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New Soom Boy, Namu.

Aug 17, 2005

    1. Wow, he's so gorgeous.
    2. I have to say, I love his name! :wink:

      That outfit is to die for, too! It looks like D.D.D. fashion.
    3. I don't know if any one is still curious or interesed,

      But I asked Soom and they told me that Namu - The Greatest Day is NOT limited, so he's available any time... which is just evil - I love that face-up and outfit! I've been wanting an f16 and he's a wonderful alternative....

      <heavy sigh> oh so many dolls to add to the family.....
    4. darkmothflame -- I *love* you! ^_^ Oh, Namu -- the Greatest Day will be mine after all!
    5. He is just gorgeous! Now I love soom!
    6. HA! That's exactly what my Sebastian said as soon as I saw him. "Brother, brother, that's my brother!" He's already told me Gena is his sister. It does not look good. For my bank account, that is.

    7. *nodnods* Griffyn just looked at me, and what could I do? Add him to the list, of course! Oh, my bank balance is never going to recover at this rate >.<

      Fortunately, he actually has the looks to pull off a character that I was already looking for a doll for. I had tentatively settled on Chamomile, but he just looks a little too nice... this character needs a bit of darkness, and Namu has that. He wasn't originally Griffyn's brother, but I can just see him wrap his arms around Griffyn's shoulders protectively and glare at anyone who might wanna hurt him.

      So very doomed.

      (And no getting ideas about any sisters, Griff! O_O)

      Oh, for Sher - the Soom boy body seems pretty good to me, but I haven't spent much time with other naked dolls, so it's hard to compare in too much detail. It's actually quite a bit lighter than Volks boys of the same size - much easier to carry around, but he doesn't feel fragile, either. He is noticably thinner than most other 60cm boys, though. He wears pants that were advertised for "SD girls" and they fit perfectly around his waist, although they could possibly do with another centimetre or two in length. The t-shirt I bought from Soom, which I assume was made to fit general SD size, is a little loose on him. I would guess that most SD boy clothing would fit him fine, or at the worst, be slightly loose.

      He also has veeeery delicate hands - I didn't realise how long and thin they were until I saw an SD13 boy's hands and they looked HUGE next to his! He doesn't look sickly or weedy, though (imho, anyway), it just makes him look kinda refined. And tall *grins*

      The resin seems to be pretty tough, though - the number of times he's been knocked off tables or chairs and onto the floor is steadily increasing, but nothing's broken or chipped at all! (Although Mum was very startled when she did it and the whole back half of his head fell off - that cracked me up *grins*). The screw-on headcap is brilliant - I change his eyes all the time, it's so easy.

      As for faceups - if rainbow is still doing the faceups at Soom, I really, really recommend getting her to do it. She's brilliant with a brush. She can do the heavy goth-look, but she can also do some really delicate, natural-looking work, and I'd bet that she could pull off pretty much any look in beteween. Have a look at Griffyn's faceup - it's gentle, but still defined enough that he definitely looks male. Soom is really good about letting you order custom makeup, too. And their English customer relations person, Hanna, is really nice and proffessional ^_^ I can't speak highly enough of the Soom service.

    8. I'm doomed. I feel quite doomed. Maybe later this year... after I see some owner pics... I might FINALLY get a BOYYYY.................

      Actually this lovely info didn't help at all, you naughty thing, praising them for their service and all... I'm more enabled now than ever before, :D !! I do see that you can choose on their site "custom makeup" - I ASSUME that what I'd do is add an unpainted doll to the cart, then add the separate custom makeup selection to the cart, and do it that way. I like the lips on the limited boy but that make up is just a little too extreme for me.

      I think he's beautiful, I love his lips and his nose. Oh No. maybe a boy will be joining my ranks after all! *_*
    9. It would be a very lucky boy that got adopted into your hoarde of gorgeous girls *grins*

      Oh, in fairness I should probably add that I do have some trouble posing him, but I think that may be because he's strung too loosely. I just haven't quite worked up the nerve to pull him apart and restring him yet ^_^; He does, however, stand unaided, with and without shoes. His head is really good straight on, looking up and looking left and right. The only thing it doesn't do very well is stay when tilted downwards. I'm wondering whether the washer trick might help, but again, I'm still nervous about messing with his internals in case I bugger it up and can't get him back together again ^_^; I'm such a noob...

    10. I had a horrible realization last night: Davona at shop4dollsandbears.com orders from Soom, meaning I could order a Namu and make payments on him until he's paid off... which means... yeah, you can bet I'll have a Namu at least ordered by October. x_x

      *le sigh*

    11. :cry: wants to see OWNER PICS first... somebody order him! augh! :D
    12. See, you're not supposed to tell me these sorts of things, because I'm still paying off my credit card from my last doll purchase as it is >.< Mustn't add anything else to the 'to be paid off' list until that's cleared first!

      On the other hand, please feel free to order so that we can all see more pics of him as soon as possible ^_-

      Yeah, I'm evil...

      Oh, and keep checking the owner's gallery board on the Soom site - I'm sure Namu will start turning up there sooner or later. And, oh dear, I really shouldn't have looked because there's a very nice Gena boy posted and that gives me all sorts of terrible ideas... O_O

    13. You really **ARE** evil... :D
    14. Found my Draco!! =D