1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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Neo-AngelRegionTimp discussion part 2

Jan 3, 2015

    1. She's super cute! Congratulations! I love her adorable outfit and her little friends. :)
    2. Oh she is too adorable
    3. miep is very cute. sometimes hats suit the tinies better than wigs i find. a few of mine only wear hats, so far at least
    4. Thank you all for miep' compliments - her noggin is too cute to cover up, and until I find the right wig for her she'll probably stay bald & beautiful. I'm finding that her name does suit her, especially since it means beloved.

    5. There's a new iMda Timo, Wandoo, up on the site. He looks like a boy to me and has a very characterful face.

      He's shown with what appears to be Tokki but with rabbit paws and feet.

      PS The special set has been posted since I wrote this. They ARE the gardeners from 'Alice' as I expected. Dong A Lim is sculpting more 'Alice' dolls though I'm a bit confused by the Korean-English translation: Wandoo as 'Soldier' and another as 'Trump'.
    6. I think the rabbit is just a prop. It was used in the Amelia pictures also.
    7. the rabbit was sold as tokki but is currently sold out. maybe they are going to release him again with this timp?
    8. the suggestion of merging the threads is generating a lot of talk on the 3.0 thread, so i wanted to give everyone a chance to state their opinion before we change anything. i managed to get the poll up with the 4 options that have been suggested. i have left it open for 2 weeks to give everyone time to weigh in . please go there and vote on what we should do, and feel free to comment in the discussion as to why you chose what you did.
    9. so far the only thing everyone has agreed on is the need for a what fits thread, so i started one of those and it looks like all the size threads will be remaining separate. (discussion and poll is still open for another week though if you haven't had a chance to give your opinion) any way the new what fits thread is here and i'm trying to get a link to it added in the first post of each thread :)
    10. I really appreciate you organizing all of this, auntbear. I voted, and I sure hope everyone else will vote, too, if they haven't already. That way we can truly see how everyone feels. I was sure hoping that everyone would want to combine the threads, but I understand the majority rules. ;)
    11. No, actually Tokki has Cutie arms, legs, and body. The head and ears are similar.
    12. I missed the post about Wandoo; I guess I was reading about the poll to merge the threads. Anyway, I just discovered Wandoo tonight on the Soom site and ordered one! I love the little Dubu I have and still hope to get Yuja when released again.
    13. Congrats on your order! :)
    14. Thanks. I wish the thread was more active. I'll admit I don't post much but I certainly enjoy reading and looking at the pics.
    15. I wish it were, too, but I have to admit that I don't contribute as much as I would like to either. I really enjoy seeing everyone's pics, but I am terrible about taking pics myself. :lol: Maybe things will pick up soon. :daisy
    16. Coleen and Lisa ,my little Yuja says Hi!

    17. Ahhh, how sweet! Such a darling pic! I love all of your cute miniatures! Your Yuja is very pretty! :love
    18. this thread is actually not doing too bad considering there aren't very many sculpts out and they have each only been available briefly. i'm am on a couple of threads that only get posts weeks apart... or even months! that said, i've been bad about posting pics of any of my dolls this year, family matters mean i'm mostly just lurking or commenting. my poor three timps are still waiting for wigs and and chester needs a face up. but we are finally getting some warmer weather here so i'm hoping soon
      [MENTION=19149]gilou2310[/MENTION] that looks like a fun party for your girls. what are they celebrating?
    19. Me too. It doesn't help that I travel for work & I am usually in a hotel or airport. When I am home I don't have much time for taking pics. I am usually getting ready for the next trip out.
    20. timps are easy to take with you. a hard sided sunglasses case makes a great travel case, then they are easy to slip into your purse, my smaller dolls take turns going on trips with me that way.