1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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Magical Angel 1/3 discussion

Sep 23, 2012

    1. Oh, I love her! Yay for smiling dolls. Thank you for posting the picture, I could not figure out for the life of me what ruby looks like on the MA website.
    2. She is adorable too and although I do not have a smiling doll yet, I do want one.

      I have not visited this thread for a bit and so much activity. I love all the photos and the doll with the turned down elf ears, I am especially fond of.
      The tan resin looks lovely and I wonder how close it is to the Dollshe light tan? I have an extra Dollshe head floating about and would love to make it a female and have a body.
      Of all the dolls I have no better posers than Magical angel - hands down!
    3. Do the feet still bend as described on the website? I was hoping to get the SD body because of the feet bending like a ballet dancer.
    4. Hello everyone :)

      I can't believe I haven't posted here already ..

      I own one of the floppy ear elfs from Magical Angel.
      In fact I have the first one that ever was sold .. I didn't like Abby ( although when I saw the owner pic
      from Glyndon I nearly changed my mind - with that face up Abby is AMAZING !! )
      so I wrote Amy that I would LOVE to have an elf -
      and she offered me the one with the floppy ears.

      They even named the sculpt "Tess" after my suggestion :)

      What I was going to say ... I LOVE my Tula.
      She owns a very special place in my heart ... and here she is :

      without wig, default face up


      With her first wig ( handmade by me ) and her fairy outfit ( also handmade )


      and how she looks now .. I think the green shimmer eyes suit her so well .. :)


      What I especially like about her is
      that she is so versatile ... she looks good in elf clothing and casual leggings + boots ..
      my Tula is perfect <3
    5. @baongoc80101

      I think its SO COOL to see another "Tess" floppy ear elf :)

      She's beautiful in tan, too .. can't wait to see her with face up :)
    6. I've posted some more pictures on Flickr and on Youtube I've made a boxopening with a picture of her on one feet ^^

      autumnrain I know the company picture is horrible :o I did not even know she had a smiling face haha. But I fell in love with the body so I was like I'll buy the head to :p I'm very happy I did :D I love her to bits :D
      The feet are indeed like on the website. It's a little difficult to pull the out but they lock and she can stand on her toes right out the box. Its a little balancing to get the weight on her ankle. I have a very heavy wig but still she can stand on her toe very easily :)
      lucyinskywithdemons I love your doll she is so cute! :D
    7. Cool thanks for the info Himegyarudoll! I just need to figure out what skin tone to get......
    8. For those who were curious towards their transparent resin, they now have a picture of it on their facebook page!
    9. It super awesome. I would love to see a full doll like that :)
    10. I have a question:
      I would to change the hands of my Magical Angel Kelly, with the jointed hands. In your opinion what I can use to hybridize him?(He has white skin)
      Hands for 70 cm dolls is too big?
    11. Yeah, hands for 70cm might be too big. I think it would depend on the company. Some companies make the hands and feet to a smaller scale then they should be for the body size.

      I would look for 60cm ones to be safe, but you can check the companies, if they use the same ones for 60 and 70cm dolls, then it should be okay to use on a 60cm doll.
    12. I finally had my girl her clothes in the mail :3 [​IMG]
      • x 1
    13. I'mma save for one of their tan dolls.
    14. Does anyone have some detailed pictures of the 60cm male hands? Many thanks in advance!
    15. Does anyone know if Magical Angel has coupons? Really want to buy one but HOPE they have coupons to curve the cost since Im on the fence with money!
    16. During certain times of the year there are some coupon codes. :)
    17. Hello! I wanted to introduce my new girl, Eloise. She's a MA Sherry.


      I'm so happy I got her! I'm waiting for a less humid day to do her faceup, and I need to make some clothes for her, as well. I made this quick dress using dollfaced-lunchboxx's no-sew dress tutorial. It's a great, easy tutorial.
    18. she is looking very pretty! ^^ I really love the wig!
    19. Thank you, Himegyarudoll!