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New Pipos PO 7 Baby Alice! :D

Apr 6, 2010

    1. Go for the basic, CostleyHobby! They'll be releasing them soon and there's even another face:D If I weren't getting ready to get my first Yo I'd be gearing up for the basics event!
    2. Mitya, I agree, the cost of this little Pipos Alice gal is crazy. I am happy with her but I am still feeling remorse over the cost.

      I think the basic is equally cute and it looks as though there will be some optional outfit choices coming up. I would just go basic in the future and then make or use existing clothing. Changing it up is so much fun, anyway.

      The little outfit for alice is made beautifully and oh so tiny but I must get some replacement bows as the headband and the little bow on the apron have already fallen off. I am pretty sure that Pipos is going to take care of it but the trouble happened almost immediately.
    3. oh wow! thanks :dance i will be getting BOTH basics :D:doh:sweat
    4. Yay, CostleyHobby! I'm always happy to be a sneaky little enabler:XD: I can't wait to see your babies when you get them!

      Thank you so much, Bonmwe for all your pictures and information on Baby Alice! I'm glad you could come share in this thread:D I'm sorry that you feel remorse over her price and that the bows were not secured properly:( I do hope Pipos will do something to make it up to you. She is such a special girl, you are lucky to have even if the price was a bit much for the limited..

      I added a link to my first post for the basics and changed the thread title since Baby Alice will also be a basic:)
    5. costleyhobby,
      did you notice that if you are one of the first 30 to order the po7 that you will get free ears and tail? I think you would have to be ready to order at about 9 am ET tomorrow morning (4/22), as the event starts at 11 pm, 4/23 (korean time). That is enticing, if you can time it right. (you better double check my time zone calculations.)
    6. Neat, where did you read that info. I can't find anything on when they will be released.
    7. thanks bonmwe :) i noticed that the other day, but i may end up doing layaway, so no event goodies for me :( i think after DST that Korean time is 13 hours ahead of EST are they starting 11pm? rather than am? that's interesting

      animedolls, the announcement comes up in a pop-up window. so if ur blocker's on, you won't see it ;)
    8. I see, that may be why. Thanks :)
    9. The prices shown up finally! Just waiting for them actually just to open the sale up!
    10. [​IMG]

      I have a problem with my Baby Alice and I am wondering if anyone who received her or any other pipos dolls is having a similar problem. Tonight is the second time I have removed her from her box. When I took her out tonight I put her wig on and decided the bangs needed a spritz of water to straighten so I sprayed them and then wiped a drip that landed on her face. What happened then surprised me. Part of her lower lip paint wiped right off. I decided to send pictures to Pipos to show them the problem and since I sent them the first pictures almost her entire upper and lower lip have wiped off without the help of water and the blush on her nose is gone.

      It seems to me that perhaps the paint wasn't sealed and if it was it was not cured long enough or something. Anyway, Pipos has replied that they will do nothing since I did not notify them immediately. However, this is the first I have noticed this. I have only had her less than a week.

      I think it is possible that her entire face could wipe away with just a soft cloth It is heartbreaking while being rather irritating that they are unwillling to stand behind the product.

      This was their response.

      But in case of the make-up, we're sorry but you should take the photos before you removed it.
      Normally, when the damages are founded, the customers take photos right away and showed us.
      Please understand our policy and sorry again.

      If anyone has experience with pipos or ideas on how I could get this resolved. Let me know.
    11. that's really sad DX and it's makes me worries about my Alice, I bought her mainly because of her fantacstics
    12. [​IMG]

      shoujo. Did you get your Alice yet? I was just wondering if yours has a problem. I just think it is a fluke but I am really angry that Pipos is unwilling to repair or replace. I am afraid her entire face is unsealed and is going to wipe off. Since I took this picture her upper lip has also disappeared.
    13. No, not yet coz I have ordered her through layaway and Last payment due on 9th of May

      that's a big mistake from Pipos, they should have reimburse you in any way they could >:(

    14. HI Shoujo, I really think that Pipos should repair or replace her faceup. I think it may have just been that it wasn't sealed properly or something. I am also wondering if they misunderstood my message. I am hoping that is the case. Let me know when you get yours.
    15. oh no! i would definitely reply and re-explain what happened. that is not good, not good at all. plus, the lips look like they're glossed, so how the heck did that just wipe off!?

      i went ahead and ordered a Baby Alice from DDE on layaway...now i wonder should i cancel the order. and i ordered a basic direct from Pipos (which btw ends up being nearly as much when you get everything). i haven't paid my deposits yet. and with the outfit coming apart!? not good, not good at all

      eta: and of course, just to be sure, the water was definitely just pure water? any chance there could have been some other chemical involved?
    16. bonmwe - That's so sad, I hope Pipos changes their decision :(
    17. oh no, that is horrible about the make-up coming off so easily. Even worse, their response is troubling. I would hope they would be more helpful and willing to fix the problem for you. Makes me a little nervous about dealing with them now. Hope it gets fixed for you!
    18. sure thing, I'll inform you when she get home

      and I agree with costlehobby that you should email them again
    19. Wow... This is awful!:( I'm so sorry, Bonmwe that your Alice's faceup is defective and that Pipos wouldn't do anything to compensate you! Are you going to keep asking for them to do something for you? If anyone else has trouble they certainly can't ignore you.. Oh this is so awful..
    20. Hi everyone and thank you for your support. I am really disappointed in Pipos response but I have written to them again in hopes that they misunderstood the problem. I am waiting to hear from them.

      Since the previous pictures her upper lip has wiped off with just a flannel fabric. I hope her entire face does not wipe off. She is so adorable.
