1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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Momocolor Tiny discussion part 2

Jul 23, 2013

    1. I did the payment on July 7

      Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    2. Hopefully we might receive our dolls around the same time then as I ordered mine on the 27th July although I paid my final part of the installment in August, so I am not sure which date they will work from. It's coming up to 7 weeks from when I ordered but 3 from the final payment. I am getting antsy - I hate waiting!
    3. I ordered mine the 23rd July so Im hoping it wont be too long now <3
    4. SQUEEEE! Soleil arrived yesterday! :D

    5. Congratulations!!! She is just gorgeous! I love her.
    6. Soleil is absolutely stunning!!!

      Still no word about my Olga. Ordered her on July 16th on layaway and I am still waiting for my second invoice... :|
    7. I ordered Soleil on 07/08/13 and after a bit of poking was told she would ship on 08/21/13, but she was actually shipped nearly 2 weeks later... So hopefully you should hear something soon!
    8. I'm trying to make, tweak, and generally hijack clothes for Soleil... We discovered that a slight alteration to a MSD shirt makes a great night gown! (She hates the hat though ;) )

    9. She is so beautiful!!!

      Momocolor still has not responded nor did they send me an invoice. It's getting annoying that they take so long to respond...
    10. I didn't get sent an invoice I just sent them the payment myself and then updated my order to say that I had sent a payment and quoted the transaction ID.

      I've just had an email telling me that they will be shipping my order next week!
    11. Thank you! I absolutely love her... :D I'm just having a heck of a time finding the right clothes for her... She's proving to be a bit of a tomboy, hehe...

      I'm altering some patterns to *hopefully* fit her, so with any luck I'll have some more Soleil spam in the near future. :)
    12. Is Soleil on the Momo 29 body? I have found that most Volks YoSD clothing fits. Her arms and legs are longer though, so short sleeved dresses, tops and capri or shorts would be best. They are a bit roomy in the torso as she is thinner than the Volks body. I don't have any other clothing from other companies to try on my Lucy, just clothing I have made. I was very happy to see that Volks shoes fit the Momo 29 body too. :)

      Smudge, I also received a response from Momocolor stating that my Olga should be shipping out next week. Oh hopefully our girls will ship out as they have said!**fingers crossed**
    13. Thanks for letting me know. Momocolor told me they would send me another invoice but if I won't hear from them tomorrow I will just pay myself. I wonder how long it will take to get her in the end...
    14. Yup! She's the 29 body... I've made several templates that look promising, but we will see what happens. :) and that is great to know about the shoes! I've heard that littlefee clothes may fit and I've seen some outfits and shoes that I liked on etsy, but I want to try and get the clothes and shoes before I go visit my family in October... I'm bring her along!

      Let the sewing begin!! :)


      So... After many, MANY alterations and ripped and resewn seams.... We finally have an adorable cardigan!


      And that'll be my last Soleil spam for a bit, hehe. :)
    15. I love her cardigan! I wish I could see. I tried making leggings before and the fabric just got chewed up in my machine.
    16. Thank you! The pattern also makes a really cute long or short sleeve shirt with only a few alterations... And I learned a neat trick yesterday to keep the machine from eating the tiny amount of leeway that you need for such small projects..... Sew the item on top of a piece of paper! You can rip it right off the paper and with a little picking you have the tiny clean stitches you want. :)
    17. I love that tip, thank you! I'll give it a try. Is it your pattern or did you find it elsewhere?
    18. *nod nod*. It's been helpful for me, though I ended up hand sewing today because my sewing machine is being dumb...

      I made the pattern by researching online and then creating my own so it'd fit Soleil perfectly and look the way I wanted.... Speaking of which, here is Soleil in her first completed outfit by me! Now to get some shoes. ;)
    19. My Olga already arrived! But it has come without makeup and I paid for it ;(

    20. oh no! I'm sure if you contact them, they'll be more than willing to fix the situation. :(