1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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Magical Angel 1/3 discussion

Sep 23, 2012

    1. I have not posted here for awhile but I just got new wings for my girl and wanted to share. I have the Supia Lina head on the Magical Angel body. I am so delighted with the posing ability of Magical Angel bodies.
      • x 2
    2. Aw, she's cute! Love those wings :o
    3. Has someone tried matching a MA body with a Delf (older NS) or Spiritdoll (NS) head? I'm interested in possibly getting one of them a MA female body but I'm unsure about color matching and proportions.

      (I have a B&G body that fits both of them decently enough, though I basically want a big busted body for the Delf head [El] and just keep the Spiritdoll on the B&G body. Tried the El on an Ariadoll 16yrs big bust body and really liked busty beauty El. ^_^)
    4. She is verry pretty I love the wings 2 :D
    5. I'm going to be looking for a body down the line for a MA Kelly head. I'm not crazy about the original body and anyway that's getting up there a bit for me. I was thinking Mirodoll white SD body, probably the 60cm one. Anyone try that match up yet? I just wondering if the whites are at all comparable? Thanks!
    6. [​IMG]
      Natural light, no flash on black and white backgrond
    7. An older Soom body (not too old, just enough to make it slightly yellowed) would probably work pretty well. Might need a little blushing though.
    8. I'm looking at getting a MA Kelly and either a MA Sherry or Jane... I'm kinda at a toss up... any dollieh spam to help me decide? :D
    9. So after some more looking and searching, I've decided my first MA doll is going to be a Grey skin Abby(1/3) w/large bust... I'm going to shell one of my first gaming characters in her... Lolthliel. :D

      So now I suppose my question is this... What size eyes and wig does she take?!?:?
    10. just a quick pic of my girl! an hybrid magical-angel body with an eris-b ear-lop head from N.Y.X. Doll!:D she's really for Otakuthon(a anime convention in montreal) this is not her real outifit and wig, everything will change when I will order from taobao!:D I really love the MA body, the price is really cheap but the quality is awesome!!!

      [​IMG][/URL] Éliya par MangaHimeDollHeart, sur Flickr[/IMG]
    11. She's very pretty!
      I can't wait to see how she looks with her actual clothes. o:
    12. thanks you! :D she has a biiiig story. she's the last white elf from skyrim (it's a fanfic XD) so she will have a long white dress, white shoes, white wig and white underwearXD I need to start writing the storyXD
    13. I'm really hoping to put my Kelly boy on a body before the end of the year but I keep getting sidetracked by colorful Miro SD girls. He's lovely though and I'm so very glad I got him. The more I look at him the more I like him and the pics in this thread only confirm that it was a good move on my part buying that head.
      • x 1
    14. 16-18mm eyes are best. 8-9 wig sizes are loose, even with a silicon wig cap, but I haven't tried smaller wig sizes...but a 7-8 size might work...
    15. My Ruby fits a 7-8 wig with an elastic but regular 7-8 wigs don't fit her. Small 8-9 wigs fit her fine ^^
      stephaniefoo I like the bottom lashes ^^ She is very pretty!
    16. I would LOVE to read it!!! I always play as an elf in Skyrim~! I might be getting a Sherry to be Shinku fro Rozen Maiden.
    17. Finally my Kelly is going to have a body. Yay! He's been a very patient boy but he only has a month, maybe less to wait now. I just agreed to put a white DIM body on lay-a-way for him. Now all I have to do is fix the chip in the back of his head now and figure out the rest. I was going to use the goth face up that he had and just fix the little bit of damage to it but instead I think I am going to wipe it and face him up as a redhead instead. I've got a short carrot boy wig in 8-9 that should work very well for him. I think that WS and that pixie's face of his just lends to that and with a last name like Kelly I'm thinking a ginger boy he should be. The only question now is what to use for a first name?
    18. He will look indeed very pretty as a redhead ^^ (I really like redheads xD)
      Maybe you should use a babynamesite :)
    19. How is the new boy body pose-ability? I couldn't find much info or pictures about it... so I decided to take the risk and ordered one, and now I'm waiting for it to be shipped :lol:.

      I'm also wondering if with the jointed feet the boys would be able to wear high heeled shoes. That would be very cool!