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My favourite tiny bits!

Aug 19, 2008

    1. Just for fun, I thought I would list my favourite tiny bits;
      face.... Elfdoll-Min del re
      Ears.... Tinybear-Mina
      Torso....Elfdoll-Min & Bong
      Bum.....Lati-Sp Belle
      Feet....Tinybear-Mina (beautiful toes)
      Joints....Lati-sp Belle (extra leg joint)
      Resin colour.....Tinybear-Mina in light tan
      Default face up....Elfdoll-Bong sun hwa

      When I try to picture this fantasy doll, it looks very odd! I would love to see your list.
    2. I have tons of tinys
      but a few of mine have to be

      Mina .Moona.- hands and feet
      Mina= lips
      Bracken - his body ...:D
      Lati Lea - Lips
      Elf Lea -ears
      Elf doll Hana- Devil ..laughing face- smile
      Elf Doll Bong- teeth
      Banji hands and feet
      Puki Piki - mouth
      Lati Belle- eyes
      PocketFairy Yoko - eyes and mouth
      PocketFairy Peter ..freckles
      TinyBear Coco - lips
      Tinybear BonBon - dimples
      Elf Doll Dodo- sulk :D
      I could go on for ages

      favorite face-up ...I have 2 Lati Lea Kitty Cat and Ravendoll when she did my Bracken

      and my favorite resin colours ...Bobobie light tan, green and then all of the others ..it changes daily which I prefere ..and normal resin
    3. As yet I have only one tiny, a Wishel and I love all her little parts! Especially her little face, hands and feet:aheartbea The detail of those little fingers is just astounding:D
    4. :doh Here are my favorite tiny bits :P

      face.... Puki Sugar/pipi (lets face it, definition of cute!)
      Eyes....Elfdoll Lyn
      Nose....Tinybear-Mina yah, Coco, and the Monnaemi Sisters
      Mouth....Felixdoll Brownie Yoyo
      Ears.... Felixdoll Brownie Momo et al
      Torso....Witley Fat Fairy :)
      Tummy....Fat fairy again :)
      Bum.....Fat fairy, LOL
      Hands....Banji Yah
      Feet....all of Tinybear's and Banji's
      Joints....Felixdoll Brownie, wow, double jointed everywhere! and Elfdoll Tiny knees
      Resin colour.....Bobobie's rainbow of colors!
      Default face up....Elfdoll's Hana Devil

      This is a fun thread, thanks for starting it :)
    5. Cutest;
      face.... Elfdoll-Min del re
      Mouth....Puki pipi
      Ears.... DD Anne-Near
      Torso....Pocket fairy
      Tummy....aga fairy Cookie
      Bum.....all the tinies have cute bums!
      Hands....lati yellow
      Feet....Aga Fairy (even though they are big)
      Resin colour.....Banji Empty & Tragic
      Default face up....Min Del Re 1 and 2
    6. Cutest:
      face.... Elfdoll Min Del Re
      Eyes....Tinybear Moona
      Nose....Elfdoll Bong Sun Hwa
      Mouth....Roxydoll Lucy
      Ears.... Lati Yellow
      Bum.....I think they are all cute!
      Resin colour.....Banji and Lati Yellow
      Default face up....Min Del Re and Dodo
    7. my fav would have to be, The Alice Cherry Blossom, and Baby Alice!
      but do those count?
    8. This is hard...

      Outy Tummy Button ~ Naripon

      Eyes large and doe like ~ Felixdoll Brownie Momo

      Mouth ~ Tinybear Coco

      Smile ~ Tinybear BonBon & Bracken

      Rounded figure ~ Tinybear Fat Fairies! Who else?!

      Chubby Cheeks ~ Genie Lilica

      Button Nose ~ Lati White Pury

      Grace and Elegance ~ Serendipity Cumi

      Joints ~ Puki and Brownies!!

      Feet ~ Tinybear Moona & Bracken

      Hands ~ Love the expressive hands of the Puki!!!

      Pout ~ Naripon Just can't beat that pout even though Puki Mary comes close

      Chubby baby limbs - Naripon

      Stocky body - Pocket Fairy - don't hear much about them these days. Just love that little body.

      Sucking thumb face - HDL Teenie She wins hands down for the cutest sucky thumb face ever! Love her little thumb too.

      Serene Sleeping face - Cutie Delf Mary. It's so beautiful.

      Goodness what a list. I think we should take pics of our favourite parts. Don't you?
    9. Wouldn't it be funny to make a composite picture (like the police do for suspects!)?
    10. Now that would be really funny!
    11. I see a challenge in the air....... LOL
    12. this is very difficlult, because I love all my tiny's so much I will never sell them.
      I really like to make up characters for them and dress them like that, but they are just with me and being different from time to time.

      banji.................hands and feet
      bonbon.............smile,with dimples
      bracken............torso and his tiny bit:)
      cumi................ legs and nose
      little gienie'........mouth and profil
      little miss...........nose and cheeks
      momo...............ears and body
      kai...................whole face
      alice pig...........nose,smile
      uyoo elf...........shape face and ears
      vito...............eyes and colour
      pipos bingo......colour,snout
      puki pipi..........face,posing
      efdoll hana......smirking face, face-up
      min del re........whole face, body
      laches...........mouth, face-up
      pongpong(not here yet) but the smile and puki body

      If somebody can draw like Blodeuwedd she could draw the perfect doll for everybody.