1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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Magic Mirror Studio Saoirse and Siobhan 30cm discussion part 1

Oct 10, 2013

    1. Hi again, guys! Wow, is such a pleasure to see this thread growing! You will find the annoucement relative to MMstudio at Dolliverse in the Company News section of the forum. About the feet... one of the things I had very very clear when I sculpted my dolls, after the nightmare I suffered with the feet of my chibi-unoa, was this one: S T A N D A R D --- F E E ET !! I was working in their feet and had a pair of regular Leeke Yosd shoes by my side, and sanded them until the shoes fitted XD. So most usual YoSD shoes should fit them. Other thing is the style... I think they look best in high heels and ''small adult'' type of shoes, rather than in the usual maryjanes and more baby-like shoes that are usually crafted for YoSD sizes. Nancyme12, thanks a million for the link!
    2. I don't recommend babyish maryjanes, but regular boots looks so cute on them!

      These are from Volks BTW, and you can see them being worn by a YOSD and a pretty Saoirse!
    3. Oh yes, Nanyalin, that's what I was hoping to find, were some more mature looking boots! The girls are so lady like, so that's what they need. ^__^
      I think Leekeworld may actually be the place to go. I found some nice ones on there, in the right size. They're a bit pricey, but it'll be worth it, for my girl. :aheartbea

      The wait is driving me nuts, I can't wait to see her in person! >__< Ugggghhh.... xD

      And Sakura_LH, those boots look adorable on your girl!! ^__^
    4. Hey! I discovered something so cool, clearly not the best picture considering there is a blade of grass across her face, but I wanted to show you the outfit and shoes from Wilde Imagination's Ellowyne that FIT!!!!! The shoes are awesome, I am very excited. If you go on my Flickr, you'll see a close up of the shoes, which fit perfectly
      url=https://flic.kr/p/nx1UiS][​IMG][/url]Mab in the grass by stellamaris61, on Flickr
    5. That is so great to know! I definitely have an Ellowyne stashed away somewhere. I believe she will be naked very shortly. ;)

    6. LOL poor Ellowyne!
      I have to say, I have always been impressed by the quality of clothes and shoes from them.
      Look how cute these are!
      [​IMG]Ellowyne shoes by stellamaris61, on Flickr
    7. That's really cool. I never would have thought about that. Unfortunately, I don't have any of those dolls, though. xD
    8. I've been watching her. >w< Her clothes are amazing and I'm anxious to see some of those accessories. :aheartbea
    9. mine is hereeeeeee <3 [​IMG]
      • x 1
    10. She's beautiful!! :aheartbea
      • x 1
    11. Oh! Okay, awesome. Thank you, Stella Maris! :D
    12. No problem. She would also fit Ellowyne things, but I wouldn't get her the longer outfits as they would be too long. They fit great on MNFs though
      Really nice attention to detail. I keep trying to make Mab an elf faerie, but she keeps wanting to be a 1940's retro gal. Must be the wig.
    13. Those shoes are adorable. I like the quality of things from Wilde Imagination in general. The clothes for Evangeline Ghastly are gorgeous.

      Congratulations! She is stunning.
    14. Thanks for sharing!
    15. Oman, I seriously thought I was set on Siobhan.... I've been looking at pics of Saoirse and am now seriously thinking she would be perfect to embody a long time character of mine! I'm hoping Nanyalin brings the faeries to Dollism so I can decide there!
    16. Nanyalin is bringing them for sure! ; D
    17. YESSSS. Thank you Nanyalin! Now I know to save up, hehe.