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MSDoll Laurie Discussion thread

Jun 21, 2009

    1. This thread is to talk about the lovely new head form MSDoll: Laurie.


      fits to - Ms -gay body, SD9 and SD16 girl's bodies(not SD13) , SD9 boy's bodies( not SD13 boy)
      head cir - 21,5cm
      eyes - 14~16mm
      skin color- pure normal/ pure white

      And direct links to check info about her:

      to get more information on Laurie and others: http://msdoll.com/bbs/zboard.php?id=esale

      to see more Laurie's pictures: http://msdoll.com/bbs/zboard.php?id=laurie

      to order: http://msdoll.com/bbs/zboard.php?id=eorder

      if you have questions: http://msdoll.com/bbs/zboard.php?id=eqna
    2. Okay! I think I'll bring my question here, too.

      I heard that the Volks SD16/9 bodies are similar to Domuya's D1-60 girl body. Is that true? Can the Domuya body be used for the Laurie sculpt?

      Laurie's really pretty and versatile, IMO, so it'll be great if I can find a body before I get the head. :aheartbea
    3. SD16 girl neck circumference: 9.5cm
      D-ONE Flexi Perennial neck circumference: 9cm

      So I think it can works :)
    4. Just ordered my head through nDoll ^_^
      Also bought a DiM MNM girl body so I hope it's a match <3

      Can't wait to see this beauty in person....a girl doll again
      after such a long time XD

    5. She is such a gorgeous girl, I'm really resisting buying her! XD
      btw, MSdoll NS resin has a slightly yellow tinge to it, which some may find a bit too yellow for Volks bodies.
      Also, I really recommend ordering through the MSDoll site. They usually ship the heads out within a week of payment, sometimes even the next day!

    6. Thanks a lot! XD So I can get her body now~ :sweat If only the half-finished measurements thread were working, I wouldn't have had to ask around so much...
    7. I'm in love with this sculpt too--looking forward to owner pics. The minimee body is a good idea, but I'm still curious about the Soph body. the actual head size would work, but the neck opening would be too big. I did have a DIM Enubi head on a Soph body and it worked pretty well. So, if the neck opening of the Laurie head is similar in size, it wouldn't be that bad of a fit. I'm thinking of doing a pure white head on the paleskin body.

      Has anyone ordered in pure white?
    8. Oh I'm glad then that I ordered through nDoll, though I don't think she'll be shipped sooner than 1 maybe 2 weeks, her being new and all XD
      But I needed some extra things (wigs, shoes, clothes) so it worked out better than ordering through the MsDoll website.

      >>LisaMarie: Sorry I ordered her in NS ^_^
      but I'll let you know if the match with MNM is good or not.


    9. Oh of course, if you need other things, makes sense. :) Can't wait to see what you do with her. :D
    10. Updating! I've just ordered my NS Laurie-head through Ndoll. Has anyone else ordered theirs yet? ^_^ Or arrived?
    11. Mine finally have make-up! He is a boy :)

    12. Apokripha: He looks so sweet and fresh! :) Looks like a really natural face-up works, too. What's his name?

      It's been a while. Let's further revive this thread! I shall put D'myon's photo on, too.


      Myon's face-up was by the awesome Gabriel of Lightly Battered~
    13. Bunnisteffi: My boy's name is Jimmy. I am happy to see more Lauries arrounf here! D'myon is lovely!
    14. Thank you! D'myon's my first SD-sized kid, so it means a lot to me. :) I'm sure that there should be at least one or two other people who've bought a Laurie head... Where's the Laurie love?
    15. Here is some Laurie love here.

      I actually just received my Laurie head today! I bought her from N-doll via ebay. I think it was their last one. Normally I have a name, eyes, wig and every thing at least picked out before I get a doll but I just fell head over heels I don't have anything! Other than I know I want her to be a girl.

      I'm loving the eyes on the faceup she came with though. I'm going to have to do something about the lips though they are entirely too pale.
    16. Yay! Do post up her pictures soon! Edit: I re-read your post. Your Laurie has pale lips too? Hahas. I had no idea what to expect when D'myon came back from the face-up artist. And I guess I won't be changing Myon's eyes to the ones I'd initially planned on - Rosenlied's 14mm are perfect for the tiny Laurie eyes.

      I've got more pictures of my kid which I will be posting in the gallery later. ^^
    17. Just a quick photo of D'myon, who belongs to Bunnisteffi (above me!).

    18. rainwaltz: Nice shot!

      Here are more shots of my boy, with his boyfriend! :)


    19. Apokripha: Uke? Sorry- but Jimmy's too sweet not to be the uke of the two. :)

      Rene: You've been putting up a number of 'D'myon portals'! XD
    20. Bunnisteffi: Yes, he is (most of the time...). ;)