1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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Nefer Kane CK Dolls Discussion

Dec 19, 2012

    1. Bone, I was doomed the minute I saw Soda and heard this little whisper..'hi, my name is Clover'.
    2. My egg girl is in my fathers car! Drive carefully, lol. Okey, he will not be here before next weekend :/ But then, I will make her alot of clothes! I am very excited. Now, I have to look at all the pics in here. She will be my first Cirkus Kane, but not the last I guess. I also read the blogpost. It is very exciting with the little soda. Many getting her?
    3. Introducing Princess Faradrella/Ella of Eggland! :) Sorry the photo is a little washed out, but the light is weird these days with all the rain.

    4. Aaaaaack! Little Ella is so precious! I love the pink wig on her. Congrats Opal :)
    5. Thank you very much, GenGen! My candy floss girl is so happy that folks like her. :)
    6. Opal, is that a yosd sized dress shes wearing?
    7. Hi GenGen, it's a little smaller than Yo-SD, more like Littlefee. It's a little loose in the top, but not bad at all. :)
    8. She's SO darling!! Is she capuccino? Dear Nefer is doing the faceup and I am awaiting my capuccino Egg Girl. Btw, I live in Atlanta and know exactly what you mean about the rain and light conditions. Weird summer in the Southeast for sure!

    9. Yes, Ella is capuccino. :) We're both in hell in Atlanta, I see. :/
    10. Awwwww!!! I just love your girl. They really rock hats, don't they?? I imagine that it is only through finally seeing and touching one in person that Humpties can be fully appreciated. Honestly, I am beside myself with anticipation after seeing your girls.

    11. Yes, but you are in Hell in WITH ELLA and my girl is still in France, lol. We are about to attempt a rain free dog walk into Piedmont Park. Wish us luck!

    12. Opal, I just noticed that she has great freckles and so does her Sluggy Doggey! Can't stand it!!

    13. Oh, Prege, I don't know how you are handling her being "so near and yet so far"! - in your father's car!!!

    14. Oh Prege, she is just adorable! I really love this pic too. Its very creative :)
    15. Thank you GenGen! She just borrowed some shoes that did not fit. I have to order more of those who did fit. :) lol, difficult girl. I have made her hat, jacket and shirt ans skirt today, so she is kind of a little happy. lol. Cant wait to people get their monkey and here sister!
    16. Vinge thank you for posting that comparison of your 2 dolls! And thank you everyone else for posting your eggs! Mine is on her way...sitting in NYC customs, the poor little thing. I want to have some things ready for her when she gets here so I'm very interested in hearing how sizes fit her.
    17. She is a little bigger than other yosd, more like sprocets, but also a little bigger but and a tinner breast. Wig is 6-7 and she wears some yosd shoes but not all! I bought her some hight heels. The lady said no way! It is too small, she have a short but wide foot.
    18. Prege, your egg is adorable! :) My girl is wearing a Yo-SD size dress that's a little big in the chest, but looks fine. She's also wearing a 7-8 Jpop wig. I padded the back with a little tissue paper and used a blob of silicon eye putty on the top of her pointy head. I haven't tried shoes yet. I may make her some.