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New Pipos PO 7 Baby Alice! :D

Apr 6, 2010

    1. I'm so sorry to hear that bonmwe. I don't think makeup should come off that easy if it's sealed properly. I have 2 Baby Alice coming but i still have 1 layaway to pay which is due next month. I really hope it's just an oversight with your Alice and that they will understand and help you. It's sad to see such a pretty face ruined with just water.

      Still, now i'm kinda scared to touch her face when she gets here. Perhaps everyone else who is getting her should take pre-caution and spray her with a clear protective coat or something. Although i myself wouldn't know how since i never do dolly customizes.

      Please let us know what else Pipos say. I always trust that they are a great company and very helpful so it kinda disappoint me to hear their answer to your problem.
    2. Thanks Betty for your reply. I too am surprised that Pipos replied in the way they did. I just have to think they misunderstood my description. I have written again so hopefully I will hear back after the weekend. I don't know anything about protective coats but you are right that may be something to pursue in the future. I also have the Pipos red queen and with many changes of clothes her face is fine.
    3. I'm afraid i might accidentally rub off baby Alice's face up when i change her eyes since i don't know how safe it is to even touch her face.
    4. bonmwe, I think you're right that the face wasn't sealed. (But it should be acrylic, which wouldn't wipe off). I used a cloth and my Alice's faceup didn't come off...I even tried a little water. Same with my recently-purchased Pipos Noel. I'm going to spray both with Mr. Super Clear now though. And the bow on Alice's dress was glued on and came right off and her hair bow wouldn't fit on her head.
      Pipos should be reading this thread. Alice is very cute, but expensive. Rosen Lied's Monday's Child is a tiny that's well-made and their customer service is super. IF I buy another Pipos (and I have two cats), I'll probably go through Denver Doll. There is not much one can do if Pipos in South Korea isn't responsive.
    5. sfhope. Thank you for your response. That is interesting that your headband and bow had a problem too. Would you mind letting pipos know that on their q&a of their website? That way, they won't think I am the only customer complaining. I would greatly appreciate that. >...If it is not too much trouble.

      As an update, they have offered to replace the headband and bow and they have asked that I return Baby Alice so they can evaluate her. I am glad for that.
    6. I'm so happy to hear that Pipos is willing to check out your Alice. I hope they will fix her face and send her back to you good as new :)
    7. That's good news to hear, I'm really happy for you :)
    8. That is good to hear that Pipos has agreed to evaluate baby Alice for you bonmwe. The Pipos face-ups are such a selling point for their dolls and they really do need to hold up to a little water without melting off, especially for such an expensive limited doll. I have heard of other companies who have skimped on the MSC and face-ups have come off fairly easily, I hope this isn't a trend with Pipos now too.
    9. bonmwe, I'm glad that Pipos is going to check into your problem! And I'll add my comment about the bows their the QA page, since you think it will help.
    10. sfhope, Thank you so much for posting on QA. I think it may help. Who knows?

      Luckyl. Thank you so much for your reply. In pipos response they said the seal the doll a number of times so this seems very odd. I tend to smell everything so I smelled the dolls head and face and it had an odor of a chemical like it could be a sealer of some kind or perhaps paint. Maybe I was imagining things. Does MSC leave an odor?

      I reluctantly parted with Little Alice today. She is on her way back to Korea so I should know something more about her status next week.

      Animedolls and Shoujo thanks for your support. I will keep you posted.
    11. omg, i ordered a blue Baby Alice from DDE on Monday...and they are in stock already!
    12. Wow, congrats :)

      I still have 1 layaway with Pipos before i can get my dolls :/ Hoping to get it paid off next week. This is my most expensive Pipos order ever so it's taken me longer then i'd like.
    13. Last week ,I ordered basic Sera .
      I hope I receive her soon , with a beautiful make-up.
    14. ooo, my sweet little bebe arrived today! she has a fat little belly :aheartbea


      i must admit, i was afraid to touch her faceup after bonmwe's incident

      but she is perfect

    15. Lovely photos :) I just paid off my layaway balance and my order is now 'before shipping' I can't wait to get my baby Alice too :)
    16. costleyhobby, she is beautiful. I am so glad she arrived and that you are pleased.
    17. Congratulations,Costtleyhobby !
      I am glad to see your beautiful Alice! I like her .And ,she arrived very fast !
      Good for me to hear that : I can't wait to see Sera !
    18. So happy for you and also to see more baby alice spams
      can't wait to see my baby :3
    19. thanks for the compliments :) DDE has Alice's in stock now (well, they did the last i checked). i just lucked out when i ordered, cause they apparently had an incoming shipment.

      i changed Alice's eyes last night. BOY was that difficult. these aren't even the ones i want permanently :doh


      then i tried her out as a red. she looks really cute in the RubyRedGalleria wig (but i still like her blonde wig best ;))

    20. Costleyhobby, I like the red wig. It changes everything. that little toy she has is sweet too.

      sfhope Did pipos offer to replace baby alice's headband/bow?