Were you satisfied with the product?

      * Would you buy more from this company?

      Pictures of the product: Iris
      • x 1
    10. * What did you order?
      Kid Delf Aronia with faceup, normal KDF body, and wig

      * When did you order?
      October 20, 2016

      * Was the quality appropriate for the price, in your opinion?
      I think so. I will admit to being brand new to the hobby, so it seemed like a lot of money to spend. But in comparison to other brands, I think the price is right where is should be.

      * Did the item look like the sales pictures?
      Yes, pretty much identical!

      * Were you satisfied with the product?
      Completely. She looks perfect and came in perfect condition.

      * Tell us some of the positives and negatives about this product.
      The faceup is gorgeous, just like they showed her in the company photos. The wig I got (KWD - 78) is thicker than it appeared to be in the photos, but that is more neutral fact. I don't mind! The body seems to maybe be strung a little tightly/has a kicky quality to it, but that is minor and fixable.

      * Would you buy more from this company?
      I am already planning on it!
    11. * What did you order?
      KDF Darae with faceup, body blushing, wig, eyes, dress, shoes.

      * When did you order?

      * Was the quality appropriate for the price, in your opinion?
      This is my first BJD so it's a bit hard to judge, but I definitely have no problems with the quality.

      * Did the item look like the sales pictures?
      More or less. The wig and dress in the promo pictures are no longer available. I know that it's not being sold as a fullset, but it's a little bit annoying for them to be advertising something that you can't actually buy.

      * Were you satisfied with the product?

      * Tell us some of the positives and negatives about this product (optional)
      Positive: Everything seems well made, faceup is beautiful, and the doll stands and holds poses just fine. Clothes seem well made and fit very well.
      Negative: I've not seen anything that I don't like.

      * Would you buy more from this company?
    12. * What did you order?
      SD Karis w/ Boy Type 3 body, silicone headcap, face protectors
      * When did you order?
      Late December through MoC
      * Was the quality appropriate for the price, in your opinion?
      I feel awful saying this but...not entirely no.
      * Did the item look like the sales pictures?
      No. The body itself looked like the photos. The trouble with the Karis head (and you can see this by searching the forum for posts about Karis) is he doesn't look the same. Honestly, I find it hard to believe that the sculpt they show in the main photos for Karis is even the same doll. If you search Luts's website for Karis you'll see other face-ups for Karis which are more in tune with what I see in the sculpt and from others who have bought Karis with default faceup, but you don't see these photos on Karis's buy page. That's extremely misleading for a lot of people sinking this much money into a doll. You expect to buy what's on that buy page as the default images of this doll and yet what you get is something entirely different.
      * Were you satisfied with the product?
      No. On top of the fact Karis's buy page is extremely misleading, the quality isn't what I thought it would be. If I had gotten this doll in the mail first over my Loongsoul doll then I'd probably believe in this one more. But I have something to compare it to that has smooth resin as opposed to Luts's gritty texture, that has undetectable seams as opposed to Luts's obvious seems on a NORMAL SKIN body, that has REAL double jointing that functions as a double joint as opposed to Luts trying to claim this body is double jointed when it has no more functionality than a single jointed doll. I only own two dolls, but I know what is capable thanks to my Loongsoul doll and it's made my Luts doll that much more disappointing. I love my doll because of his character, but I'm legitimately angry at Luts's quality and the lack of justice it does to this character. Not to mention the proportions are bizarre. The 1/3 head size seems to suit their Senior SD and Super Senior better. Putting the standard 1/3 head on an SD just makes him look like a bobble head. Not to mention the default hands are these GIANT, undetailed catchers mits with these fat sausage fingers. They look like they were sculpted out of play dough. I'm just shocked.
      * Tell us some of the positives and negatives about this product (optional)
      This is one of the few companies with a 1/3 size doll that doesn't have rippling muscles. I want a thin, lithe boy and Luts has that. I just wish the doll quality was up to par. The way these dolls are strung too makes it easier to restring or tighten/loosen only the areas that need it. That's a pretty cool function to be honest.
      * Would you buy more from this company?
      Unlikely. The only thing I feel Luts has going for them is their variety and the quality of their clothes and wigs. Overall the quality of the dolls just isn't up to par with what it should be.
    13. * What did you order?
      KDW-88 (Carrot) wig, KDW-88 (Milky Blond) wig, KDW-244 (Carrot) wig, 14MM VIOLET eyes and 14MM PEARL BLUE eyes

      * When did you order?
      17-04-2017, arrived on 24-04-2017

      * Was the quality appropriate for the price, in your opinion?

      Absolutely! The wigs are incredibly soft and the eyes are a lovely colour

      * Did the item look like the sales pictures?

      All of the wigs looked exactly like the sales photos, as did the pearl blue eyes, but the violet eyes were a little off. The colour was much darker in the product I actually received

      * Were you satisfied with the product?

      Most definitely

      * Tell us some of the positives and negatives about this product (optional)

      -Wigs were incredibly soft and colours were true to pictures
      -All products were nicely and safely packaged
      -The curled wigs came nicely curled and not flattened like I was somewhat expecting

      -Colour of the violet eyes was not as light as expected

      * Would you buy more from this company?

      Yes! I'd really like to buy more wigs from them, and eventually a doll as well!
    14. * What did you order?
      Recently: Model delf Cian (type 2 torso with mid joint, type 2 legS) and Kid delf romance Kiwi on a model delf body (type 2 joints with largest breasts)
      * When did you order? End of January, 2017
      * Was the quality appropriate for the price, in your opinion? Of course. It sucks that hybriding does cost more, but Luts has some of the most generous prices out there
      * Did the item look like the sales pictures? More or less. I feel like my Cian has a different feel to him than the pictures led on, but he's still pretty
      * Were you satisfied with the product?yes!
      * Tell us some of the positives and negatives about this product (optional)
      The female model delf body poses like a dream! I wasn't sure I would like how the type 2 arms would look, but they're very smooth and hold nearly any pose. Their resin is even and beautiful and everything is sculpted beautifully.

      cons: The model delfs heads are a tad small and a little awkward, but not bad. The model delfs also seem to have 'weak ankles' but it's nothing a little sueding won't fix. Tehre's a lot of muscle those legs need to support.
      * Would you buy more from this company?
      Of course. I have tons of times as it is!
    15. * What did you order?
      A Kid Delf Pine in Normal Skin with faceup and multibody, KDW-217 Soft Black wig, Kid Delf Hands-8(Multi)​
      * When did you order?
      November 24, 2014. Received January 2015​
      * Was the quality appropriate for the price, in your opinion?
      100%! A very good price for how detailed their bodies and heads are! Attention to detail is wonderful.​
      * Did the item look like the sales pictures?
      Yes! And so much cuter in person. <3
      * Were you satisfied with the product?
      I was back then and I'm still in love!​
      * Tell us some of the positives and negatives about this product (optional)
      Positives: Detailed sculpts, high quality faceup, fast shipping, good communication, tracking, packed well, lovely packaging, high quality products!​
      * Would you buy more from this company?
      Absolutely! Their quality and style is definitely something I'd want more of!​
    16. * What did you order?
      SSDF GALE​
      * When did you order?
      Oct. 16, 2016​
      * Was the quality appropriate for the price, in your opinion?
      Yes. the way they made it is really beautiful​
      * Did the item look like the sales pictures?
      Yes, definitely looked a lot like the one on their site​
      * Were you satisfied with the product?
      Yes I'm positive about what i've received. and i was really happy that they were really accommodating to my request.
      i requested a specific eye color form the one it comes with the doll and luckily enough they gave me what i asked for.​
      * Tell us some of the positives and negatives about this product (optional)
      Positive things i have to say is that i was overall happy about my transaction with LUTS. the doll they shipped to me is what i was hoping for. they were also kind enough to give me the eyes i specifically requested for. and i don't have any negative comments about them.​
      * Would you buy more from this company?
      Yes definitely. i do have another one that i really love from them and hopefully i'll be able to get him soon too :)
      Here's Lance with his friend Diva:

      Here's another one:
      My friend re-arrange his eyes here so that he's looking straight at the camera at a certain angle.
      #56 cyndscynderz, Jun 21, 2017
      Last edited: Jun 22, 2017
      • x 1
    17. * What did you order?
      Honey Delf Raphael

      * When did you order?
      Late March 2017

      * Was the quality appropriate for the price, in your opinion?
      Definitely. Luts isn't priced as high as some other companies, but their doll quality is superb.

      * Did the item look like the sales pictures?
      Even better than the pics!

      * Were you satisfied with the product?
      Yes, 100%.

      * Tell us some of the positives and negatives about this product (optional)
      The resin quality really is great - solid, hefty, and the colour is lovely and even (I got normal skin). I got the default face up from them and that was done very prettily as well. She feels like she's strung well too. Shipping was fast and she came in a perfect, undamaged box. All in all I don't have anything negative to say about Luts :)

      * Would you buy more from this company?
      Yes, for sure!

      • x 1
    18. * What did you order? Kid delf Ani boy with a wig
      * When did you order? April 4th. Shipped out on June 29th.
      * Was the quality appropriate for the price, in your opinion? Yes! Very much so, both the doll and wig.
      * Did the item look like the sales pictures? Yes, just as good if not better.
      * Were you satisfied with the product? I'm in love :D yesss
      * Tell us some of the positives and negatives about this product (optional)
      - Positives: the faceup is beautiful, nice smooth resin, and he poses very well.
      - Negative: He has a couple of seam lines but they are easily hidden and not too noticeable.
      * Would you buy more from this company? Yes, I would! I'm super happy with my order.
    19. * What did you order? - Delf Jun Ha
      * When did you order? - February 2017
      * Was the quality appropriate for the price, in your opinion? - I'm new to the hobby so I am still getting used to spending a lot of money on dolls, but compared to other companies, Luts is not that expensive and the quality is amazing!
      * Did the item look like the sales pictures? - Yes
      *Were you satisfied with the product? - Very much!
      *Positives - The resin is nice and smooth and feels very quality and he poses nicely
      *Negatives - The only negative is that there are seam lines but they're not too noticeable
      * Would you buy more from this company? - I would buy from Luts again if another sculpt fit one of my characters

    20. * What did you order? Kid Delf Ani and shoes.
      * When did you order? July 29
      * Was the quality appropriate for the price, in your opinion?
      I'm very satisfied with both my girl and her shoes.
      * Did the item look like the sales pictures?
      Even better <3
      * Were you satisfied with the product?
      Very much!
      * Tell us some of the positives and negatives about this product (optional) The shipping was really fast.
      * Would you buy more from this company? I would totally do that <3