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Neo-AngelRegionTimp discussion part 2

Jan 3, 2015

    1. I just received by Sleepy Dubu today
      as the other one (dubu normal) she is very cute
      but I'm very disappointed by the wig
      I took the two wig (blond and red hair)
      there are not a lot of hair on it and sewing are visible : very bad quality wig

      For the moment she is wearing the blond one but I'm not sure that she will keep this one

      so I'm please to introduce you : Séraphine

      by Loofthewood, on Flickr
    2. Congratulations on your new cutie! I am sorry to hear how disappointed you are about the wigs. Soom wigs are definitely not the best quality. I hope you can purchase her a nicer one very soon. :)
    3. cute girl but i agree with you on soom's wigs. they definitely aren't up to the quality of their dolls, and are not worth the price. after i got my first one i decided my dubu/yujas would stay bald or wear hats until i had til to make them better wigs. poor kids they are still all bald!

      cute outfit bagirka!

    4. Yes
      The wig for my Imda modigli 3.0 was perfert that's why I'm so surprised
      for me it's the last time I ordered the wig for the Imda Timp

      Bagirka : she is very cute : I love her little boots

      So here My Dubu normal (blue) Amantine and My Dubu sleepy (green) Séraphine

      Amantine & Séraphine
      by Loofthewood, on Flickr
    5. maybe they just have trouble with smaller wigs then? i'm pretty sure people complained about the wigs for anne as well

      cute outfits btw
    6. I think the wigs are handmade and vary in quality. I don't think it's the best construction technique for such a tiny wig but with careful fluffing I have gotten most of mine to look good. I don't like the huge curls on the Sleepy Dubu blonde wig, so I may restyle it.
    7. They ask me to send pictures of these wig : I will do that :)
      We will see what they will propose
    8. I didn't like the curls at all so I put the wig in pigtails, which I like a lot better . . .
      I also pulled more to the front to add a bit more hair for the bangs .

      [​IMG]timp by Pinkfrontgate, on Flickr
    9. I like that a LOT better!
    10. Pinkgate : your timp is cute
      I see that you have the same wig issue than me :(
    11. Thanks nancy_schroeder_ca

      thank you...

      and that's after I pulled a bit up front to give better coverage.
    12. pinkgate i agree with nancy, that style is much cuter for dubu.
    13. Thanks auntbear, I wish I took a before picture. . .

      I am still looking for the perfect name for her...
      [​IMG]soom dubu by Pinkfrontgate, on Flickr
    14. there has been a suggestion on the 2.2 thread that since there are now 5 sizes of imdas spread unevenly over 3 threads that we consolidate all sizes into 1 new imda tiny thread instead that would cover all sizes from timp to 3.0. this would let us talk about all of them and might make the thread more active. any thoughts on that? do you like the separate threads as they are now with 2 sizes on each (the 2.6 is currently on two threads) or would you rather see one new thread with all 5?
    15. As you know from the other thread, I definitely like the idea. Personally, I would enjoy seeing all sizes of the Soom tinies, even though I may not own every size. They are all beautiful! Plus, it would definitely make the thread more active, which it needs, and a lot simpler. :daisy
    16. I think it will make it interesting to have all the soom tinies in one place.
    17. I'd love to see all the sizes in one place also. :)
    18. A lil' one arrived yesterday and wanted to introduce herself:


      I think I finally found the girl to bear the name Miep. She tells me she's not so sure about wigs yet or is too fond of shoes for that matter. She does love hats and wearing socks - something about feeling the ground but without getting her feet dirty!

      I'm so happy to have her, haven't felt this excited about a dolly in a long time :aheartbea