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Magic Mirror Studio Saoirse and Siobhan 30cm discussion part 1

Oct 10, 2013

    1. Nimrod, thanks! : )

      More spam of Saoirse:

    2. They're Undine and Salamandra. Elemental of water and elemental of fire.
      Undine is mine, Salamandra is propiety of my boyfriend. We bought our Siobhan and Saoirse at Ldoll 2013. We're completely in love with they <3
      ¿Uh? Salamandra has heard something... what could it be?
    3. They look great Ashe – so wild.

      And I love Maram's Saoirse – she is very cute

      In the meantime, look who has arrived! I will try to get a box opening up shortly, but in the meantime here is Siobhan. I love what Nanyalin did with her make up and she immediately took over a wig I had just finished making for my planet doll Renee, but she wants to make clear that the dress won't be her long term style; it was just what I could find to fit her.

      IMG_6198 by Tide N Thyme, on Flickr
    4. Thank you Tide ^^
      Your Siobhan is so cute, I like her dress and her eyes.
      Dress up this fairies is a little bit hard. I can't find anything for my Undine, things like wigs for example.
    5. Thanks Ashe - I was really pleased to discover she can share wigs with the planetdoll tinies but they are really hard to get wigs for too. They take a perfect 5 (not 4-5 or 5-6) if that helps.

      Another photo of my girl

      IMG_6221 by Tide N Thyme, on Flickr
    6. I had to discover the unpleasant truth for the wigs myself, after buying five 4'5 wigs from CanCan =_=UU. Same for eyes, sometimes is 8, sometimes is 10, depending on the brand... and the clothes are not the easiest, also, because of... you know, curves. Lots of them. Granted that I won't look bad at anyone that decides to leave them naked! :_PP

      I am so pleased to see the thread grow with more arrivals! Ashe, it was such a pleasure to meet you two at the Ldoll. I remember you had a hard time to decide wich one of the girls you wanted, haha! I think the couple you got looks awesome and I love the water/fire combo. Super lovely!!

      Tide, your girl looks just amazing in those wild curls. I do not know which wool you used to make that wig, but man, happens to be one of the most stunning things to wear on the head I've ever seen on a doll XD. Happy to read that you liked her faceup! I was a bit doubtful of leaving her little noggin' so pink, but I thought she looked SO cute that I had no heart to remove the nose blush. Great choice of eyes, too. They compliment the pink skin so much!

      To everyone in this thread -you wouldn't believe how immensely and purely happy that I am every time I read here. Thank you, really, really thank you. Makes my days brighter, I swear : D
    7. I just saw Roseanne's Siobhan IRL yesterday and am in love. How did I not see these girls before?? I am hoping to sneak in under the April preorder - keep your fingers crossed!
    8. Good luck nancyme12! I adore my Siobhan and ordered a twin for her this preorder. :)
      • x 1
    9. What wonderful photos, Pandora! I just sent my payment for my light tan Siobhan and these pictures make me even more excited to get her! :D
    10. She does look lovely with the minifees. Hmm I have to get my Chicline girl and see how she looks with my friend's Siobhan.


    11. Thank you! I forget exactly which wool the wig is made from but it was either Wenseydale or teeswater and it was artisan dyed (not by me although I made the wig)

      Yes - wonderful photos. Are you the same Pandora whose outfits Nanyalin linked to? They are very beautiful.

      My Siobhan now has a new outfit more in keeping with her character. (She has also snuck her way into my avatar).

      IMG_7792 by Tide N Thyme, on Flickr
    12. Nanyalin--Have you decided yet which colours the fairies will be in for the September pre-order? Or it is a secret ;) And are you bringing Saoirse or Siobhan to Dollism?
    13. Tide N Thyme, your Siobhan looks great. I agree her wig is fabulous and she's rocking that dress.
    14. Nanyalin, do you know what size shoes your elf girls can wear?
      Are they regular yo-sd? I don't know if my girl's going to wear shoes, but..... xD Just curious if I can find some cute boots for her, or something. :aheartbea

      EDIT: OH, derp. xD I found the measurements, I forgot they were on the site. >___<;
      I can't wait for her to come hooooooooooooome. :aheartbea

      Hm, I wonder if there are any sophisticated heeled boots that small. xD
    15. Hi YukiOokami,

      I just got these boots from Denver Doll and they fit Siobhan.


      They are a Yo size.

    16. Oh, awesome, thank you! I didn't' even think to look on DenverDoll. xD And now I've found a decent enough pair of boots for her!
    17. You are welcome. It's a certain kind of look, but they work. Glad to help. :)