1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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  2. Dollshe Craft and all dolls created by Dollshe, including any dolls created under his new or future companies, including Club Coco BJD are now banned from Den of Angels. Dollshe and the sculptor may not advertise his products on this forum. Sales may not be discussed, no news threads may be posted regarding new releases. This ban does not impact any dolls by Dollshe ordered by November 8, 2023. Any dolls ordered after November 8, 2023, regardless of the date the sculpt was released, are banned from this forum as are any dolls released under his new or future companies including but not limited to Club Coco BJD. This ban does not apply to other company dolls cast by Dollshe as part of a casting agreement between him and the actual sculpt or company and those dolls may still be discussed on the forum. Please come to Ask the Moderators if you have any questions.
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Marina Bychkova's Resin Enchanted Dolls Discussion Part 1

Dec 19, 2012

    1. I hope that you are right. What I fear, is that she has moved on and is bored of making the resin dolls now, since her porcelain creations are more celebrated and far more lucrative. But I can still hope...
    2. For sure, it's very easy to make blank resin dolls. It doesn't take a lot of time.
      Author do it not by itself.
    3. I would assume that the resin dolls are slightly easier for Marina to handle. The resin dolls are cast by another company so she only makes the wigs and faceups for them. Tho I think painting them can be quite time-consuming. It seems most people order a doll with faceup.
    4. yeah, but why blankdolls-wanted customers doesn't have priority?
    5. I do find that strange- my guess is that they just don't want to make too many dolls, so they put a 2 year waiting list to discourage all but the most determined...
    6. Yeah, cause then people would buy only blank dolls and it stop to be a rare one. And we all realized that this resin dolls are too pricey and don't cost or smth.
      Now I see it.
    7. Marina has stated on many occasions that she likes her dolls to be exclusive. She doesn't want her dolls to be mass-produced like BJDs or other dolls. Tho I do wonder if she will complete the resin waiting list. There haven't been any recent resin orders that I'm aware of.
    8. I think they should close the waiting list if she doesn't intend to complete any more- but since that didn't happen with the porcelain dolls, it probably won't happen with the resin dolls either.
    9. I doubted that it can be closed
      (all this lists: Russian forum's advertisement is always open for new being list waiters - some person add new people in waiting line),

      just a little bit boring, that there is only two molds for resin dolls,
      and it will be so, while existed are so "exclusive".
    10. I'm a fan of these dolls and I do have my name on the waiting list for a resin doll. But I find myself increasingly frustrated with the way in which the production of these dolls is handled and I think a lot of other fans of these dolls do too. The porcelain dolls go for more than the price of a small car and they are completely beyond the reach of almost all collectors; I suspect any that sell now go to museums.

      I understand that Marina can run her business any way she chooses to do so, she might get tired of making the resin dolls, she wants to keep them exclusive, blah blah blah. But there is a fine line between doing that and running the risk of alienating your customer base. It seems like a grand total of about 6 people actually have resin dolls now and if this is the way it's going to be from now on, with only a few dolls coming out sporadically (and most likely prices raised too) then I think a lot of people are just going to give up and go away. I'm not sure I want to patronize someone who keeps people dangling forever. It's just not cool.
    11. I understand what you are feeling. I love Marina's art very much and still want a doll, but I have pretty much given up. She told us she would be doing a batch of dolls each month. Over six months later and still only one batch of people have gotten their dolls. Most of them ordered two, so you are right, hardly anyone got one. I am far down the list. I have no chance.

      I think Marina is just busy and has a tendency to take on too many projects. I wish she would at least sell blank dolls for us fans. That is all I want and it would not be much work for her. I don't even care if they come unassembled and with seams unsanded! They could be kits like Unoas and I would still be happy. This roller coaster of pretty photos, excitement, promises, and let-downs is just too much for me now. I gave up and am spending the money I saved for 2 resins on several other dolls I want.
    12. Chad, Marina's partner recently posted this on the forum :

      I think that when it comes to EDs, waiting for a long, long time is alas pretty normal :-/
    13. I love that he says artists aren't known for making the best business decisions. That does definitely appear to be true of Marina. I don't expect her to become a one-woman factory; cranking out resin dolls nonstop. I also don't want to sounds as if I am one of those entitled fans who feels like Marina owes us all something. But the fact remains that if she doesn't create dolls that are affordable, and create enough of them that people keep coming back for more, she does run the very real risk of everyone losing interest and going away. I seldom visit the Enchanted Doll forum anymore as I'm not one to waste time on things that I cannot have.
    14. I would also love to have a resin Enchanted doll -they are so delicate and fairylike. But I am definetely not ready to waite one to two years for a doll. And I do think that this price for a resin doll is just too high, especially since it is not artist cast, but is done by some company.
      I much rather give my money to artist like Lillycat, who is more customer friendly and prices are reasonable.
      • x 1
    15. I love the dolls of Marina! They are perfect and gorgeous! but I fully endorse all the opinions here - a very long time making puppets. I can not wait so long doll! I'm not sure I'd want this doll in 2 years ... so do not get up at all!
      • x 1
    16. From what I was told she plans to get through about half the list this first year so it may be a long wait. She also only has one list for blank and painted resin dolls so the list will not move quicker for those wanting blank dolls. I didn't discover these beauties until about 18 months ago and I think the list was started in 2010 so I am sure to be near the end. From what I hear on the ED board, when your name comes up you will get an email with instructions for ordering your resin dolls. Until then you just have to decide on your sculpt and whether you want her to paint the doll(s).

      Good Luck,
    17. It is a very long wait for these dolls but well worth it. I have two resins, the European and Asian and both are painted by Marina. I was from the March group of dolls and totally caught me off guard as no one really knows where they are on the list. It just happens one day and then you must decide to order 1 or 2 or none, and of course come up with the money in one week. I was scrambling but managed. I don't regret it for one moment and look at them every day. Plus I always know if I want to sell there will be many people knocking at my door ready to buy. But as much as it would be nice to have that money I can't part with them. So for all of you out there waiting, just forget about it and don't stress out, you may get the email one day, we just don't know when that will happen. My email came from out of nowhere as I didn't follow Marina on her Blog or forum. I do now of course. I had actually given up on ever owning an Enchanted doll.
    18. I too am on the list for a resin doll. I have no idea where I may be on the list as I thought I had sent my name in months ago only to find out I had not done that. I was so stressed out about the oversight! Occasionally there is a porcelain doll that surfaces for sale on the forum. Once I made an offer on a resin one being rehomed by the owner only to be informed (quite sternly in a pm) by the owner that my offer was far less what they would consider though it was a lot of money. I think she eventually decided to keep the doll anyway.

      Now there is a porcelain one up for sale on the forum as of today. If I had no idea what to offer for a resin one, I certainly have no clue what to offer for a porcelain one. It is not my favorite mold but I still want one bad enough to offer for it. But have no idea where to start. I don't want my feelings hurt again. I understand if my offer is to low but goodness, there are polite ways to do so. maybe it is a cultural thing and I misunderstood the intent.

      I DO have a Popovy Doll. She is the closest thing to heaven in my collection that includes two (soon to be three Angel Egg dolls) and a LillyCat Cerise. They are very much my treasures so if I can't add an ED to the collection I will just continue to wait. If it is meant to be then it will be.
    19. Eiko every Resin doll we have seen for resale lately has been over $4,000 as you know. That seems to be the norm. In fact wasn't that last one going for 4.500 euros? And I think people are willing pay $4,000 plus for these dolls because there are just none being made. My two better behave or they may be leaving for those prices. It is really hard to not be tempted.
    20. I must be nuts for even contemplating such a doll but then I recently paid $1675 USD for my first (and probably) only Popovy Sisters Magpie. I would have never thought I would be thinking of that. But since I purchase my first bjd at an anime con in about 2008 ( a ResinSoul Lian that I way overpaid for at $350) the price I am willing to pay for a doll I want has steadily climbed as has the price I am willing to pay for clothing and wigs for them. I would NEVER spend $180 on a skirt for myself but never gave a second thought to the one I recently purchased for Magpie.

      I may have to draw the line at $5000 USD at my age. Retirement is within 5 years so I need to be more practical. But if not soon then never because I could not even contemplate such a thing as a pensioner.

      I sure would like to bid on the upcoming Daphne but i think she will go for over $50,000.