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New Pipos PO 7 Baby Alice! :D

Apr 6, 2010

    1. Hi bonmwe, Pipos wanted me to take pictures of the items. I don't know if they would replace, I didn't ask. I can fix things with a couple of stitches.
    2. sfhope. They also asked me to take pictures. I suppose a couple threads would fix it. That is for ceratain. Just seems it shouldn't happen immediately. otherwise, the little outfit is made so perfectly, isn't it?
    3. The outfit is made well, with those tiny bittons and that tiny lace. The shoes are nicely made also. She's a cute little one. I haven't even tried to see what other clothes she might fit into.
    4. Finally got my Baby Alice today :)


      They are so cute :)
      I got both for the outfits so i will probably eventually re-home one of the them nude or trade for a basic NORA.

      Will take more pics when i'm up to it.
    5. omgoodness, double cuteness!! i was tempted to get both for that very reason LOL and because i really wanted those pink eyes ;)

      congrats on their arrival
    6. Today , I received my baby Alice basic Sera.
      She is absolutely cute , but really too big for me !
      What can I do?? !!!
      I only want the tiniest tinies!
    7. She is too adorable! Love those Pipos!
    8. So sweet. Does anyone have any comparison photos. I'm in love with the little lamb, but I'm not sure if she would fit with my lati yellow family or my pukipukis
    9. I would love to see pictures of her! ^^ Is she really that big compared to your tinies?
    10. I just posted some comparison pics of Baby Alice & Pocket Fairy on my Flickr (link under signature)

      I will go take more of her compared to my other tiny BJDs in a bit.
    11. Not much to do except to sell her :)

      Too bad it's not a basic Nora, i kinda wanted her myself.
    12. Thank you so very much animedolls! You rock!
    13. - Babyelf , she has such a beautiful face !Her violet eyes are wonderful.
      But ,she is really too big with my tinies .
      (I mean her head , hands and feet !)
      Fei,my Pocket fairy is the only one who can stay by her side! a short while !
      I believe she can be a perfect sister for a Lati yellow, but not for a puki or my Lati white family.
      -Yes ,Animedolls ,I intend to sell her.


    14. Okay, I realize I'm necro-ing the heck out of this thread...sorry about that. However, gilou and I are used to being the only posters in non-trendy tiny threads ;)

      I finally found and adopted one of these cuties. She works well with my Pocket Fairy platoon, so she'll fit in well here. I'm thrilled :D

      Pipos Alice by clochette62, on Flickr