1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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Magical Angel 1/3 discussion

Sep 23, 2012

    1. Mmmm, these sculpts are so dreamy <33 But right now, I'm looking for just bodies. Does anyone have a resin comparison with: AoD Yellow or Pink, Doll-Love Yellow or Pink, BBB/RS Normal or Pink? My ultimate goal is to find a nice body for Doll-Love heads.

      I know AoD is a fantastic match for Doll-Love, and have heard BBB/RS matches as well. Dollzone is also supposed to match AoD, but I don't know if that means it matches Doll-Love as well.
    2. Amy is so friendly and nice to deal with can't wait until Ruby is here :D
    3. Christmas brought an Abby into my home. I got the 1/3 version and her body is absolutely amazing (opaque white, large bust). One thing that I wasn't expecting...Abby has vampire fangs that are -not- shown in her stock shots. I can't offer pictures, as I have already sanded them off (it was such a simple mod I spaced the "before" photo). Overall I'm delighted with her. I'll post more once she's got some color on her face.

      Unexpected bonus? She's a fair, though not perfect, match to Soom white. Looks like I finally found bodies I like for my Adamalli twins...
    4. Huh, really?

      I got an Abby recently too, and I didn't notice any fangs. (I can't check right now though, I have her head at my studio awaiting a face-up. ><)
    5. I suppose I could photograph the spots I had to fill in with nail acrylic, though the teeth themselves were removed. I am now truly confused that neither yours nor the stock shots show them. And you have the 60cm Abby?
    6. I have the 40cm one. But they are supposed to be the same head. oO I was planning on getting the 60cm one soon though.

      I will check mine when I get a chance to go over to my studio, maybe they are just so small I didn't even notice.
    7. The head is quite large (she has 20-22mm eyes) and might look odd on a 1/4 body. I sent them a message to ask, fastest way to learn. Regardless, she's a very pretty girl. She has the same impish look that CP Shiwoo has.
    8. Oh noo, I meant that I was going to buy ANOTHER Abby. lol She's my favorite MA sculpt. I'd like to say "You can never have too many elves", but probably 1/2+ of my collection is elves, and I'm starting to feel like I need to even them out with more humans! lol

      I never really noticed it like that. When I get a 60 one, I will have to take a picture of her next to my rescue Elf Shiwoo girl. :D
    9. She still has no name, but Abby is faced.
      • x 1
    10. Wow!!!!!!!
    11. That's awesome! So rarely do people do comparisons for white skin.
    12. Your Abby is very pretty!
    13. OMG, so pretty!!!! I love her!
    14. If Abby is the one with Pointy ears, yes, she has fangs. I was surprised to see that too. MA has two faces with elf/fairy ears. I ordered both and it turned out that the pointy ones have fangs and I have her in white skin - perfect for a vampire but I didn't anticipate her as a vampire so now, her character will have to change. The other one with droopy ears will still be my elf/fairy. I love their bodies, they pose really well. I ordered three girls and they all can stand right out of the box, on carpet without budging for a long time. I am still trying to figure out how to work the flexed feet to pose with that.

      All my girls will not have face up for a while but they have wigs and eyes now. Here are a few pictures of mine:

      This one is taken right out of the box:

      This one is without flash, daylight:

      This one is the same setting as the 2nd photo with bounced flash off the ceiling (you may be able to see Abby's fangs in this one):
    15. I got my MA <3 Ill post pic later ^^
    16. havent been back here for a while, wow its great to see all the photos
      they all look stunning!
    17. That is a fun group you have, Baongoc. I agree, those bodies pose beautifully and hold position well once arranged.
    18. [​IMG]
      This is the Magical angel Ruby <3
      • x 1
    19. Himegyarudoll; Awww! She's so cuuute!!
    20. Thank you so mush :D