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Modding - How Far are You Willing to Go?

Dec 21, 2010

    1. I also say whatever it takes, I love modding, unfortunately I am not brave enough to attempt, but I support others work, like this :


      My boy Xenon, done by the very talented The Lacy Rose.

      I am not even brave enough to pierce thier ears, and I have the tool and everything.
      The only mod I have ever done was with cement, lol, that's how Snake got his scars. As in he face planted, and fortunately it worked with his faceup.
    2. I would go with the "whatever it takes" group, if I want a horror mod, it's gonna be horrifying!
    3. I'd be willing to change eye shape (I am planning on doing this with one of my incoming dolls), chin/cheek shape, and widening/narrowing neck holes to fit on other bodies. I'm flirting with the idea of breast reduction on one of my dolls, because she can't fit into any of my other girl's clothes at the moment. But I've seen a few breast modifications on dolls, and I can honestly say it doesn't look like it'd go very well.:sweat
    4. Really with modding its just like most people, you have the perfect doll in mind but there are just some things that stick out that keep it from looking that way. I am just happening to like the elf type dolls for characters that arent elves. So my BBBWeylin, my RSJun, and my upcoming IMPL Christoper all will have or have their ears modded. My Impl will as well have her chest reduced by a bit, since her character is flatter. But thats as far as I am gonna be going, I dont wanna overdo it, so i try taking it slowly. Thats about the extent of my modding adventure.
    5. I've got a girl who I'm having modded into a boy because the character needed a feminine posture, but thats the only doll that Ive got modded. I slightly reshaped one of my boy's noses because it chipped alittle lol If the character calls for the mod then I'm up for modding lol
    6. For me, it's all about the art of creating a doll, therefore, I'll go as far as I need to. I'm a little reluctant to mod LE dolls though.
    7. like others, i'm willing to go as far as i need to go to make my dolls look like i want them to.
    8. I would rather mod the hell out of a doll than sell it.
    9. Well, I've modded:
      -the nose and neck of an AS Cain
      -boy bits onto a genderless Mythdoll Leroi
      -a BBB Tiah's breasts, torso, joints, eyes, and ears
      -carved Scars into my Yder's face
      -Gave my Volks Kohya a full body sanding and soak in baking soda/peroxide for a week
      -I'm currently modding my new BBB Weylin's arms completely into automail type arms (using delf hands instead of the originals) and also part of his chest/shoulders for the connection point

      Some of those are pretty extreme I guess. Especially since I generally don't like modding. I only mod a doll when there is something I don't like such as a neck that is too long or scars that are needed for a character. The mech arms I am doing because I hate the doll's elbow joints and I really hate the hands. I was trying to figure out a way to cover the joints and have new hands at the same time.
    10. I've already cut a doll in half, so it's more a matter of where do I go from here?

      I was actually thinking through my doll family and when everyone who is ordered arrives and everyone is all put togeather, out of 9 dolls all but 1 will be either hybrids, modded, or both.
      Knox has dimple piercings (I know I could have done it with glue, but I wanted them to be changable, so I drilled holes through her cheeks, don't regret it one bit). Teddy is a heavily modded bleu citron head, with modded hands. Elliot is undergoing big changes. When my new girl Flash arrives she will be undergoing a gender change (my first boy to girl mod), and I just started Tardis' robot mods tonight.

      For me sky's the limit. There are definatly things I'm more hesitatant to do, burn mods, and dying, but if I ever have a character that requires them I know I'll be eager to try.
    11. If I was confident, I'd go as far as maybe shaping the eyes and nose, as well as piercing the ears. Anything too big, time-consuming, or something that requires a lot of skill and tact is not up my alley.

      Even now, that's still how far I'd be comfortable going.
    12. Great topic. I would mod a doll, stopping at nothing if I had a vision in mind. I also like some basic dolls, although I prefer to do at least the face up, if noting else on a basic doll so that some of the doll is unique to me :) I've done eye hole and face carving on non bjds. I haven't done anything major to my bjd, 'cause I only have one and I haven't had her all that long. Who knows, she may ask for mods in the future :lol:
    13. All of my dolls have been modded, most of them faces and bodies, but some of them just faces and others just bodies. I'd be willing to go as far as I need to go to get the doll perfect in my eyes. One of my dolls is very extensively modded- literally every joint in his body has been changed in some way- so really there is nothing I wouldn't be prepared to do.
      I love modding dolls. It makes them more... mine, somehow :D
    14. I haven't worked up the nerve to mod, but I think once I get a test head to play with I can learn and get more comfortable with it. I would like to get dolls for some of my WoW characters at some point so I'd ave to learn to mod at some point!

      I think my only limit side from experience would be modding limited dolls. It seems odd to me that people would spend extra on a rare doll and then mod it when you could probbly spend the money on a regular, but I suppose if it's the closest mold you can get then you got to do what you got to do...It still confuses me though. xD
    15. Since I'm new to the hobby and still waiting for my first dolls, I wouldn't mod them in any way that would harm the resell value. That's simply because I've never had a bjd before and don't know how I'll bond with them. Wouldn't want to find out in a few months that this is really not my cup of tea, and couldn't get most of the spent money back. I'm just playing it safe right now, I suppose. Furthest I'd be willing to go as a newbie and with new dolls would be piercings or seam sanding.

      I have no objections to any modding once you know you're going to keep your dolls for better and for worse. :)
    16. At first I didn't had any plans on modifying any of my dolls.
      However, that changed when I got my second large male bjd,
      there were so many things that I wanted to change, so I did.

      Now it's a matter of how close the sculpt is to what I have in my head.
      If I have a clear vision of what I want the sculpt to look like yet the sculpt
      doesn’t match that mental picture, then I'll modify the sculpt as far
      as I can to make it look like it does in my head. That said, I have learned to take
      my time to get to that point, I don’t like rushing things anymore (though
      it wasn’t the case when I first started modding my heads, I would just do
      as I pleased and didn’t much care about the damages/mistakes I made). (:

      - Enzyme
    17. I will not stop until my doll is the doll I want. They are based on my characters, and I will do my best to find a base doll that suits my character as best it can, but I'm not afraid (despite my inexperience) to learn to do any modification which will complete my character. The idea of drastic gore modifications scares me a bit, but luckily I have no characters that would suit that type of mod :lol:
    18. I'm in the However I Want Group! I can go as Far Deep as I want with mod and as Barely-There-Shallow as I wish! It is my doll after all, they need only my attention =) And if someone can't look at it without puking, well... Don't look. :lol:
    19. How far am I willing to go?

      All the way! Past the limits, no expenses spared - whatever my imagination dictates must be done.
    20. I don't even have my first doll yet, but seeing all the different modded dollies makes me feel somewhat nervous and also brave at the same time. If that's even possible, heh. I don't know what I'll do with my first doll, but who knows? When I get some experience, I'll probably go pretty far!