1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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  2. Dollshe Craft and all dolls created by Dollshe, including any dolls created under his new or future companies, including Club Coco BJD are now banned from Den of Angels. Dollshe and the sculptor may not advertise his products on this forum. Sales may not be discussed, no news threads may be posted regarding new releases. This ban does not impact any dolls by Dollshe ordered by November 8, 2023. Any dolls ordered after November 8, 2023, regardless of the date the sculpt was released, are banned from this forum as are any dolls released under his new or future companies including but not limited to Club Coco BJD. This ban does not apply to other company dolls cast by Dollshe as part of a casting agreement between him and the actual sculpt or company and those dolls may still be discussed on the forum. Please come to Ask the Moderators if you have any questions.
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Marina Bychkova's Resin Enchanted Dolls Discussion Part 1

Dec 19, 2012

    1. Bridget, I know how you must feel. I did just receive two of these resin girls but I was feeling that way when I was waiting for a porcelain years ago. I was on the list but never did receive one and now they are out of my price range. When I was first on that porcelain list, they were expensive but I could have manged it. I guess we can't get everything we want. I am sure glad I got my resins. They are so delicate and like DJWard said, the boobs are just the right size. I dislike big boobed dolls as well.
    2. When I first put my order in for a porcelain, the nude doll was $2,000 approx. That I could and would pay. But after being told by email I should get a doll soon, it never happened. All the dolls started selling by eBay or shows or maybe people she just knew. I really don't know. The one that sold for 22,000 Euros was not a regular nude though. It was special with the headpiece and tattoo. I wonder what a regular nude porcelain would be direct from her and not on the secondary market. I do know it would be much more than the $2,000 price I was quoted when I first filled out my order form on her website. It is too bad those orders hadn't been filled. I know there were lots of others like me who thought they were getting a doll and never did. It was very disappointing but not much we can do about it. I am glad I have my resins and very much love them but the porcelains are definitely superior.
    3. I guess that is one thing that is worrying me a bit about Marina. Will she see more money by only selling dressed up dolls and lose her customer base because the more expensive they get the fewer buyers are out there, especially in this economic climate. Now that she is also making a larger doll which will be even more expensive and more exclusive this will be even more evident? The resins are lovely and I guess they are easier to produce because they are moulded strung and painted thats it but they are not the same as the porcelains. I would like to see her resell basic porcelains with basic faceups for say $5000 which would still be extremely expensive but not prohibitive to those people who really are serious collectors of her dolls. You don't want your stuff so exclusive that it loses exposure and makes people disinterested. Just my thoughts. I'm delighted to be on the list for one resin right now anyways, its a start.
    4. Hey, I don't think porcelain EDs should be discussed here at all as they are Off-Topic for DoA :s

      About the resins, I think that Marina has done a great service to her 'customer base' by offering a more affordable option for owning an Enchanted Doll. 'Enchanted Doll' is more a brand, or identity, rather than a company. Marina is not operating in the same way as the large BJD manufacturers. She is primarily an Artist, not a business and therefore I think it would be best to abandon the idea that she is somehow constrained by the desires of her 'customer base'. And so it should be, in my opinion, that she makes what she wants to make and when she wants to make it.

      Congratulations to all those who've received their dolls recently. I really think they are wonderful in resin.
    5. She is only one person making all these dolls with one assistant helping. Aneemal You are right she makes what she wants to make and when she wants to make it. That is why I am glad I already have my two resins. I think as an artist she gets tired of repeating herself too many times and moves on to something else where as a larger company keeps putting out doll after doll. I guess her resins are a little different to those other dolls she makes as she has an outside source make the resin parts but she does the assembling and painting. That takes quite a bit of time I imagine. I think she works long days a lot of the time.
    6. I have a request: can this doll stay alone, is it well balanced?

      Congrats to all, who was waiting and got theirs girls!
    7. Yes, the resin dolls can stand on their own feet very well :)
    8. Hi..can I jump in and add something to the previous conversation? I think she has gotten herself into an artistic quandary..if she sells a doll to the 'customer base', what would prevent the new owner from turning around and selling it for whateversomeoneonebaywouldpay and making the huge profit??? What would you do? I think I might sign an 'ownership agreement' that's says the new owner cannot sell the doll for X years. Stupid idea? non-enforceable? Why couldn't each doll have a provenance? They are special that way.
    9. Hi Kathe. Are you worried that Marina will potentially lose out on this huge resale profit? Yes, there are lots of company dolls that are now selling for many times their original purchase price - maybe because the doll was limited, or a full-set, etc... - but it's usually outside the control of the manufacturer/company and also, I would imagine, of little consequence. Because, even if one buyer is willing to pay five times the original price, it does not reflect a guaranteed (higher) market value. I believe Marina has carefully valued and priced her work accordingly, so that she manages a price that is desirable for her and achievable for collectors. If at some point she felt that the resale prices were consistently and substantially higher than the amount she sells at, then she can justifiably raise her prices. This is how her porcelain dolls have risen in price - through testing the market.

      Also, at the moment, these dolls aren't limited per se. Anyone who would like to buy one can sign up on the waiting list. I think the only reason that someone would pay a highly inflated price for a resin doll right now is if they wanted to effectively 'jump the queue'.

      I don't think an ownership agreement is a bad idea, but, yes, very difficult to enforce. And, in the end, it's not a bad thing necessarily for Marina if the prices spike on the secondhand market.
    10. I got two of the resins when I had the chance. At the time I thought if I wanted extra money I could possibly sell one at a profit to offset the price of the other. I got one of each mould but here they are sitting together and unless I am extremely desperate for money, I won't be selling either. They are mine and not going any where. If someone really loves their doll, I don't see how they can sell unless they really need the money. As for signing a contract, that would not work.
    11. Yes, Shasay, then there are those of us who love their dolls so much they would sell their furniture first.
      Aneemal, you are probably right...I wasn't afraid that Marina would miss out on making the big profit as much as that she does not appear to be shipping to those who she emailed for ready dolls and I was commenting (guessing) on other reasons why, besides exclusivity .....we will see how this all works out. Also, love your doll! Can't wait to see her all finished.
    12. "aneemal" you make a very good point here. I love her dolls, all of them and I hope she doesn't change the sizing so they are prohibitive to us collectors. I guess right now she is very busy clearing the backlog of her resins and creating her gorgeous large porcelain which will be a wonderful surprise. It will be just lovely to have her resins and if thats all that is possible I for one will be very grateful for that opportunity. I can't wait to see more of the resin faces in photos. For those of us who have to wait at least we can have some eye candy in the interim.
    13. "Shashy" which numbers did you get? Do you have photos somewhere?
    14. DJ Ward, I have 10 and 18. Are you on the list? I posted pictures in the Resin Waiting room on the forum when I first got them but I need to post new pictures of them with the hair all smooth. One day I will take them outside now that the backyard is looking not bad and do a photo shoot and then post. I have Tiny Kitty clothes on them and they fit pretty good but just a little too short. One has a pair of Marinas shoes and the other is barefoot. I made a wig but I am not entirely happy with it and need to make it again. Summer is just such a busy time and I don't get to play dolls much when the weather is nice. I don't take pictures in the front yard. I don't want my neighbors to think I am crazy.
    15. Wonderful, Yes I am on the list and I ordered a European 17 & Asian 19. I don't expect to get them for a year as thats apparently about the waiting list now but thats ok by me, I am willing to be patient very patient :-D. I rather be confirmed on the list and wait than not get any this time as I also enquired about the nudes a few years ago and nothing ever happened. In any case as my circumstances have changed drastically since that time, I need that time to fund these so I must get busy. Do'nt worry about the neighbours, the might get to learn something new. I look forward to your pictures when possible.
    16. I only jumped on the list in early June- the wait was still one to two years. 12 - 24 months is really such a big difference- I do wonder why the variation. I was confirmed to be on the list- but am wondering - is there an actual numbered list somewhere? (Reading some of the comments it sounded like there was?)

      I wonder what my doll collecting habits will be like in two years... I guess ordering an Enchanted Doll isn't for the impulsive. I can't help already looking for clothing. Maybe in these two years I should take some classes on jewelry making, so I can craft something that will do my doll justice, when and if she ever arrives...
    17. Hi Galacticat! No, there's no numbered list, or anything like that. I think the estimate ranges from 1 to 2 years because there will be many outside factors affecting orders. Marina has other projects on the go at the same time as producing resins, so there may be periods when orders are paused while she works towards shows and other commitments. Also, when she contacts people, they have the option of deferring their spot on the list, or removing themselves altogether, which will also affect the length of the list and how long the wait is. Things like that mean it's harder to give an accurate estimate.
    18. Oh, good to know, thanks for the additional information.
    19. Thanks for the encouragement Shashy!! I think I was having a very grumpy day, but am happy to be on the list and maybe one day I too will get an email!!
    20. I think when Marina can make time from her other commitments to sit down and make resin dolls, she will do them rather quickly. I don't think it will be that much longer before we see more dolls go out into the world...