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Mystic Kids 1/3 doll discussion

Apr 11, 2013

    1. Hey guys, does anyone knows if the MK pink skin matches the 5SD normal pink resin?

      Btw, I really like the new girl, Eileen, she is a cutie! <3
    2. I've got a old 5star doll with pink skin and it wouldn't be a match for MK, it's more on the peachy side while MK is more like Dream of Doll pink. But again, she's old so she might have yellowed and/or 5star could have changed their pink skin since I bought her.

      I've got a grumpy Ellis~

      I wish his neck was longer. I could be just too used to Sooms freakishly long necks, but I feel MK's neck should still be a tad longer.
      • x 1
    3. I have been trying to match up a head for a doll leaves body that I have. Dollzone pink is a good match so on that basis I am thinking that MK would match up ok with Doll leaves, but if anyone has that combination I'd love to know how close the two are.
    4. Just got my wonderful Mystic kids in today <3 I took home a Miri and Christina. Miri is my second ever SD girl! She's actually taller than my other SD, lol. But wow, she's so beautiful, and I'm glad I chose her. I waited a long time to find the perfect SD, and she is so great. (I do have to say though that her sales picture is a little misleading. Her faceup is a lot less vibrant in real life. (The pink is barely noticeable) However, it works for my girl because I want her to be more natural and soft looking~

      Here is Josephine:

      • x 1
    5. Thank you for the info, Raen; your 5SD doll is made in the opaque urethane resin, or it´s from the translucent resin that 5Stardoll used time ago for their dolls?. I have a girl body in the actual normal pink, that is exact to Elfdoll.

      Shawnee, your girl is adorable!, please spam us with more photos, I love Miri and Eileen so much!. Btw, just curious, did you get her through Junkyspot?, maybe yours is the lovely Miri I saw on their Facebook page just before sent her to her home. <3
    6. Oh, thank you so much <3 I really was nervous about getting another SD, because they are not typically my favorite size. But I love this girl so much. She's more than I could have hoped for! And I did get her from JS :) But that Miri was going to a girl in Minnesota I think x3 My girl had already been shipped by then.

      So, in case anyone is interested, Angell-Studio 1/3 clothes AND shoes fit these dolls perfectly! I got her outfit in today from A-S. She looks so lovely in white! You can't see them, but the shoes really do fit her feet perfectly. The outfit she is wearing in the other picture I posted is also an A-S outfit. They are really good quality! And her double joints make it super easy to get her arms into the clothes xD

      • x 1
    7. Wow. Thanks for review pics. They're very usefull. This company's dolls are so pretty.
    8. I'm amazed by how pretty these dolls are. I need to find a reason to buy one. ;)

      Shawnee - Your girl is so beautiful!
    9. *enabling* You should totally get one

      Thank you very much <3 She is making me re-think my previous dislike of 1/3 size o.o
    10. @Alaia I have my MK head on a Dikadoll body in pink skin, Dika says their pink is similar to DZ pink. But the Dika body and MK head (both in pink) are quite different. :/ MK is MUCH more pale in colour.
    11. I'm sorry it wasn't a great match ;c And yeah, MK normal pink is pretty light in color. I just compared it to my Luts normal skin (Luts is more yellow-ish, lighter) and Fairyland normal skin (FL is darker and more pink)
    12. Anyone know if any of these companies are a good match? I want a Lawrence with jointed hands, and want to get it all from Alice's Collection:
      DikaDoll (apparently not)
      Doll Family-H
      Doll Leaves
      Dragon Doll
      Illusion Spirit
      POPO Doll
      Ring Doll

      Thank you!
    13. Doll Leaves normal skin is darker than my normal skin MK girls. However my Doll Leaves girl was made in 2012, and my MK girls are brand new.

      Also, I loved Josephine so much that I went and bought Eileen too :P I don't know what it is, but I just adore these dolls so much. I'm really happy they made me realize that SD's actually are awesome.

      I named her Rosemary (This picture also features MK Lillian who I named Vivian). I decided to give her Josephine's old outfit, because I like Josephine better in the white ensemble. Plus, Rosemary seems younger to me than Josephine, and I think the outfit shows that better!


      I really hope we start seeing more of these girls (and boys!) around, because they are fabulous in every single way.
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    14. thanks for posting a pic of this guy in person! I just placed an order for my Milo in pink skin :) Since you have him in person in pink skin, do you think he would look good in a dark burgundy wig? I am so excited! :fangirl:
    15. I just ordered Eileen.
      Can´t wait to have her here.
      How fast is MK with shipping?
      I´m used to long waits from Loongsoul and SoulDoll.
    16. I was the person that ordered the MK Miri from Junkyspot that went to Minnesota. I've had her a while now and one of the first things I did was wipe her company face up and give her one of my own.

      Here's Jolene my Miri. I love her posing, it's really really good. The only complaint I have is that she likes to fold over in her hips, so I need to suede her. She stands fine, but as soon as I play with her she folds almost always.
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    17. All the girls are super gorgeous! *envy* <3

      I´ve been pretty undecided choosing between a Miri or a Eileen head for a 5SD body I have, but the new girl, Elisa, stole my heart, she looks pretty similar to Lillian (which I adore too), so I think I´ll be ordering her head in human versión by the next month. ^^
    18. Raen - Your Ellis is awesome! XD
    19. Hi. I may wanted to ask if I can? Does the Mystic Kids SD Normal pink skin matches with the Oasisdoll head? I wanted to put Linglan's head on the MK 1/3 body just in case if I can't afford the feeple body
    20. I just found out this company and I love their dolls!!

      I see some of you here got only the head, where can I buy just the head? I love Miri but I'm not a fan of the body, I'd love to make it a hybrid.

      edit: Never mind! I know where to get it now!