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Marbled Halls Sprockets discussion part 1

Dec 25, 2012

    1. Shauna
      as far as I know, Connie sells her dolls as full sets, so you Hope will come with wig, eyes and outfit.

      Hope is supposed to be the next Sprocket in line after Marvels deliver. Can't wait to see who comes next after that.
    2. Interesting and unusual dolls! And where can I buy this miracle?
    3. okulstar: it is limited editions with preorder period. Marbled Halls, Connie lowe that makes them. Next that maybe some left of is Hope that Dolls magazine offers, Marvel prodder is already over. But it will be more sprockets, oops and grim and.... :D

      I have ordered glum shoes! She is kind of happy, just dont show it!
    4. shauna: Yess, hope is with wig and eyes. Not shoes, but all other.
    5. I have made 2 crochet dresses for my . Her body shape is so different from other dolls, so I'm still trying to tweak my standard dress patterns to work for her nicely. She has had several outings and is collecting stuffed animals.

      This dress was made with #3 crochet cotton.

      This dress was made with #5 metallic crochet cotton. I don't really like the stiffness of the metallic thread, so I'm going to retry this design using plain crochet cotton.
    6. Its that round tummy.. I think its also what makes her so adorable, and really like your outfit especially the second.
    7. Kyrena: Who is that? It does not look like meek or glum. Is it some of the upcoming? Or is it just the faceup that tricks me?
      I love the tummy. And THey have let me made some crazy dresses! Just for them. They order me to do that, all the time. But today, I have to priority a bigger doll. Tomorrow, small one, it is your turn again. I got shipping confirmation on the sprocet shoes, so soon I have something more they can fight about! Lol
    8. Prege

      That's the sample Grim that was at IDEX.. Its Oops and Grim I think after the order period for Marvel and Hope.

      never too many Sprockets, and love the different poses on Grim's hands too.. Grabby hand and Pointed finger hand..
    9. I lowe Grim so much <3<3<3<3<3<3
      But i hawe picture of Glum today - fishing :D
    10. Just found this thread. I have ordered Glum and can't wait for her arrival I am so excited to have been able to order her! :D Love all of your photos, they're keeping me a little more patient while I wait for my Glum :)
    11. Oh, so that is Grim! SHe looks cool! May I see more pics of the hands? I love Oops, I saw the pics from idex on flickr!

      These girls makes me think up stories in my head. They are perfect for photo stories. I bought them the connie boots, but I have also ordered the smallest sneakers I have found for yosd, since their feet are shorter, but they are also wide, so, it was hard to find them, but now I have them, they are 33 mm long!

      Here is a pic from one of the stories they let me make!
      Story from Sprocets life by doll a la carte, on Flickr
    12. Glum is here! Need to get some pics but she is gorgeous. I have to admit I've not bonded with her 100% yet I think that's because I'm used to really tiny dolls. But I'm sure I'll bond. If not I'm sure I will be able to find her a lovely new home. She is gorgeous. I'm going to make her a different wig and some outfits tomorrow to try her in them, she arrived with eyes, face-up, wig, outfit etc but I think if I try some different coloured outfits on her perhaps it will help me bond. I think I just need to "find" her. Will post pics soon :)
    13. GJOY: SHe nearly talks, so you find out of it! I could never let her go after having her here for some time. She order me to make clothes and play with props. It is perfect scale to make good pictures and at same time be easy to moove. I love them!
    14. Hi everyone! Had to stop by this thread. I have not been on Den of angels..or any forum for a long time!
      Wanted to say Marvel and Hope are both here and I am working on them. Will start shipping some next week.
      Grim and Oops will be available in October . Glee and Frazzle have just been sent to the factory and will be available later in the year.
      After that the sprocket pets will be made. There is also a Sprocket my daughter is sculpting..ready at the end of the year..Frump!
      I am not sure when, but there will be more Sprockets after these but I will take a break from them for awhile to finish some other sculpts and ideas.
      But there are more sketches that are waiting to become Sprockets..Sorrow, Serenity, to name a couple!
      Love all your pictures!
    15. Connie - Funny to see you here, but you understand that now we all want to see the new sketches.
      Sorrow I might not need yet, but Serenity however, would have been so nice to have. :D
    16. These Sprockets are too darn cute, and can't wait to see owner pics of Marvel and Hope.
    17. Thank you Connie! I'm looking forward to Marvel coming home! :)
    18. Odes this discussion have a part 2? I see this says part 1 but I can't find a part two. If not I guess I'll just bump this thread. I'm excited to say I'm going to be getting Marvel. :)
    19. What adorable pictures - looks like she's fitting right in! I look forward to more pics of Meek and Marvel together - they look like mischief to me! :)