1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
    Dismiss Notice
  2. Dollshe Craft and all dolls created by Dollshe, including any dolls created under his new or future companies, including Club Coco BJD are now banned from Den of Angels. Dollshe and the sculptor may not advertise his products on this forum. Sales may not be discussed, no news threads may be posted regarding new releases. This ban does not impact any dolls by Dollshe ordered by November 8, 2023. Any dolls ordered after November 8, 2023, regardless of the date the sculpt was released, are banned from this forum as are any dolls released under his new or future companies including but not limited to Club Coco BJD. This ban does not apply to other company dolls cast by Dollshe as part of a casting agreement between him and the actual sculpt or company and those dolls may still be discussed on the forum. Please come to Ask the Moderators if you have any questions.
    Dismiss Notice

Marketplace Rules & Access Requirements

Dec 31, 2006

    1. Marketplace Access Requirements

      The Den of Angels Marketplace is for buying, selling and trading on-topic BJDs and BJD-related items. Sales outside the Marketplace are not allowed. (See the main rules for details.)

      Buying, selling and trading
      You may apply for Marketplace access when:
      • you have been a member for 60 days, and
      • you have made 40 posts.
      Spread out your posts over the course of two months. Use this opportunity to ask meaningful questions, participate in discussions and let others get to know you. Other members will look at how you conduct yourself in the community when deciding whether to do business with you in the Marketplace.

      You will need to fill out an application after meeting the requirements. When your application is approved, your profile will say 'Marketplace'. You will be able to buy, sell and trade in the Marketplace, as well as participate in hosted orders and commission other members.

      You may be asked to reapply for Marketplace access if you are returning to Den of Angels after a long absence.

      If there has been a long or unusually long interval between the date of your membership application and the date it was activated, your marketplace waiting period of 60 days will start from your date of activation. The posting requirement can then be done at a reasonable pace, without having to rush.

      Accepting commissions and hosting orders
      You are only able to accept commissions and host orders after:
      • you have been a member for 180 days (6 months), and
      • you have made 100 posts.
      This happens automatically; you do not need to apply. Your profile will say ‘Full Marketplace’ when you have met these requirements.
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    2. Marketplace Rules
      1. You are responsible for all transactions under your username and may only transact business on your own behalf. Do not help people use the Marketplace if they do not have Marketplace access. You may not offer a shopping service that allows non-members to buy or sell in the Marketplace.

      2. If you don't have it, you can't sell it. Do not sell items that are not in your physical possession. This includes items on order or layaway, as well as those left with family or friends while you are at school or away from home. Do not post 'item wanted' threads for new releases until people have begun receiving them.

      3. Don’t list an item in the Marketplace unless you are sure that you want to sell it. (No “feelers”.) If you are taking offers, you must suggest a starting price.

      4. Do not post recast or stolen dolls.

      5. All dolls sold in the Marketplace must be on topic. You must identify the maker of all dolls or resin doll parts that you sell, and identify head sculpts by name. Do not list dolls of unknown origin. One sales listing per doll unless multiple dolls are being sold as a lot.

      6. Clearly state all payment terms in the sales thread. Do not change the payment terms privately.

      7. State layaway terms clearly. If you require a “monthly payment”, clarify whether this means one payment in each calendar month, or one payment every 30 days. Taking the time to clarify and confirm the terms of the agreement will prevent misunderstandings.

      8. List prices and Paypal/service fees in currency (i.e. dollars or euro). Do not list fees as percentages. If you do not charge a Paypal or service fee, write "0" in the Fee Total field.

      9. When a thread is finished, do not edit its title or remove its content. Change the prefix to Finished when:
        • your item is sold, traded, on hold or on layaway.
        • your sold item is in transit to the buyer.
        • you have found the item you were looking for.
        • you have decided not to sell the item.

          If you sell part of what's listed in a thread (or buy, if you made a WTB thread for several optional purchases), change the prefix to Finished and create a new thread for the remaining piece(s).

      10. Post at least one picture of the item you are selling. It must show all items included in the sale. It must be your own current photo of the item being sold, not a company photo. Do not hotlink to company photos.

      11. You may use the Bump! link to bump your threads once per day.

      12. Raffles and lotteries are not allowed. Do not link to offsite raffles or lotteries.

      13. For auctions, list the current high bidder’s username and bid price in your thread. Auctions must include an ending date and time (with timezone). Do not link to offsite auctions.
      By buying, selling, trading, or using the Marketplace in any way, you are agreeing to these rules. Please remember that buying/selling/trading outside of the Marketplace is against the rules.


      Den of Angels and its staff do not guarantee or insure transactions against loss or damage. All buying, selling, and trading is considered to be at your own risk. Den of Angels staff will not arbitrate or act as a third party in any Marketplace transaction. If you have an unsatisfactory transaction, post negative feedback in Problem Transactions. (For more information, read the feedback guidelines.)

      Always make sure to get more than one method of contact – email, physical address, phone number, etc. – in the event of problems. We recommend that users buy and sell with care to avoid scams and theft. You can do this by checking out feedback, Problem Transactions and Ebay feedback.
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    3. Member Feedback

      Members with Marketplace Access can leave feedback for one another for transactions that originated on Den of Angels.

      Creating a Feedback Thread
      • If you need to leave feedback for someone who doesn’t have a thread yet, create one.
      • Title the feedback thread ’Feedback for [DoA username]’.
      • Before you create a thread for yourself, search member feedback to see if there is one already. If so, you do not need to make a new one.
      • After finding or making your feedback thread, add it to your profile. Go to Personal Details and paste the URL in the Feedback field, then save it.
      • If you ever find multiple feedback threads about yourself, Ask the Moderators to have them merged.
      When to Leave Feedback
      You may leave member feedback when:
      • there is an exchange of money or goods.
      • there is an exchange of services, including unpaid services such as "free" faceups.
      • a member commits to a deal but does not complete it.
      • purchases are made from a shop advertised in Handcrafted Goods.
      Organizers of splits, swaps and hosted orders may leave feedback for participants and vice versa.

      Leaving Positive Feedback
      Leave positive feedback in the member’s feedback thread.
      • Feedback posts can only be edited for two minutes.
      • Only post in feedback threads if you have had a transaction with the member.
      Leaving Neutral Feedback
      Leave neutral feedback in the member's feedback thread for any transaction that was ultimately successful but that had noteworthy problems. Neutral feedback may also be left for deals that fell through, including:
      • Agreeing to the sale and then backing out for any reason
      • Canceling a hold after more than one week
      • Reneging on a winning auction bid
      • Defaulting in a hosted order
      • Reserving a commission space for a specific time frame, then canceling
      Neutral feedback may not be left for buyers who express interest in a purchase without following through.

      Problem Transactions
      Use problem transaction and paging threads to resolve disputes and communication issues in a publicly accountable way. DoA staff do not mediate disputes.
      • Try to resolve problems privately before starting a problem transaction thread.
      • State the problem calmly and stick to the facts.
      • Clearly state your desired resolution.
      • Provide evidence such as photos, screencaps and quoted conversations.
      • Do not post real names, addresses, payment information or other personally identifying information.
      • Keep the thread updated and check in periodically even if there is no new information.
      • The thread will be closed when both sides confirm the issue is resolved.
      • When leaving negative feedback, post a link in the member's feedback thread.
      Paging a Member
      • Start a paging thread if a member is unresponsive or has a full inbox.
      • Only respond to a paging thread if you are being paged or are in a transaction with the paged member.
      Swap Feedback
      • Organizers may leave feedback for participants; participants may leave feedback for organizers. Swap participants may not leave feedback for each other.
      • Organizers may leave neutral feedback if participants do not meet the swap requirements or if they drop out after partners are assigned.
      • Organizers may post paging or problem transaction threads if participants do not send their swap items at all.
      • Participants cannot be required to post photos of what they receive.
      Company Feedback
      Feedback for companies goes in Company Reviews unless the company is advertised in Handcrafted Goods.

      Not sure what feedback to leave? Ask the moderators for help!
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    4. Splits, custom manufacturing & group orders

      Joining a split, custom manufacturing or group order
      Participants on DoA must have marketplace access. They are responsible for making payments on time, paying any agreed-upon fees, providing a shipping address and confirming receipt of their items.
      • Join an existing order. Do not post a new thread about wanting to join.
      Organizing a split, custom manufacturing or group order
      Organizers must have full marketplace access. They are responsible for collecting money, placing and receiving the order, and sending items to participants.
      1. Only one organizer is responsible for each order.

      2. Start a new thread for each split, group order or custom manufacturing sculpt. To split items in a group order, make a separate split thread. Do not order extra items to split for other people.

      3. State any deadlines for orders, payments or layaway schedules. The ordering date must be within six months.

      4. Be clear about any fees that participants need to pay. (Customs, Paypal, etc.) Do not charge your own fees for organizing orders.

      5. You must participate in the order and list the value for all items you are buying.

      6. Do not charge for free items. You may keep free items or give them away, but must state who is keeping them before placing the order.

      7. For orders that require a minimum purchase, keep a tally of progress. (Ex: $150/$200 or 11/25 items)

      8. List all participants, noting any non-members. Do not allow anyone with a Marketplace or DoA ban to participate.

      9. You may run up to two current splits and two current group orders. The orders are current until you ship the items.

      10. You may not host orders for businesses you represent. Disclose any dealer relationships or discounts.

      11. You may bump your thread once per day while it’s open.

      12. Do not promote your split or hosted order outside the marketplace.

      13. For custom manufacturing orders, you must submit the final sculpt for approval.

      14. For custom manufacturing orders, you must state clearly in the thread the company that will be providing the item or doing the sculpting and casting.

      15. Change the prefix to Finished when all items have been delivered.

      Additional rules for organizing splits
      • You may only organize a split before the order is placed. After that, you will need to wait until it arrives to sell the pieces.

      • State the prices for all split items, including those you are keeping. The prices must add up to the cost of the order, not more.
 Wait until the company has released pricing information before starting a split.

      • You must pay for the full order if participants drop out after the order is placed. You may not re-open the split but must absorb the cost of the items. You can sell the items after they arrive.
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    5. The Props & Miscellany Marketplace

      The props & miscellany marketplace is for BJD-related and BJD-scale items only. We do not consider something an "accessory" just because a doll can hold it. If it is readily available at a craft store like Michaels, your local dollar store or Home Depot, it is probably not appropriate to sell here. Items must be of high quality and appropriately-scaled.

      Conventionally published BJD-specific books are allowed only if you can provide proof that you have been granted permission by the manufacturers to picture their sculpts in your book. Please ask the moderators for permission to sell your book on Den of Angels.

      The following items cannot be sold on Den of Angels:
      • off-topic dolls
      • certificates of authenticity
      • separate official company boxes
      • human-scale jewelry or clothing (rings, watches, earrings, buttons, shirts, etc.) or decor, even if they are "doll-related."
      • sewing notions, fabric and craft materials
      • paint, brushes, pastels, airbrushes and accessories that are readily available outside Asia
      • sandpaper or sanding sponges
      • epoxy, air dry, or polymer clay
      • movies, manga, or anime (even if it features a BJD)
      • gaming systems or games
      • cameras or camera accessories (unless they are doll-scaled)
      • plush, either handmade or commercial
      • repurposed toys (large or small), action figures, McDonald's toys, Littlest Petshop toys
      • keychains or phone straps
      • model or figure kits
      • gachapon (unless it is high-quality, doll-appropriate in the correct scale)
      • food-shaped erasers, silly bandz
      • books about off-topic dolls (Blythe, Barbie, Koitsukihime, Belmer)
      • craft or human organizers as dressers or other furniture
      • temporary tattoos/stickers/nail art gems or designs
      • obscene or adult items

      If you aren't sure if an item is appropriate, post in Ask the Moderators with photos/descriptions of your items.
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    6. Handcrafted Goods and Customization Services

      Members must be able to purchase or commission anything shown in the marketplace without having to leave Den of Angels. There is flexibility in offering items and services, but there are basic requirements:
      • Items and services must be your own original work, or done by an in-house member of a small atelier.
      • List all prices, sales terms and ordering information. Links to Etsy or other shops are allowed, but the Marketplace thread must include all relevant purchasing/ordering information.
      • You must be willing to conduct sales and commissions via contact through Den of Angels.
      • Show only items and services that are currently available, with prices listed.
      • For custom work, provide examples of past work with price ranges. Portfolios of past work and customer photos are ok, but should not occupy the first post of your thread.
      • Clearly differentiate between ready-made and custom items, to avoid confusion.
      • Do not simply show an assortment of past work and an offsite link. If that's all you want to do, we sell advertising banners!
      #6 DoA Mod Squad, Jan 16, 2011
      Last edited by a moderator: Oct 11, 2015
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    7. Swaps

      The Swaps forum is for member-organized swaps of items. No money is exchanged.

      Joining a swap
      Members with limited or full Marketplace access can join an unlimited number of swaps.

      Remember that you can subscribe to threads by using the Thread Tools dropdown menu in the upper righthand corner of the thread.

      Organizing a swap
      To organize a swap, you must have at least 100 posts, have been a member for 6 months, and have a feedback thread available; this is to help ensure the safety of the Marketplace.

      Specific rules for swaps
      • Organizers are responsible for setting swap parameters and determining whether they have been met. Participants should contact the organizer if their swap partner does not meet these requirements.
      • Feedback should be left between organizers and participants only, not swap partners. See the feedback rules for details about swap feedback.
      • Swaps may not be promoted in discussion threads.
      • Picture exchange threads can be started in the Meetups and Events Gallery. While these are a nice extra to round out the swap experience, the host cannot make posting photos a requirement for leaving good feedback to a participant who has otherwise fulfilled the requirements of the swap.
      #7 DoA Mod Squad, Jan 16, 2011
      Last edited by a moderator: Oct 15, 2015
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