1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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  2. Dollshe Craft and all dolls created by Dollshe, including any dolls created under his new or future companies, including Club Coco BJD are now banned from Den of Angels. Dollshe and the sculptor may not advertise his products on this forum. Sales may not be discussed, no news threads may be posted regarding new releases. This ban does not impact any dolls by Dollshe ordered by November 8, 2023. Any dolls ordered after November 8, 2023, regardless of the date the sculpt was released, are banned from this forum as are any dolls released under his new or future companies including but not limited to Club Coco BJD. This ban does not apply to other company dolls cast by Dollshe as part of a casting agreement between him and the actual sculpt or company and those dolls may still be discussed on the forum. Please come to Ask the Moderators if you have any questions.
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Marina Bychkova's Resin Enchanted Dolls Discussion Part 1

Dec 19, 2012

    1. I think the dolls are beautiful- but it really seems like Marina is not in a rush to make more resins anytime soon. I checked in a while back to make sure I was on the list, and never got a response, which to me, is not a good sign. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if she has lost interest in making the resin dolls entirely. She doesn't HAVE to make them, and the payback is so small compared to her porcelain art dolls, the motivation probably isn't there. Like that art project you were meaning to finish, but just never got around to doing...

      I recently discovered the Angel Egg dolls which are also gorgeous and unusual- and possibly a little more easy to acquire. Also, ultimately more fun, because there seem to be more people actually getting the dolls, so sharing love and photos is a possibility.
    2. I too have three of the Angel Egg dolls and LOVE sharing their photos.(Ok, back on topic now)
    3. as being discussed the small resin line for Marina's dolls...i am not discussing the larger incarnation given she is porcelain and strictly off topic, merely the fact that this maybe why no one has heard about the resin line for quite a while

      ok i am not sure if anyone has seen this, but this might be why there has been a lack of info on the resin line

      have a look on Marinas blog

      large porcelain doll

      you can get an actual size of how big she is here, So Marina has obviously been working on a few things

    4. Yeah, Marina has a lot of things going on even when she isn't working on dolls e.g. preparing for her book release, taking doll accessory orders (shoes, crowns and such), handling other accessory orders (pendants, keychains, tin boxes), etc.
    5. I think as a doll artist, Marina might prefer porcelain any day over resin, and I can see why as well!

      Heck, let's face it, resin sucks. It yellows, stains and greens and bubbles/snowflakes and all kinds of issues. I'm not saying porcelain is perfect, I'm sure it has it's own issues as well but nothing I know of right now.

      Also, it may be because of the fact that with porcelain, the customisation process is practically permanent. The character is forever that same character, because the paint Marina uses is supposed to be durable for a very long time, and I don't think it'll chip or anything like that, unless you smash the doll's face...

      I'm only making assumptions here, not speaking on behalf of anyone. It's kinda unfortunate for those who didn't get a chance to acquire the resin dolls, but it's not like you paid or anything, right? I mean, just signing up on the wait list doesn't mean she owes anything to anyone :P She might have a certain amount to make in mind and then once that's fulfilled, thats it! It's over!

      Correct me if I'm wrong there though, I didn't participate in the waiting list...
    6. Hahaha. I came across the waiting list for the resin ED yesterday, and was OVERJOYED that it would be possible to get an Marina Bychkova doll after all! The price was way higher than I've ever paid for a doll but hey. Then I found this thread.

      That was the shortest lived fantasy ever ;p

      So, you know, the invitation to get on the waiting list is still there on the website, even though it's pretty clear that it's never going to be finished. That is pretty cold. She's a wonderful artist, and successful enough to not need the chump change she'd be getting for the resin dolls, but at least have the courtesy to keep your information up to date.
    7. Yeah- I'm sure she's focusing on the large porcelain doll project, and her smaller porcelain dolls- because why not?

      I'm sure she had this idea she'd work on resin dolls when she felt like it- but really hasn't much felt like it. There are a few resins floating around, but I think very few. I do wonder how many she made before getting tired of it. I actually do wish that she would close the list or not have a list- I know she doesn't owe anyone anything, but it gives you a bad feeling to have this hope of getting a beautiful doll, be told that it could be 1 or 2 years on the list before you get your doll (what I was told) and then.... nothing.
    8. I understand your frustration. It is plain to see the resin line is dead. I think pretty much the ED forum has just become a place where people go to say nice things about the artist and not actually about the dolls at all anymore. There is a sense of elitism from some of the current doll owners that wears thin after a while and has made me stay away. So, no new resins, no promised edition #3 of the book, no no no...so why do I hang on? I guess out of longing and hope that one day the dream will happen even if it means someone decides to just resell their doll. I can't see that happening much either for any sum of money. I like the big porcelain doll but she is off topic. Maybe I will look into the new 105 cm resin dolls some companies offer now. @Galaticat: I am with you. If the list is just a pipe dream then I wish they would just say so. Hope hurts when it has no resolution. If I KNEW it was never going to happen then it would be easier to bear.
    9. Lostkitten, luckily my frustration was short-lived, I would be so annoyed if I'd been on the list from the start. As it is it was fairly easy for me to move on. Having had a bit of time to think about it, maybe it's for the best because I'm not sure if the resin EDs have quite the same beauty/charisma the porcelain dolls have. And those are so far out of my reach... (Now I have ordered a Popovy Sisters doll, who have a vaguely similar aesthetic and who are very pretty in their own right, though off topic here so I'll say no more ;p)

      I completely agree that it would be kinder to actually come out and say: it's not going to happen, instead of leaving people dangling.
    10. You will enjoy your Popovy! I have a Magpie. I wish they were on topic but the painted eyes are their downfall. Maybe one day the Sisters will offer ones with opened eyes. Yes, back on topic....Ed resins even if they are a pipe dream now. : (
    11. the sisters have images of opened eyed dolls- so I guess that is not such a pipe dream. I think they are the next line they are offering.
    12. OMG a miracle has happened!! Marina has posted on her blog that the latest signed edition of her new book goes on sale today, May 23. She announced 500 signed copies at $90 each. I so want one!

      The announcement:

      "This is an exclusive signed, numbered and stamped Artist Edition of 500 copies. It’s been revised and expanded from 150 to 190 pages long; hard bound; high quality offset printing on heavy art paper; contains new photography and dolls from 2012-2013; includes a foreword by my good friend Camila d’Errico; has silver gilded page edges and a sewn in cloth bookmark; published by Baby Tattoo Books. Price $90 CND+shipping.
      Pre-orders will be open this coming Friday, May 23rd.
      Wait for the announcement and get ready to get your copy!"
    13. Hello Eiko82 :)))))))))))

      and hello to the others !!!! you all here YUPI !!!!
    14. Looking forward to ordering a copy!...waiting, waiting :D
    15. Aww man you guys! I read that last post by Bababaloo and I thought the preorders were for the resin dolls xD Oh the disappointment...

      But hey! That book cover looks amazing! I'm just generally not into picture books :P
    16. Chamillia, it's not just photographs, it's like an autobiography/documentation of Marina's career so far.
    17. @ aneemal: Say wuuuutttt!!! :0 I didn't know that! All I read on the blog post was that it included pictures of dolls from 2012/2013. Are you sure? Because now I want a copy...
    18. Chamillia, you're right - it's not clearly stated on the website but the book is actually an autobiography/documentation of Marina's work. The previous books showed photos of her work from 2006 to 2011/2012. The new book has been updated with the dolls from 2012 and 2013.

      I'm looking forward to receiving it this summer ^___^
    19. Summer ? I thought the delivery is in June, before summer

      By the way hello in a lazy Sunday. Pls put your girls pics so we could share our joy in having ED dolls :)

      [​IMG]a lazy morning by Kapiszon.ka, on Flickr