1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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Magic Time tinies

Apr 9, 2013

    1. I actually just purchased the draculria white hell set :D
    2. Ooh, you must show us when it arrives!
    3. Of course! ;)
    4. Does anybody here have a Jazz Code? Do they come with those long ears standard or can I get one with just human ears? And do you know if they'll switch the boy body to a girl body? ^^

      Is the Milky Queen Castle website down by the way, or is it just me..? Sorry for all the questions ^^
    5. My Skylark came with both elf ears and human ears as a gift, which I think is standard for their yosd's. If not, you can order them seperately, just shoot them a message. Same with switching bodies....you usually get to choose!
      I can't seem to get on the site either. Maybe try messaging their ebay account?
    6. There is no problem to change the body or the ears. Ordering through the Milky Queen website (the website is working fine for me, btw.), you can choose the body from a list when ordering.
      You will get the human ears as a gift.

      And here is Jazz Code with human ears:

    7. Wah, what a cutie, Tsukasa!
    8. Thanks for the pic and the info guys! By the way, the website is working for me again as well. Perhaps it was just experiencing some downtime :)
    9. Hey, guys, just popping in with a little Oona!
      DSC01635 by xkelpiex, on Flickr
    10. Hello! I was wondering if those of you who've got your MT dolls could help with resin comparisons at all? I'm looking at buying one of their 1/4 bodies for a hybrid or two but unsure of the resin match.

      I'm specifically wondering if their Yellow skin will match Volks (or Volks matching yellow resin such as Domuya, Dollzone etc.) and if their Pink skin would match Resinsoul, Dollzone, etc.!

      They are such gorgeous dolls, and I love their body sculpts.
    11. Can't help with the resin matching, unfortunately. I only have a Doll Leaves and a Luts.
      So, remember earlier on this thread I said MT bodies were single jointed? When they're not? XD Gosh, I am such a fool. For months I thought Oona was single jointed and couldn't hold a pose until a friend told me she was double jointed and showed me. I was shocked. Of course, she couldn't hold any poses at all; her limbs would snap back into place. SO I HOT GLUE SUEDED HER :D This is the result:
      [​IMG]DSCN0171 by xkelpiex, on Flickr
      [​IMG]DSCN0169 by xkelpiex, on Flickr

      I am sooooo happy right now! Still takes some elbow grease to snap the parts into position in the first place, but overall with the fact that she can now hold the poses, I am overjoyed. I had considered buying her a new body, too.
    12. Does anybody know if the yoSD ears might fit the 1/4 size heads? They only appear to have the elf ears for the 1/6 available on their website for sale, and I'd love to have some for my Miro.
    13. Sorry Magnus, but I think the ears are much too small for 1/4 size heads :(
    14. Ah, darn. I wish I could find a place to order the 1/4 ears.

      Everyone's Magic Time tinies are super adorable though.
    15. Have you tried emailing them and asking if they would sell seperately? They're pretty good about things like that!
    16. I just discovered them, LOOVE the elf ears.
      Id like to put a head on a more aduld Dollzone 27cm body.
    17. Ohh, those chubby, mature bodies? They're SO cute and I bet a MT head would look adorbs on it! Which head are you looking at?
    18. Hi everyone :) I'm falling in love with Adria and Jinn. They're both so kute and I'll buy one of them. Anyone have their photos? I want too see them in real life. Thank you :aheartbea
    19. After a year of talking with liwenjie0310 about this doll and other items they had that I wanted, yesterday I finally bit the bullet and adopted "Magic Time 1/6 girl super dollfie size bjd vampire set [Draculria] Black Angel" I also included the jointed hands. And now the wait begins. She is to arrive toward the end of January 2016. I am also looking at another of her dolls to adopt. The 1/6 Skylark --- The Little Snow Fairy. We will see maybe next year for her. Until then I guess that I will be counting the days.