1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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  2. Dollshe Craft and all dolls created by Dollshe, including any dolls created under his new or future companies, including Club Coco BJD are now banned from Den of Angels. Dollshe and the sculptor may not advertise his products on this forum. Sales may not be discussed, no news threads may be posted regarding new releases. This ban does not impact any dolls by Dollshe ordered by November 8, 2023. Any dolls ordered after November 8, 2023, regardless of the date the sculpt was released, are banned from this forum as are any dolls released under his new or future companies including but not limited to Club Coco BJD. This ban does not apply to other company dolls cast by Dollshe as part of a casting agreement between him and the actual sculpt or company and those dolls may still be discussed on the forum. Please come to Ask the Moderators if you have any questions.
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Marina Bychkova's Resin Enchanted Dolls Discussion Part 1

Dec 19, 2012

    1. Want to share my darling Kiana's pictures with you
    2. She is very, very beautiful, Sirena. Such a calm but intent expression just makes me concentrate my thinking - a good companion!
    3. Wow, Sirena lovelovelove photos of your gorgeous Kiana!!! Did you do her faceup? Really lovely and soft. Do you remember which sculpt she is? Thank you for posting and I hope we see more of her.
    4. I am not sure if the clothes would fit or not since I don't have an ED yet but I have just ordered and received delivery information for a Russian Mooqla fashion doll They are off topic so I can't discuss the doll. But the fashions are fabulous and may be the right size. I'll pm measurements when she arrives so the ED owners can decide if the clothes will fit if anyone is interested. They also have really nice changeable wigs.
    5. a new photo of my dear Elise:


      I love her so, her eyebrows melt me every time I look at her!

      All of her photos go here
    6. I have had my name on the list for a little over a year and a friend of mine has had her name on the list for a little longer than I have.We both wait patiently. I do agree that an artist walks a fine line with being careful to not produce too many dolls but producing enough to keep your collectors happy.

      If I ever do receive this email I will decide at the time what I want to do but in the meantime there are incredible talented doll artists out there making some fabulous dolls that I don't need to be put on a waiting list for so I will enjoy them. Jillian
    7. Perfect make-up!
    8. Hi could anyone please tell me if her resin doll wait list is still open? When we send her an email for the waitlist, do we have to pay immediately or only when her list has reached our number?
    9. You do not have to make a payment until your turn in the list comes up. As far as anyone can tell it is still open. But, also as far as anyone can tell, Marina hasn't made any resin dolls in almost a year, and has only made about 20 at all. Marina initially said she would make 10-20 resin dolls a month and at that pace her list would take her about two years to complete so...that's a pretty long list!

      I don't mean to be a downer, I just think it's only fair for people signing up to know that getting on the list is not a guarantee of getting a doll, especially not anytime soon.

      There was official word from Marina's husband, Chad, about a month ago saying that Marina does intend to continue the resin line.
    10. Not wanting to be a downer either but I think it is a lost cause to even hope for a resin doll from ED. I think the idea is to move away from resins and focus ONLY on the very expensive and exclusive porcelain dolls. I mean why bother making a few resin dolls that sell for a couple of thousand when you can make one porcelain and get over $50,000 for it. So my personal opinion is that the corporate mentality has taken over. We, the fan base, the faithful, the ones who carry the flame of desire have fell by the wayside. Celebrity, the fame, have taken over. I think unless you already have a resin or porcelain OR you have many tens of thousands to spare, you might as well do what some of us have already decided to do.. that is move on to other artist's who WANT to sell dolls. Not pine away waiting for some email of a doll that will never come.
      • x 1
    11. I've been on the list for over a year and have heard nary a peep. I agree with lostkitten that her rise to fame has left her older audience out in the cold. What's too bad is that she doesn't figure out a way to outsource the manufacturing the way Lillycat does (though she did it due to her resin allergies). It seems it could be a nice in-between to please the resin fans who don't have massive purchasing power but to continue to devote her real attention to her art doll market.
    12. Whilst I understand where people's concern about the resin waiting list is coming from, I really wish people wouldn't always say that the resin line is dead when they have no proof of it. Just 'cause no one on the ED forum, DOA or elsewhere is saying that they've recently been contacted about resin orders, doesn't mean that she isn't taking them at all.

      I suspect that some people fear it'll meet the same fate as the porcelain list. Whilst I can't speak for Marina, I've always assumed that Marina had every intention of finishing it. I think she just underestimated how desired her dolls were and just how much work and time it would take for her to finish the waiting list. In the end, it simply became too big for her to finish and she took down the possibility to sign up for it in 2010.
      Having said that, I don't think she intends to do the same with the resin list. Both in 2010 and in 2013 when she announced the resin line, she sounded very excited about it. Chad has already stated that they're both invested in the resin line and will continue to take orders for it.

      One thing that we do need to remember is that a lot of ED fans/admirers don't talk about or share their dolls online. Just look at how many dolls sold at auctions or shows that have popped up on the internet afterwards. It's a pretty low number. So again, it might be very possible that she is taking resin orders for people who don't talk about their dolls online.

      However, if you do want a resin doll, I think it's safe to say that you'll be waiting several years before getting an email. It's up to you to decide if you're willing to wait that long.

      I would also recommend reading these two very well-written blog entries by Amanda Louise Spayd (an artist whom I greatly admire) about why art is expensive and the glamorous life of an artist. It might help understand why Marina does what she does.

      Anyways, to end this post on a more positive note, here is a pic of Gwen juggling chocolate Easter eggs. Happy Easter ^___^

    13. No one really knows what will happen to the resin line except for Marina and even then I don't think she knows. She goes from project to project and the more fun and interesting ones will get priority. Although Marina didn't start this forum I know Chad reads most of the posts so maybe it would be nice if he came here and said something when the crazy speculating starts every so often. She did say before Christmas she was making a few resins so why not tell us if that ever happened. I think it is the unknown that bothers so many people. As for her resin dolls being outsourced, they are already made by some other company but I am assuming Marina has to assemble and paint them. That takes time and she is obviously preferring to do other projects. I don't think we will ever see her letting someone one else do the whole thing. We are kidding ourselves to think that will happen. Then her dolls are available like all the other dolls.

      i just noticed this is the DOA forum. I was thinking it was the ED forum. I am not sure if they read this.
    14. Well, Marina is basically an artist not a doll company so she might not function the way bjd companies work. 2-3 years wait for a beautiful doll is perfectly reasonable to me (plus I don't have to fork out the money immediately but instead have some time to save). As for the chance of not ever owning a Enchanted Doll, I think we have to be prepared since there is only one of her and so many fans. But thank you everyone who replied me. I send her an email and leave it to dolly fate. :)
    15. Good luck @fayerie. I hope your dream comes true one day. Some folks have commented the ED dolls are art. Well, maybe. Art can be anything or nothing. It is subjective and defined by the person doing the defining. They look like dolls, play like dolls and doll people collect them so are they elevated playthings or truly art in the realm of the Picasso or whoever. Only time will tell. What I do know is that when an artist OR a doll company makes a commitment to their customers, there is an implied contract of trust between both. That is what our hobby is built on. How long would you do business with Angel Egg or Volks or even a shopping mall if the promises were never kept? Empty shelves and empty promises make bad business. If an artist or any company can not keep their promises, they should not make the promise in the first place. That behavior will get you banned from the marketplace on DoA. Promises should mean something.
    16. And what promise has Marina broken with regards to the resin line? As far as I can tell, she hasn't broken her promise to make resin dolls.
    17. Just my perception since with all the thousands of people who check into this and the ED forum there are no new resins, Just resales and resales. Right or wrong, it is my opinion that this topic of conversation will be the exact same at this time next year with no new news of any resin dolls.
    18. Lostkitten: I totally agree with You about all You said in those posts...
      I am sure if there had been a batch of resins done, there would most likely been something about it in Marina's blog -but there has been nothing. But luckily I am so happy with my Angel Egg dolls, that I don't have the need to get the overpriced resin ED doll. I would love to get a porcelain one, but not with the price they are now ( just ridiculous to pay that amount ).