1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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Magic Mirror Studio Saoirse and Siobhan 30cm discussion part 1

Oct 10, 2013

    1. Wow, they are amazing! Siobahn is so captivating... Nanyalin, do you have any idea when the next preorder might be?
    2. Hi everyone! You all can stay tuned on my facebook, but most likely, end of March : )
    3. I hope I can find some suitable outfit for my wild girl when she gets here! She looks like not the pretty pinafore type...
    4. What a surprise! My girl came today, she's so sweet and little!!
      I love her, I hope I can paint her soon, it's meant to snow AGAIN...
    5. Good news, I'm thinking to a Siobahn to be friend with my Saoirse ^^
    6. Well, I gave her a super sparse faceup, and made her a wig, and even a dress, but she's nude here, my little elf, don't know her name yet...
      DSC06384 by stellamaris61, on Flickr
    7. I love my girl, and warning you, if no one answers me, I will post picture after picture of her, then more pictures when she picks her name, you guys will be so sick of her...

      crazy dress I made for her
      little elf by stellamaris61, on Flickr
    8. I love her! The wig you've made for her is awesome!

      My reply doesn't mean that you should stop posting photos)))

      You can call her Nolwenn.
    9. Nolween! That's an interesting lil elf name...
      I found the cutest shirt for her and made her some strange pants...will torture you with more pictures tomorrow.
      She really is the most intriguing little creature.
      thanks for loving that wig Nimrod, she does suit that hippie look I love so much....
    10. lookit my girl in her crazy outfit!!! pretty sure Nanyalin is thinking, oh my. This is not what I had in mind...she's meant to be an ethereal graceful elf...wait till I get my hands on that stella!!!
      I also made her a new wig, but you'll have to wait for that, only one picture allowed...
      sugar by stellamaris61, on Flickr

      Nimrod, I have to sit on it for a minute, but she may be the re shelling of an old character of mine, Sugar Magnolia...t shirt is a dead giveaway...
    11. I love this outfit, especially boots!
    12. Aren't the boots great? They were Old Navy keychains
    13. They are awesome))

      i want to try corset on my Siobhan but I can't figure out her size.
    14. [​IMG]

      Just for fun I tried a Monique wig on my friend Saoirse, she looks wonderful!
    15. I love the photos of everyone's dolls - I love the way they are so wild and free.

      I recently paid pff layaway on a light pink Siobhan so I hope to have my own photos to add soon.
    16. Do u know when she's going to offer more?

      Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    17. Sakura_LH, love your girl! Her color is amazing.

      Here's my Siobhan.

      • x 1
    18. So happy to see more of the girls here!
      The lilac girl is so sweet Sakura, and Nimrod, your girl is awesome. I love how you solved the problem of "how do I show off her cute body and still have a finished looking outfit " so well
    19. My Saoirse : )

    20. Stella Maris, thank you! I love Siobhan's body.

      Maram, your girl is so beautiful!