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Luts Royal Senior Delf Discussion Thread

Jul 14, 2022

    1. Luts has just announced their latest line, Royal Senior Delf, that stands at a whopping 105 cm :aeyepop: The current heads they have are large versions of their Grand and Super Senior Delfs Mars, Saturn, Neptune, Abadon, Tide, and Eddy.

      More pictures can be found on their twitter and the website!

      Luts Website: lutsdoll co.,ltd.
      Height: 105cm (including head)
      Upper Body (Neck to Belly): 28.5cm
      Lower Body (Belly to Foot): 66.5cm
      Girth of head: 16.5cm
      Girth of neck: 17.5.cm
      Girth of chest: 51.7cm
      Girth of waist: 33.3cm
      Girth of hips: 44cm
      Width of shoulders: 28cm
      Length of arm parts: 42cm
      Girth of arm: 16.2cm
      Girth of wrist: 10cm
      Girth of thigh part: 26cm
      Length of thigh part - include front knee: 31.3cm
      Length of thigh part - side knee: 27cm
      Girth of calf part: 19cm
      Length of calf part: 27cm
      Girth of ankle: 14.2cm
      Foot length: 12.5cm
      Foot width: 5cm

      I originally saw this new line on twitter from users that attended a recent event in South Korea but I thought this was an image of a Senior Delf next to a Model Delf!
      image from twitter user piggygola

      I'm looking forward to eventually seeing owner pictures!
      #1 Serein, Jul 14, 2022
      Last edited: Jul 14, 2022
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    2. I am so happy I resisted ordering a doll during the first half of the spring event because I kept feeling like something I REALLY want is coming and LUTS totally did that to me! LOL

      I need one of these huge boys stat! Now to convince my husband of that so I can move around some funds. :XD:
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    3. Omgosh! 105cm. :aeyepop: Wow, Luts really went grande. I think they are super cool and handsome... but having ordered a Grand SDF I think I hit my size limit. Are the Royal SDF limited to 10 overall?

      @sovayne oooh! Which mold would you get?
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    4. I think... the 10 worldwide might refer to this line in the product details:

      * We only sell the first 10 units at a discounted price.

      But honestly... overall it does read strangely and is a little confusing!

      @Dybbuk I'm thinking Tide! Though... Abadon is speaking to me again, I have no idea what it is with that sculpt. xD
      #4 sovayne, Jul 14, 2022
      Last edited: Jul 14, 2022
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    5. Forget the grand senior delf comparison, I need to see one next to a human! How much do these boys weigh?? How much will shipping be? Will they need a crate?!

      I can't imagine having a doll 2/3 of my height. He'd need his own chair! This is over 1/2 scale unless they are trying to make a 6'9" man.

      I can't wait to see these guys. Please tell me how your male S/O reacts if you get one. There's not going to be anything small about their presence, that's for sure.

      The 10 limited thing I'm sure is just for the 18% discount. There's a time limited 15% discount for the ones after.
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    6. Holy Mackerel. *_*

      I could introduce him to my work friends! If he came home, I think I'd ask him to pay rent.

      That Mars is fetching for sure, but I'd have to build him a chair.
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    7. I have absolutely no idea what the heck I would even do with a doll that size, but my god the idea of an absolutely giant Abadon just :D:D:D I really really love Tide as well, but Abadon just does things to me lol
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    8. Wow! I've noticed that BIGGER has been a trend in BJD's lately, and it seems like Luts is really on the forefront! Making those 90cm Angel of Dream boys look short. :lol:

      Not my cup of tea, but these ginormous fellas would certainly be interesting display pieces. I can imagine them as mannequins to showcase fashions in the window displays at a high-end clothing store.
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    9. I've been wishing Luts would release a 1/2 scale doll for years but unfortunately not like this. I want a 1/2 scale big baby or just a non-mature big doll. Still holding out hope, but Luts has changed their aesthetic direction so I doubt they'll go back to the old styles. Still happy that they're still releasing new dolls. Looking forward to seeing any of these that people get.
    10. I don't need him, but I am debating. Good lord he is expensive.

      My problem is I don't really like suits. I'm sure they're release more clothing in the future, but what would I even dress him in? He can't be standing around naked until then. The idea of a giant Tide or Eddy or Saturn :D
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    11. I actually love suits, but I'm wondering about the clothing side too. I wonder if this size is going to blow up (no pun intended LOL) or if it will always be very niche and therefore hard to dress.

      I was very happy to see Sadol and FreedomTeller are both going to be clothing the SSDF Superior body, but would there be enough RSDFs running around for that to be profitable for doll couturiers?
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    12. I was a little bit confused when I first saw RSD on their site last night. I thought they'd release bigger model delf early, but no. It's a giant!!! I was shocked and excited as soon as I read the page. :D I won't get one but am looking forward to seeing yours!

      P.S. Mars is soooo handsome. I can'tttt! :whee:

      Edit: I really wonder how much they weight. The shipping fee would be insane~
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    13. I thought the first 10 were sold out, but apparently not.

      I can't believe I'm contemplating this, even a small amount *_*
      #13 green_judy, Jul 15, 2022
      Last edited: Jul 15, 2022
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    14. So tempting... I've been on a binge buying spree so I'm strapped for a while. Also finding clothing and wigs for this big man would be hard.

      In another 10 years maybe there will be a 1/1 scale version :XD:
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    15. Really debating about buying him.
      Scared about shipping and how much he will weight
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    16. would like to buy but money will be the issue always. I already have Lee el boys at 90 cm each and would love to get this guy to stand beside them one day
    17. I think I’m going to have to wait closer to the deadline before I can order one so I’ll probably miss out on the discount! Like a lot people expressing shipping cost concerns, I’m in that boat too, when I did a ~mock checkout the price seemed to jump about 200 dollars more (I’m in Canada) which not great but also… I think I’m so desensitized to high shipping now I’m thinking could also be worse. xD

      Those pics LUTS just released on their instagram with all the size comparisons are just making me want him even more omg.

      Login • Instagram
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    18. That cute tiny delf in his hands~ :XD: I can't see more than that because I don't have an account. Anyway, RSD makes GSDF looks smol (like a child next to their dad:lol:). What an interesting size! :D
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    19. He is definitely too big for me 75cm is my limit lol. But I can't wait to see owner pictures from when you all buy I will keep a lookout :)

      My SSDF Mars just shipped lol, I really want Luts to post a comparison to that size cause if the 105cm boy makes GSDF look small, SSDF is going to be TINY.
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    20. I’m looking forward to comparing my poor SDF next to him! LOL
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