1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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Magic Time tinies

Apr 9, 2013

    1. Hooray! What a cute little devil!
    2. We need more photos here, xkelpiex, MT dolls are too under appreciated.
      My tiny girl (yup, she is a girl) showing off her new wig (new clothes next time ;)).


      No wings today, they are pain to keep in the right position. :doh
      Will have to figure out any good way.
    3. Omigosh what a cutie!! THOSE EARS!
      Yeah, took me a while to figure out a system for the wings. I put the extra magnets on for a firmer grip and put putty between the two to keep them from sliding. And voila! Stable wings.
    4. I'm hoping I should be hearing about her shipping out soon. I'm a little frustrated because it took them a week to acknowledge my order it's been around 34 days now since I ordered her but it could be another five days before she gets shipped which is a little frustrating but hey that's doll ordering for you. Kinda wish they had acknowledged my order sooner or at least mentioned on their website that they were away or something. Oh well, the wait shouldn't be too much longer.
    5. Oh yay!! A new MT tiny! Congrats Tsukasa - she's adorable! :D

      My poor Acacia hasn't progressed at all (though she does have her very own crown now!) due to me being sick and too busy. I'm hoping to find some time soon to make her a new outfit and give her another photo shoot :)
    6. Still waiting for her to ship, it's this part of the wait that always gets to me, the bit where it might be near shipping and I'm just waiting impatiently lol.
    7. I know what you mean! Waiting is the worst!
      ETA: TERRIBLE photo, but too cute not to post.
      DSC01516 by xkelpiex, on Flickr
    8. Aww Oona is so cute :aheartbea

      Since I haven't posted here in a while, I thought I should share Acacia's new look :)
      Please excuse the terrible quality :doh
      She now has Makoeyes (IB-017) and a handmade mohair wig. I loved her before, but now I really feel like she's exactly how I imagined her!
      Now I just have to work on new outfits for her.
    9. So they sent her without even letting me know, her status hadn't updated at all so I thought she was still waiting to be sent!


      Close up of her lovely face with gorgeous eyes.

      I'm so happy, she's just perfect!
    10. Oh she's absolutely stunning Catopolis! Congrats on her arrival :D
    11. It's quite funny really, I was about to send a b**chy email to them about how she hadn't been sent out yet and she arrived. Man I'm glad I didn't email them I'd have felt like a total idiot.

      I foresee the wig being a total nightmare to work with but it's so gorgeous.
    12. Since it's been rather quiet here, I thought I'd revive the thread with an updated pic of my dear Acacia!
      I ended up fading the blushing on her arms, just enough so that I can finally use the jointed hands I ordered with her :aheartbea

      How is everyone? I'd love to see more pics of your MT cuties! :)
    13. Gorgeous as always, Mindy! She has such a sweet and slightly coquette-ish look here. I love it. And those jointed hands are so awesome! You've totally sealed the deal for me getting them for Oona! I tried taking some photos of her, but the lighting wasn't good and I can't figure out how to adjust the white balance on my camera, grrr.
    14. Aww thank you kelpie! :aheartbea Haha, she does look rather coquette-ish in that photo, doesn't she?

      Oona will love her new hands when you get them! They're so worth it :) I can't wait to see what she's been up to lately when you get some pictures you're happy with!
    15. So my earlier assessment of the wig being a nightmare was spot on, I've since bought her something more manageable. I will post pics asap.
    16. Very late to this thread and after awhile of being away from this forum, I am super excited to see this thread and seeing the beautiful pictures of everyone's beauties.
      I ordered and still painfully waiting for Lightfly.
      Great information in this thread too.
      I am kind of a newbie still since I joined but then did not post for a bit. :)
      Anyone have more opinions about the jointed hands? :)
    17. Catopolis I would love to see her new look! It's a shame her default wig didn't work out, it didn't look so bad in the pics.

      Oh congrats on your Lightfly 2BlessingsLovesDolls!! Can't wait to meet her :)
      I love Acacia's jointed hands! What sort of info/opinions were you looking for?
    18. Oona got a cute new outfit made by my friend for Christmas. terrible photo, but here she is! (I'm having trouble setting her eyes just right. I need some new putty for sure.)

      DSC01621 by xkelpiex, on Flickr

      Also, Magic Time's feet are exceptionally tiny at 3.6 cm!! Normal yosd shoes will not fit, they are way too big. But, I found that if you look for shoes for Kaye Wigg's Tillie, Millie, and Cinnamon dolls, they will fit. I will be buying some next week. You can find some on ebay, etsy and just a general google search will give you a few sites selling shoes in that size. :D
    19. Anyone else see the new fullsets for some of the MT yosds on ebay?>