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Marbled Halls Sprockets discussion part 1

Dec 25, 2012

    1. Has anyone seen the new sprocket Hope? She is to cute and remainds abaut Meek little bit :)
    2. Thanks Dajm for the info on Hope ... do you or anyone know WHERE I CAN FIND photos of OOPS and GLEE????
    3. I think that Hope is really cute, but I am saving my money for OOPs.
    4. Peggytoes - I just dug through Flickr and didn't find anything, but I know if sure that on RC some members posted piles of IDEX photos. If you are lucky to find those threads - Oops (and Grim, along with Marvel) will be there.
    5. Peggytoes - There you have the pictures of the sprockets Connie hawe on her homepage
    6. The Oops and Grim was with her on IDEX 2013. Meek and Glum are sold out. Glee and Frazzle are not finishet yet
      This picture is from a russian forum

    7. Thanks so much Dajm and Mousetail!!! The photos are great! I LOVE LOVE LOVE OOPS!!! I also LOVE Hope! Oh Heck ... I love 'em all ...
      "CAN I JUST HAVE ALL OF THEM MOMMY?" ... or should I say ... HUBBY?!!! LOL! I'd be tickled just to get one. We'll see what happens.

      LOVE EVERYONE'S PHOTOS!!!! Keep 'em comin!!!
    8. I've just started looking at these cuties and am thinking about ordering Hope since I'm knew to the line and have no idea what they usually go for.
      Is the price for Hope what the Sprockets normally sell for? Don't know if I should order or try to wait for one of the larger girls. Sooo darn cute!
    9. Thanks everyone. I was so excited to get Grim, she is super adorable. My girl came from Connie wearing the same outfit as the display doll from IDEX. Now I wonder if she was there and enjoying all the fun. I finished up a crochet travel blanket for her tonight.

      For those who have Sprockets, what clothing lines fit them? I have a little A-line dress I bought 2nd hand that fits Kelly nicely, but I'll need to get her bloomers or leggings. So far getting her out of her jammies is hard - she is so cute in them.
    10. Yes the price is the ususaly price for sprocket witn cloth and faceup. Somethimes you can buy then blank and then they are little cheeper.
    11. The littlefee cloth can fit, but sprocket hawe relay big but and belly so the pants don't fit. Dresses are ok if they are loose over the belly.
    12. This thread just keeps getting better and better, I'm really loving all the pics of these sweet girls and the newest "Hope" is such a cutie pie:) Here's another quick pic I wanted to add of my "Meek" hanging out with her new friend:

    13. Love Meek and her cute little bunny (reminds me of the Nightmare before Christmas characters! The stitches, I guess!) .... Love these little Sprockets!!!
    14. Roweena - your Meek is so cute and the bunny is realy special. She must love him so much.
    15. Aw thank you Peggytoes (what an adorable name!) and yes that little bunny is my favorite because she does remind me a bit of that movie...that and maybe Frankenweenie too lol!

      DajmDumle thank you so much, these two were destined to become instant best friends:D
    16. So many pretty pictures!! @.@
      I'm completely in love with both Grim and Oops, so my wallet is probably going to burn a little.

      I just got my Glum today, so as soon as my Meek has gotten some suitable clothes, I'll have to get some group photos. My tomboy does not enjoy wearing the dresses she came with.
    17. CarolD One of the best Meeks I've seen! Congrats, she is adorable!!!
    18. Thank you Yoshek. Now her head is even bigger!
    19. Who said dolls could not talk? These does! I was crocheting for my Meek yesterday, and Glum was upset! I love the big heads and that their still are good posers. It was a little difficult to make them inka hats, but now, it is done! They are so easy to make clothes for, like they love everything. The only problem is to find good shoes. I will try some sneakers I got recomended, I hope they fit! I tried some "normal" yosd shoes and they was too long.
    20. :) quick question... I've never ordered a "fullest" doll before, I just ordered Hope, and see that she comes with her little outfit... But does she come with a wig and eyes?