1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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Narin Dragonfly/Heartbreak closed mouth boys- Discussion

Dec 20, 2006

    1. Got questions about the new boys? This is the place to post.

    2. Oops I just posted questions in the News forum.
      Okay here they are:

      Are there pictures with the heads on bodies and hair yet?
      On the Dragonfly, are his lids painted or sculpted?

      Thank you so much!
    3. dragonfly looks painted to me.

      i want them both. *waits for them to pop up on dollfair website*
    4. If anyone wants to buy them, you can order now. Just order any Narin and write "Dragonfly" or "Heartbreak" in the instructions box on the shopping cart.

      We will then fill your order for the new head choice.

    5. I found my 3rd boy! I want a tan emo Narin :fangirl: How does the layaway work?
    6. Oh... I'm probably in trouble here. I've been contemplating a 43cm Narin for awhile now, and I thought that having a choice between the 'normal' and the 'classic' was going to be hard enough. maybe I'll just have to save up LOTS and collect all of the Narin boy sculpts... except maybe 'Heartbreak...' He's gorgeous, but he looks so sad!

      Definately looking forward to pictures on bodies, and pictures with wigs-- their foreheads are a little disconcerting when they're nekked.
    7. how do i order if i just want the heads?
    8. We do an individual layaway plan for each person.

      You can just email us for details since this is not a sales thread :D

      I'd glad you like Narin Heartbreak. When I first saw him I thought,
      "OMG, it's Narin Emo!!" But I was afraid the international crowd would not understand the word "EMO," because you know the names we came up with will also be used for Korean sales, LOL. Just think of them all hitting their dictionaries trying to find the EMO word, :doh

    9. and i think i changed my mind... i'm ordering heartbreak because it suits ludovic... dragonfly is going to have to wait because he simply must be his own person. does not suit ludovic's character. so that adds yet another full doll i need in my collection. (glares playfully at bimong)
    10. Well, just place an order for any two Narin optional heads, and then in the instructions box in the shopping cart tell me which ones you want. We can get them for you in this current order.
      Glad you like them!
    11. ordered. mine. *dies*
    12. Heartbreak is so saaaaad. Perfect name for him. Well I was all set on Classic face, but now...I think I might need a Heartbreak too. Eventually. ARG!

    13. GAH, I cannot decide which one is more adorable. :D I had all but given up on what doll could be my Lucy's brooding tightrope walker, but I think one of these faces would be so perfect! And now I just need to save up money, and figure how I will sew clothes for boys because I hate making pants! haha. This is a ways away though, so I think I have planning time!
    14. Want Emo Narin... BAD!

      *dusts off new pennybank to save*
    15. i sooo see lucy with a dark mysterious dragonfly boy. i think that heartbreak might be more simpering than brooding.
    16. Catrina Thank you so much for posting those pictures. I really like both of them and don't know of the two which I like better. I love heartbreaks nose and mouth and I like dragonfly's eyes better, I think. Either way, they're both great and I think they look a lot like the 60cm Narins. Older boys in little boys bodies. LOL

      I've decided to place my order for Classic. I was waiting to see these two and as much as I like them, my vision of my boy is younger and more care-free looking. So my order will go in ASAP. Yippeee.
    17. I can't decide which face to get ~ they are so new I will have to sit and think about it for a while, but I am definitely placing an order very early next year.
    18. Laurmann- Many thanks and I'll be in touch about completing your order

      Twigling- I agree, it takes time to really see a mold and think of the possibilities. At first I wasn't sure if I liked Narin Heartbreak, but he really grows on you.

    19. Hey Catrina,

      Thanks soooo much for posting the photos of the new boys! :)

      I really like them both very much!!!

      Dragonfly does look much older and very handsome. And it looks like he can pull off a lot of very different looks. Heartbreak is a great sculpt, love the nose. And also looks like he can have many different looks based on how the eyebrows are painted.

      Thanks again.

      HAPPY HOLIDAYS everyone!

    20. Hehe, I know! A dragonfly in tanning skin maybe, and dark brown eyes! :) I think she would be so shy that to even sit them next to each other would take her a while to get used to. haha! I think she would get over it soon enough though. ;)