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Mystic Kids 1/3 doll discussion

Apr 11, 2013

    1. Yo sorry it's been a hot minute! Okay I can check now!

      It looks like you have the peanut joint in the arm facing the right way, and in the correct arm, so that's great!

      As for the knees, it looks like you've got the peanut joint facing the right way, but in the wrong knees. They should be reversed.

      If you still have a gap issue after that, there's not much I can suggest over text other than holding parts together while the doll is unstrung and swapping pieces out for each other until everything seems to fit well, and then restringing them in that order. I've had to do that with another non-MK doll after restringing it before, and went with the order that worked best for me. MK joints fit pretty smoothly together without gaps in the knees and elbows, so once you've got em set, it should be easy to tell!
      #361 Shopoke, Jun 11, 2023
      Last edited: Jun 11, 2023
    2. Hello. I just received yesterday from Alice Collections a Mystic 60 cm Petra blank in NS. I was able to get her head same day to DIL for face up. So hopefully new photo soon. But here she is for now.
      [​IMG]Meet Salem by Marie, on Flickr
      Can't wait to do her profile here.
      • x 2
    3. Congrats on her arrival! I gifted my wife one and she arrived back at the end of August after barely waiting 2 months since ordering her. She’s such a fun sculpt, I just had to paint her right away!

      • x 5
    4. Oh cool!!! Is she on the new body? If so, how do you like her posing?
      It's gonna be so exciting to see what she looks like once painted!
      • x 1
    5. Oh dude she looks so cool! It was really hard to tell what the head would look like and imagine other face-ups from the product photos. I like yours a lot! She looks so fierce yet soft at the same time!

      Petra definitely has that classic Mystic Kids kick to her that I adore. I was worried their sculpting style was straying from what I loved about them, but I still see it there!
    6. Thank you! She has such a different face than commonly seen from companies, but it's really nice. I had fun painting her and she was a belated Birthday/Anniversary gift for my wife.

      The new body definitely feels like an upgrade from the V1 body, with a lot more locks added into the joints. Almost too many honestly. Getting her from sitting back to a standing position requires pulling the thigh out of the hip socket as the locks are really strong. At least this body doesn't fold into itself easily. My Miri on the V1 body from 2013 likes to just fold forward and headbutt me. So I do appreciate the new locks.
      • x 1
    7. I haven't played with her to much, but I found if I pull on her joints it's less friction on whatever ratchet type system she has. I do find her small feet weird considering her lower torso section, but when I find time will be trying on shoes and boots to see if flat feet work better when small or will I need to find high Heel feet that work with her body, so far what I have here is to big for ankle joint. I promise to share photos once head is back.
      • x 1
    8. Yeah, I agree the feet are super small, barely 6cm long. I put MSD boots on my wife's Petra and they fit like a glove. I can take a picture of them if desired. She wears stockings too, so there's room for socks in the MSD shoes/boots too. To me that is a strange sculpting choice to make the feet so small on the body, but it works I suppose! She stands rock solid most of the time.
    9. I'd like to see what this looks like!
      I've wondered about the scale of MSD shoes on an SD size doll before. :huh?:
    10. This has me even more curious if they plan on another 1/3 boy body!
      I have 2 of the current 1/3 boy bodies and they also fold and headbutt a lot. I've heard recently that that's a thing with MK but not a general doll thing like I thought for so long. o.o
      I plan on restringing them soon to see if that helps. I got a (non-MK) doll with lots of joint locks for the first time a week ago and I'm not sure how I feel about it yet. I like the smooth jointing on most dolls I've handled, like the current 1/3 MK boys, but I suppose it's all just the same as differences in posing personality.
      If they make a new boy body, I'm sooo curious what style it'd look like too, with how stylized the new girl body is!

      Excuse me as I hype about my favorite still-existing doll company. :chibi
    11. Hello!

      I've been looking into Mystic Kids and was wondering if anyone had any pictures of resin comparisons with Elfdoll normal?
      Old Luts Delf (2009 or earlier) or older Volks normal would also be helpful.
      Haven't had much luck searching the picture request section and thought this might be a better place to ask.

      I was also wondering if anyone had this body and could tell me how easy it is to dress? Can it wear regular SD13 dresses? I have a couple already waiting for my Elfdoll Soah for when she finally gets a body and this body is the shape I'd like for her.
      Doll Parts, Mystic Kids - BJD, BJD Doll, Ball Jointed Dolls - Alice's Collections
    12. I have this body at home in normal yellow, and I got a Volks YoSD Ayumu from 2012 and Chinatsu from 2007 in pure skin normal as well. Would you like me to take a pic of those colors compared?

      Dressing the body isn't that difficult with dresses, I have a regular SD dress on her, important is that she has small feet, only 6cm long. She fits in regular MSD sized shoes, so be sure to check the inner length that it's at least 6cm long.
      • x 1
    13. Yes, please! That would be great. I have Volks resin that's around that age.

      That's good to know! And interesting that her feet are so small. At least there are some really cute MSD shoes out there lol
    14. Here you go!

      Mystic Kids normal yellow is pretty light, it's not a bad match for more recent Volks pure skin normal, I'll need to get a comparison of that too...

      Volks PSN 2007 vs MK normal yellow 2023 vs Volks PSN 2012

      And with flash
      • x 2
    15. Thank you so much! I think I can work with that color. I don't want to remove my Soah's faceup, but I'm sure I can blush any body parts that will show to match. She'll be wearing lolita style dresses, so luckily there shouldn't be too much body showing.

      Your girl is lovely, and so are those cuties next to her! :D
      • x 2
    16. Glad I could be of help! And blushing the hands and the collarbones should be more than enough to make the body match the Soah head. It's a really nice body, maybe I will stick her into an SD13 lolita dress to check the fit. She's slim in the shoulders, but very hippy.
      • x 1
    17. Oh, definitely. That should be pretty easy. I wonder if they sell hands separately... I'd love to get a few pairs to paint the nails differently. Or figure out how to do false ones that look okay and sturdy, but easy to remove lol.
      If you put your girl in lolita, I'd love to see! :love
    18. I am so happy to see an owner pic of Petra. I never bought a Mystic kid., Petra’s face is so pretty. What gorgeous face up. She seems more mature, than the other mystic sculpts. Love the braids and styling of the doll. ♥️♥️
      #378 bbogacz, Nov 13, 2023
      Last edited: Nov 29, 2023
    19. [​IMG]FS: Mystic Kids Petra w/ Face Up & Extras by Marie, on Flickr
      I was picturing her as a Goth style wicken and she seems to fit that.
    20. I’ve been eyeing your Petra. She’s a real beauty. I love how the eye make up came out. Are you still selling her or are you going to keep her?