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Marbled Halls Sprockets discussion part 1

Dec 25, 2012

    1. I love all the Sprocketts. Does anyone know when the next set will be available for preorder?
    2. I heard that Oops will be available the end of October :) I hope I can preorder her. She's adorable!
    3. Those are adorable pics, CarolD! Your Marvel and Hope looks so cute together and make the best of friends! Congratulations on having them both home! :fangirl:
    4. CarolD - they are so cute together and it's nice that they can share cloth :)
    5. Thanks Cattwo and DanmDumle! They are so fun and I must get busy sewing for them now.

      Cattwo, Oh wow! Lucky you to win your Hope! She is cuter in person I think too.
    6. Yesterday we went to the Ldoll and I fell in love with this Connie Lowe's little Gum head on Doll chateau body.
      She was so sweet on her shelf, waiting for someone to adopt her.

    7. Esthy> Congrats, your lovely little girl is so cute!! :aheartbea
    8. She is so cute. I hawe seen Meek on this body. Dificul to resist. The sprockets head are really nice on it. But i don't hawe any sprocket i want to take the head of :lol:
      Congratz to your new girl !
    9. Love her outfit and those glasses!!! So cute.
    10. Your Glum looks adorable like that, Esthy! Congrats on adopting her! :fangirl:
    11. Thank you very much, CarolD! Yes, she's a real little cutie pie! Here's my first pic of her with the magazine she was the cover girl on:

    12. Wonderful picture with the Dolls magazine in the background! My Hope arrived last week and as your photo shows the real doll is truly much lovelier than her cover picture - if that can be possible. : ) Love your doll's little kitty doll!

      nm - made a mistake and I can't find how to delete!

      Hope I replied correctly this time! (I see I didn't so I must edit again) (for DajmDumle) Your girls the best - adore their face-ups, fashions, and wigs. Pleased to have found your shop also. Beautiful items! PS I see now that I must include a quote to get the response to the intended person. Forgive my newbieness, please.

      Wonder if she sold or has a chance of returning to the USA for sale at Connie's Marbled Halls. This doll is witchy wonderful!
      #112 Carly159, Oct 8, 2013
      Last edited by a moderator: Oct 29, 2018
    13. She is sold. I bought her ^^
    14. Thank you so much, Carly159! That's very nice of you to say! It's great to hear from another Hope fan - she really is, as you said, much lovelier than the pics in the magazine suggest. That little kitty ballerina doll is a Christmas ornament I received as a gift - Hope spotted it and claimed it as hers. :daisy
    15. WONDERFUL - please share pictures of that lovely doll!
    16. One halloween svap picture - Meek modelling :)

    17. DajmDumie, I love the way your style your Sprockets.
    18. Thank you for the info Hawkinsfam8. I will be looking forward to a preorder. I missed out on Meek and Glum. I love both of the sculpts.
    19. Meek looks adorable in that Halloween pic, DajmDumle! That's a very cute outfit! :fangirl:
    20. Thank You:)
      I hawe some more halloween outfitt from that swap
      Here is Glum - REALLY SCARY !!!:lol:
      • x 1