1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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Narrowing down the focus of collecting?

Jun 23, 2020

    1. Hello everyone <3

      I tried to find a similar thread, but I couldn't, so I hope this one's not repetetive.

      I would love you to share your experience on narrowing down (or broadening?) your bjd customization/collection focus.

      Can you/How to combine the bjd hobby with other hobbies? Is it possible to successfully maintain several other hobbies or do the dolls tend to take over your life? (in terms of money, time, space)

      How to narrow down/broaden the collection so that none of the dolls is neglected? In particular, when you need to find time for making (or money for buying) clothes and accessories?

      Have you ever tried to collect only particular sizes, genders, kinds (anthro/realistic), so that the dolly accessories take less space and time to maintain/purchase/sew for?

      Have a lovely time with your BJDs <3 <3 <3

      This question came to my mind today, because as much as I love my dolls, I also want to share my time with my tiny barbie collection; come back to painting and drawing; exercise and prepare my own meals to change my eating/lifestyle habits. I know that the form and size of my current collection doesn't quite fit it and it stops me from realising my dreams, yet I cannot decide to how narrow down the focus (I know for sure I want to keep the BJDs anyway <3).
      #1 CutieKitty, Jun 23, 2020
      Last edited: Jun 23, 2020
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    2. I have a load of hobbies, so it’s perfectly doable. Some overlap with BJDs to a greater or lesser extent, some don’t. Some of my dolls are spoiled, some slightly neglected, but as a general rule I try to make sure they all have something. Most of my dolls are SD, and mostly boys, so that makes swapping clothes & shoes easier to some extent.
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    3. Can you/How to combine the bjd hobby with other hobbies? Absolutely; I've been sewing for ages, so I can easily add sewing for dolls to the mix; similarly, I've lately decided getting into resin casting would be fun, and once I've tried out a few things I plan to order some eye molds to try out making resin eyes. :) I've also been using the skills I picked up ages ago when I got my art degree (sculpture focus) to mod some of my dolls and make them more uniquely my own!

      Is it possible to successfully maintain several other hobbies or do the dolls tend to take over your life? Depends on how much time you want to devote to each hobby. Besides dolls, I also collect plushies (Build-a-Bear and Tentacle Kitty, primarily), mermaid (fabric tails only), create cosplay/fest costumes, and help with two separate anime conventions. I'm also working on resin casting (as mentioned previously) and frequently find other things to try my hand at. I tend to jump between each of them for a time (mermaiding is exercise so it tends to be more regular, and convention stuff is scheduled out for me), rather than trying to do all of it at once, so sometimes I'll be sewing like crazy and ignoring all the rest, and sometimes it'll be con crunch time and everything other than that is forgotten, but throughout a given year I'll hit each several times.

      How to narrow down the collection so that none of the dolls is neglected? As inanimate objects, they aren't really "neglected" by not spending time with them. Toy Story is fiction. ;) Similar to how I jump between hobbies, I also jump between which dolls I want to work on at any given time. The others just wait until I jump back around to them.

      Have you ever tried to collect only particular sizes, genders, kinds (anthro/realistic), so that the dolly accessories take less space and time to maintain/purchase/sew?
      Initially I was only going to get mini elves. That did not work out. :) Each one has a specific "signature" outfit I need to make for them anyway, so only limiting the number in general would have helped with limiting the number of items I need to sew... :sweat
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    4. Preferring tiny dolls helps me control myself a lot... though I will have 3 MSD-sized dolls soon, which I wasn't planning at all when I started. I'm actually more into 1/6 fantasy and creature-type dolls, so I am safe when looking at most things for sale. :3

      I admire tons of dolls, but don't feel the need to 'own' very many, so maybe I'm lucky~
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    5. Can you/How to combine the bjd hobby with other hobbies?
      For sure, I definitely do this. I have always been artistic, so BJDs are a great way to combine all of my hobbies in one place. I love painting, even if I'm still struggling to get better at it. I love the restoration of vintage and antique items, and I can also direct this energy to well-loved dolls. I love to sew and cosplay, so I can also sew on a doll scale. Above all else, I love to collect dolls, so this is just one more group I can add to the doll room!

      Is it possible to successfully maintain several other hobbies or do the dolls tend to take over your life?
      I collect various kinds of dolls, and I tend to go through cycles of obsession with all of them. I put my primary (and monetary) focus on one at a time, whenever I feel inclined to do so. I don't plan it, just every few years my attention gets directed at another grouping of my doll collections. Right now, I'm very VERY heavily into BJDs, and I think it's fair to say they have taken over my life (and wallet). For me, it is hard to focus on more than one thing at once, especially while budgeting.

      How to narrow down the collection so that none of the dolls is neglected? In particular, when you need to find time for making (or money for buying) clothes and accessories?
      I definitely have tried to keep a "Marie Kondo" style approach to my collection. If I get a doll, and I go through the trouble of making it up a certain way, yet it still doesn't bring me joy to look at, it goes away. Otherwise, I will definitely tend to neglect the doll, whether that means it's naked for months on end, faceless, eye-less, or bald. For me, if I'm not giving it the care and attention I should be, I don't consider it something I like as much as my others, so that helps me narrow it down. I've found if I'm really passionate about a doll, I will find the time/money to make or buy whatever it is I want for it.

      Have you ever tried to collect only particular sizes, genders, kinds (anthro/realistic), so that the dolly accessories take less space and time to maintain/purchase/sew?

      I have not done this, however, most of my dolls are SD sized. I think it's just a preference for me, and I do find sewing and painting on a smaller scale to be harder.
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    6. Most of my hobbies are creative, so dolls are an extension of that for me. I enjoy sewing for them, and am going to start practicing faceups soon too! It helps that my other main hobbies are drawing digital art and playing video games that I already own, so budget isn't a huge problem.

      I tend to collect MSD sized dolls, although I recently ordered an 68cm boy, so I'm hoping I'll enjoy him just as much. Sharing isn't so much of an issue for me, because I tend to give my dolls specific character traits and make/order each outfit/accessory for one in particular.
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    7. I find that its hard for me to collect just one size. I started back in 2004 with VOLKS SD13 after collection some fashion dolls in 1/6th scale. Momoko and Dollfie along with a few other makers. But as the BJD companies expanded over the years, I ended up collecting anything, resin BJD related, in any size I like.

      As for more than one hobby, I don't collect much else, unless you my human count sneaker and shoe obsession.
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    8. Can you/How to combine the bjd hobby with other hobbies?
      So many people in this hobby are extremely creative and me... very much not so. I can't say I have a particular interest in sewing, art, or photography. My only hobby that seems to overlap here is my love of spending money!! I do feel like a bit of it combines with some of my other hobbies. Considering BJDs originate from Asia it overlaps well with my interest in those cultures such as food, music, and media.

      Is it possible to successfully maintain several other hobbies or do the dolls tend to take over your life? (in terms of money, time, space)
      My BJDs definitely take up the most space in my room. I have a bookshelf of manga and I've only recently gotten into collecting anime figurines but I'm extremely selective with those. My husband and I are planning to purchase a home soon and I want to make sure I have nice shelving setup in my new office to display all of my boys! aka yes, it took over my life.

      How to narrow down the collection so that none of the dolls is neglected? In particular, when you need to find time for making (or money for buying) clothes and accessories?
      I narrowed down the collection by trying to focus on one size only. I started with an SD13 boy and then got a 70cm giant. Then I went into the middle range with SD17 which I now prefer. I try to mainly buy clothes in that range since that's the majority of my dolls. The SD13 boys I have bought like Abyss from Asleep Eidolon and Hui the Apprentice from Ringdoll are fullsets so I don't think I'll change their looks much.

      Have you ever tried to collect only particular sizes, genders, kinds (anthro/realistic), so that the dolly accessories take less space and time to maintain/purchase/sew?

      Yep! As I mentioned above, I'm trying to primarily stick to SD17. Switch is my favorite company and that's most of their dolls anyway so it makes it real easy.
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    9. My first response to these questions is "Oh you must be new here..."

      But it can seem like when you first start to collect, that they do a dolly takeover. Don't worry, it's a passing storm!

      Can you/How to combine the bjd hobby with other hobbies?
      I do photography, I game a lot, and I like to write. I do my best to combine all these hobbies, and for the most part it seems to work out!

      Is it possible to successfully maintain several other hobbies or do the dolls tend to take over your life?

      In the terms of money my gaming has had to take a back seat to dolls before, but this goes both ways because computers and gaming consoles aren't cheap either! But the dolls do like to abuse my wallet the most out of my hobbies. I save a lot doing my own faceups.

      How to narrow down the collection so that none of the dolls is neglected?
      I tend to have a dolls character planned out for the most part, and I buy their things while I am waiting for the doll. I also have a lot of random clothing, wigs, etc, that are in my style so a new doll doesn't stay blank for very long around here. I also just stick to buying dolls that will fit characters I want to shell, as opposed to impulse buys. No character possibility, no doll.

      Have you ever tried to collect only particular sizes, genders, kinds (anthro/realistic), so that the dolly accessories take less space and time to maintain/purchase/sew?
      YES! I stick to only msd size because I just would have to stop gaming to afford the other sizes as well and I just can't be bothered to do that. I adore all sizes of dolls though!
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    10. This is exactly how I feel. I really prefer my tinies because they don’t take up a ton of space and have such a whimsical quality to them.

      To comment on the original post, I feel as though I’m able to combine hobbies constantly with my BJDs, as I’m always crafting something to give them more accessories or clothes. I think it’s a lot of fun to be able to take the time to find just what they need and to make it by hand rather than always making a purchase whenever I want something new. Not that there’s anything wrong with purchases! I just think my wallet wouldn’t forgive me if I did that. I mean, I need that extra money I save for more dolls after all! :XD: It’s mainly sewing and sculpting for me. I sometimes find just the right item to craft with though. I’ve also done work to make a dollhouse into a diorama for my woodland critters, which was a ton of fun. I think what’s great is that the possibilities are really endless which is really fun and cool! :love
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    11. Can you/How to combine the bjd hobby with other hobbies? Is it possible to successfully maintain several other hobbies or do the dolls tend to take over your life? My main hobbies are BJDs, gaming and roleplaying. They kind of go hand in hand because my dolls are shells of my role play characters. Also sew and paint, though I mostly do that for the dolls, so again, it goes together.

      How to narrow down/broaden the collection so that none of the dolls is neglected? I don't allow myself to have more than 16 dolls, and try to keep it at 16 or fewer, 13 being ideal. They all must be connected in some way (friends, family, roommates, coworkers, etc) Any odd doll out won't stay long, I just have no purpose for them

      Have you ever tried to collect only particular sizes, genders, kinds (anthro/realistic), so that the dolly accessories take less space and time to maintain/purchase/sew for?

      For the longest time, I've only collected SD range (so like 53-62cm), but recently I've started to realize I also really enjoy 70cm guys, which I guess technically they do fit in the "large doll" range. My only exception is Amir, who is 46cm and was my first doll. He only hangs around because he was my first doll, and his age, condition and original price make him worth almost nothing, so I can't bear to sell him. Even so, all of my dolls have their own shoe box size tub for their individual clothes and accessories, so I'm not sure that actually cuts down on space. :sweat At least they're all neatly stored in a chest of drawers in the spare room?:XD:
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    12. I'll try my best to answer this...

      Can you/How to combine the bjd hobby with other hobbies? Is it possible to successfully maintain several other hobbies or do the dolls tend to take over your life? (in terms of money, time, space)
      My other hobbies are not doll related, so I really don't combine them. I really don't mind, I don't feel the need to combine them; sometimes I feel in the mood for dolls and sometimes I feel in the mood for something else.

      How to narrow down/broaden the collection so that none of the dolls is neglected? In particular, when you need to find time for making (or money for buying) clothes and accessories?
      I haven't narrow down my collection; I've been collecting BJDs for 10 years and I haven't sold any of them. Some dolls have been neglected for a while due to lack of money, but I don't mind waiting for the time to buy something for them again. Last year I had nearly zero activity in the BJD hobby and now I'm passionate about it again. After all, it's a hobby, so no one would blame you to neglect a doll for some time; or sell them if you don't feel passionate about them anymore, as long as it's really what you want, not some decision you feel yo must make due to social pressure.

      Have you ever tried to collect only particular sizes, genders, kinds (anthro/realistic), so that the dolly accessories take less space and time to maintain/purchase/sew for?

      I collect what I like. Definetely, my preferred size is MSD, but I have from tinys to SD dolls. I just buy what I feel like at that moment, I don't mind "taking turns" for the different sizes.

      Long story short, after 10 years I'm a "relaxed" collector. I don't let the hobby control my life because it's just a hobby and I'm free to do whatever I want. I hope this helps you. :)
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    13. Can you/How to combine the bjd hobby with other hobbies? Is it possible to successfully maintain several other hobbies or do the dolls tend to take over your life? (in terms of money, time, space)
      I stopped collecting fashion dolls and sold a few of them when I started collecting BJDs. Some of my other hobbies now center around them. My sewing/tailoring skills have improved considerably from my sewing them clothes. I also make them furniture and props. My fiction writing currently centers on their characters. But I have non-doll related hobbies that I spend time on too.

      How to narrow down/broaden the collection so that none of the dolls is neglected?
      It's important to me that they are all the same scale, so they can all be in the same display space/diorama. I've sold two dolls because they didn't work with the group. One was too tiny, the other too big. They take turns being the "favorite" and being the one I'm making clothes for. I've recently realized how much I prefer double jointed dolls, so there are a couple I hope to "re-shell' their characters' in when I find a doll with a similar enough face.

      Have you ever tried to collect only particular sizes, genders, kinds (anthro/realistic), so that the dolly accessories take less space and time to maintain/purchase/sew for?

      My first BJD was a mature tiny, and I've stuck with that scale. I am very particular about all their heads and eyes being similar sizes, as having dolls out of scale with the others looks so wrong to me that it has kept a number of dolls off my wish list. At one point it really bothered me how odd one of my first dolls who's more stylized looked with some of my more realistic dolls, then I realized how odd one of my beloved fantasy dolls looks with nearly everyone. Aesthetic variation doesn't bother me so much now. Just my rules of head size 4-5 inches and eye size 6-8 millimeters have helped keep my collection in check.
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    14. Can you/How to combine the bjd hobby with other hobbies? Is it possible to successfully maintain several other hobbies or do the dolls tend to take over your life? (in terms of money, time, space)
      I've always collected dolls, and it was because I wanted to customize my own that I found these kind a thousand years ago (sixteen years ago now?). I've always also collected and still do 1:6 anime/J-video-game figures[, other anime/J-video-game scaled figures, and actual anime and video games (hard copies, not downloadable media), and I don't sell them because I do consider myself a collector of games and anime.

      How to narrow down/broaden the collection so that none of the dolls is neglected? In particular, when you need to find time for making (or money for buying) clothes and accessories?
      I don't mind neglecting one doll over others, I don't feel like they need attention or to have a certain amount of clothes, wigs, eyes. In the beginning, for my first three dolls, I did make sure they had close amounts of wigs and eyes, but then I kind of lost interest in purchasing wigs and eyes. I can never find ones that fit the characters exactly right, and custom eyes are only made out of resin nowadays, so I have no interest in them. I make my own wigs now and always made my own BJD clothes. I've become lazier with age, so I don't sew much anymore. I do neglect most of my dolls equally now, however. I do play with two of them more often, but it's rare in general (I'm lazy and prefer 1:6 scale figures).

      Have you ever tried to collect only particular sizes, genders, kinds (anthro/realistic), so that the dolly accessories take less space and time to maintain/purchase/sew for?

      No, I originally wanted one of each size, but I wasn't into child dolls even when I was a child, so I got a mini-sized one and a tiny-sized one that were actual child sculpts (IMHO), but I regretted that decision very quickly. I have always collected mature looking dolls and never owned baby/toddler dolls before, so I didn't really "bond" with the child dolls as much. I did sell the body of the tiny because I wasn't doing anything with it, but I kept the head because I modified it. I did get another mini because they made an actual mature one (IMHO) that fit my style and aesthetic preferences. I love smaller true to scale mature dolls, although that's not common in this hobby -- I am tempted by the ones under 30cm, but then there's not one that I love as a whole (face and body) so I haven't bitten the bullet yet, and I hope it stays that way. I love relism, but I also love Japanese video games and anime, for their particular aesthetics so I kind of don't stick to collecting realistic and not other styles. However, I do own too many female dolls of other kinds, so I stick to only purchasing males in this genre, but my first one was a female -- there wasn't enough variety when I first discovered BJD, at least not males that I liked enough to own. (:
    15. thanks everyone for helping me out :) I hope this thread continues to be helpful and enjoyable for others :)

      I love reading about everyone's varied approaches. I have decided to get back to where I originally started: fashion dolls. But not those tonner-like ones. I simply want mine to be more of Fashion dolls than anything else. So right now I am konmari'ing my dolls and dolly items lol :D

      @Zodiac <3 the 'you must be new here' phrase made me laugh :D Yeah, I know it seems like I'm new, but I'm 8 years into the hobby. And yet when it comes to decision making I feel like a newbie.

      One time, I needed to 'downsize" my car, and I kept a part in a small box (it was an outdoor thermometer that I had to change at some point, so it's tiny enough) in my souvenirs. I think I will likewise keep some few pieces from my dolls when I tell some of them 'good bye' ;)
    16. Can you/How to combine the bjd hobby with other hobbies? Is it possible to successfully maintain several other hobbies or do the dolls tend to take over your life? Thankfully most of my hobbies are of the crafty variety, so I can combine them with the doll hobby easily and have them support each other... My other big hobby that I pour money into lately has been D&D, but even with that, painting miniatures for D&D helps me strengthen the skills I use when doing face-ups on my dolls (and the doll I'm waiting on is going to be my D&D character)

      How to narrow down/broaden the collection so that none of the dolls is neglected? Oh man... it is what it is for me. My dolls do sometimes sit around getting ignored when I'm busy with life, and some are easier to shop/craft/sew for than others.

      Have you ever tried to collect only particular sizes, genders, kinds (anthro/realistic), so that the dolly accessories take less space and time to maintain/purchase/sew for?
      My collection is a split between MSD and Yo/tiny, and that's very much by design-- Sets/furniture take up less space and can be easily shared. The body types are different so clothes tend NOT to be shared at this point, outside of a couple of flexible pieces. But because my sister collects within the same size range, we have certain things we can lend each other for photoshoots and such.
    17. Can you/How to combine the bjd hobby with other hobbies? Is it possible to successfully maintain several other hobbies or do the dolls tend to take over your life?
      One of the main advantages for me in this hobby is the ability to combine my BJDs with other interests. I express many of my creative hobbies through the dolls because they are absolutely perfect for that...painting, sewing, writing, building and decorating display spaces. I have so much creative fun with them constantly, and they keep me artistically motivated in a very positive way. Even with my hobbies that don’t directly apply to the dolls, I always find a way to merge them somehow through characterization: I have a bjd who plays electric guitar (like I do) for my furby collection in their go-go display, multiple gaming characters in bjd form, and several elven friends who control my Lego fantasy world. If it’s something I’m fascinated by, trust me, I’ll have a doll character that expresses and interacts with it.

      How to narrow down/broaden the collection so that none of the dolls is neglected?
      My dolls are spread throughout my home in elaborate displays, like artistic decor. They are constantly on display so they’re always interacted with, even if it’s just seeing them as I walk by. This way they are always on my mind and never neglected. It’s like they’re just part of our family and everyone loves seeing them all the time. It’s like partially living inside a fantasy world, which is a lovely way to live and very relaxing and de-stressing.

      Have you ever tried to collect only particular sizes, genders, kinds (anthro/realistic), so that the dolly accessories take less space and time to maintain/purchase/sew for?
      I did, early on in my 14 years of collecting, try to stick to only one size: msd (because that was the easiest size to incorporate into my displays.) But eventually things would happen, like finding the perfect sculpt for a character that just happened to be SD size...or tinies that crept in as companions for other dolls...or great character ideas that required a smaller-sized or larger-sized doll. Over time, I just found a way to make it all work by creating my bjd universe as an urban fairytale, where anything was possible! I learned to manage any necessary space and money issues with good storage solutions and careful budgeting.
      #17 PoeticSoul, Jun 24, 2020
      Last edited: Jun 25, 2020
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    18. Next to collecting BJDs, I also like to knit and watch TV (or Netflix) - works pretty well: Knit doll stuff while watching TV-Netflix. Or knit something else, once in a while, while watching TV/Netflix. Other than that, I also like to write and read, which doesn't involve the dolls at all (except maybe the "Resident Evil crew") and which also is taking a backseat right now to knitting (cos I wanna finish a project in time for my sister's birthday). When I do want to write/read, I just make time for it.
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    19. I'm new to BJDs and currently only have one, so I can't comment on how I'd balance that out, but I definitely plan on knitting for my dolls. Ravelry has a bunch of doll clothes patterns that I can resize. I've got other hobbies, but they don't really mix with dolls like knitting does.

      My current preferences are 1/6 and smaller, so I'd probably end up with a lot of things for that size. I imagine I'll be sharing the things I can't make, like shoes and other props, but it'll be easier for me to swap clothes around. Good chance I'll just end up having each doll with their own clothes, though, depending on how the styles and colours fit them.
      #19 CookieFrosting, Jun 25, 2020
      Last edited: Jun 25, 2020
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    20. Can you/How to combine the bjd hobby with other hobbies? Is it possible to successfully maintain several other hobbies or do the dolls tend to take over your life? (in terms of money, time, space)
      I like movies and series a lot. So most of my dolls are iterations of a movie character. I have very few OCs. All of my other hobbies are somewhat included in the BJD hobby. However, if I have new ideas, I am extremely prone to extreme focusing on this aspect and forget everything else. My interest in learning new things is frightening...Then I do not work out, eat more (because ít helps me to calm down and tolerate mishaps better). So at that times, I always tend to gain weight. Normally, BJDs are very well integrated into my life.

      How to narrow down/broaden the collection so that none of the dolls is neglected? In particular, when you need to find time for making (or money for buying) clothes and accessories?
      I always ask myself, if I like an item on the marketplace, or something sparks my interest in the news forum: who of the guys could need this? Can several dolls wear this? Stuff like that. As in my mind I have so many characters, always someone has to be neglected. But I have learnt to accept that. I do not intentionally add new dolls to my crew any longer. But sometimes, when I like a movie or TV character very much, I still have to add him (very rarely her) to my collection. Or if I like a face very much, a story occurs to me (or who he is in general), and I get that doll. But I try to stay good - does not always work.

      Have you ever tried to collect only particular sizes, genders, kinds (anthro/realistic), so that the dolly accessories take less space and time to maintain/purchase/sew for?

      Yes, I keep strictly to the "realistic" realm. Another thing which fascinates me are Hot Toys action figures. So I my dolls are also on the rather realistic side. They are all in one scale. Only thing: I can't really say they take up much space...quite the opposite. Everything needs to be gigantic.

      As I only have giants, I am forced to focus. Also, I am planning on taking pictures and making stories (I do not know when this will ever be). So naturally, I can't have that many dolls. I am absolutely not interested in owning all dolls of a certain brand or even mold or all skin colors (something we used to call "conga" in the model horse hobby).

      I like the large size because it is easier to sew for. And they have such a presence. I often thought about switching to 50 cm guys, but I like my big boys. And the selection in that smaller size is much narrower. And everything has to be smaller. I do not know whether one of my favourite aspects, armour making, would even be as much fun to me as it is now.