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Magical Angel 1/3 discussion

Sep 23, 2012

    1. Wow I have fallen in love with these dolls :D But I`ll be getting Rose first.

      The bodies is amazing. Just love all the ways you can pose them.
    2. I just ordered Sherry from MA. will post pictures as soon as she gets here. I am so excited, as this is my first BJD!
    3. secondhand_moon Congrats :) Sherry is a beautiful doll.

      VictoryOfEirikr Oh you must post many pictures of him when you get him. I have been wanting to see some Kelly owner pictures.
    4. I'm quite interested in their bodies. They look like they are really good at posing...and I'm planning to make boy hybrid with their body. Do anybody know how resin and everything match Immortality of Soul heads (60cm)?
    5. I just ordered a MA body for my islanddoll Amy head! Jeej ^.^
    6. I bought Kelly earlier this week. He's my first doll straight from the factory and so far so good; the company responded to my purchase within just a couple of hours and let me know what size wig and eyes he wears. I'm already getting stuff together for him. :) I can not wait for him to arrive!!
    7. Amy told me that they adjusted the pink-normal to a chart of resins and really - it is a perfect match. I could not be more pleased. NO seams either--nice and smooth. :thumbup
    8. [​IMG]Here's a picture of my Kelly! I did his face-up, and he poses WONDERFULLY. I love him so much! <3
    9. I have a resin color question?

      A few days ago I got my 1/6 Rose home. I had ordered her in pink skin. But to me her resin color look more yellow than pink. Or is it just that they`re pink actually is a bit yellow?

      Anyone know if the pink is supposed to be that yellow?

      jo1961 Your doll look amazing with that body:) Is it pink skin?
    10. Jo 1961's pink color is adjusted according to the the color chart of resin that Jo 1961 showed to us.

      Yes, it is true that our pink skin is a little yellow and pink. If you see our yellow skin, you may find pink skin is pink.:)
    11. i want to get a MA body for my migidoll jina head, but dont know if i should go for the normal skin or the pink. what do you guys think ?
      my migidoll is there normal skin A type.
    12. Magical Angel OK understand. I am very pleased with her color. I was just a bit confused with the pink and yellow at first.
    13. When I am looking at the Magical Angel resin colors on site, I think the pink is more of a match for normal resins that have a slight pink cast. (Iplehouse normal - Supia normal, etc.) The white appears to have a bit of white-yellow (I may be wrong here) and the snow white should match Supia white as that is pretty white. Correct me if I am way off base here. :) Jo
    14. Yeah, the white is a cream white, and the snow white is a bright white. Not sure what pink matches.
    15. I love the way they pose!
      Does anyone know which Magical Angel resin would best match Elfdoll Snow skin? I'm considering a MA body for my floating Yuan head and I haven't been able to find pictures of all MA resin colours yet, they've got so many :sweat
      I'd also be happy with a comparison between MA resins and Iplehouse normal as they're a very close match as well.
    16. Is Elfdoll white a white like Supia? - A real white then: they recommend their snow white resin. I am just not sure about the translucent colors. Hopefully MA will provide a larger color sample of more of their colors, as I am thinking of ordering another body too.
    17. It's not paper white, more like a very very pale normal with a hint of yellow. It's a decent match with Iplehouse normal skin, which in itself is extremely pale (Obitsu white skin has more pink than Iple normal).
    18. I've ordered my first resin bjd Ruby (l) I've doubted so long between her and Sherry but today I finally made my dission :D I've order Her in non-transparent but I would really love to see some in transparent (not french resin)? Thanks ^^
    19. He's beautiful!! Congrats on him!

      My boy arrived a couple of weeks back but his shins were both broken. ;; MA was very prompt in shipping me another set and I will most likely spend a good part of Christmas day restringing my beautiful boy. :D Here's a picture of my boy with my two tinies, just after unwrapping him,

      (please ignore the icky dust on my lens :blush: )
      Is it Christmas yet??!!!