1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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Nine9 Doll "Bunny Nine" 35cm Line discussion!

Sep 26, 2014

    1. Pudding is very much on my wishlist. :aheartbea I'm glad there will be a lot of clothes (35cm dolls need ALL the clothing options they can get) but I'm really tempted to try and hybrid Pudding's head onto a shorter body. Even if all my searches for resin matches has proved it will be an adventure since there's no info on nine style resin, and the dreamingdoll (they seem to offer their 1/3 girls on the Elva bodies) results are all from a few years ago. *_*
    2. For those who are wondering, I contacted Nine9 and inquired about a layaway. They do offer layaway, at an initial payment of 30% of the total, and the rest made in one or two payments within two months. I attached the screenshot if anyone wants to read it. This may make these girls a bit more affordable for some of us (including myself)! I'm about 90% sure I will get a pudding now... :)

    3. Woo, I just ordered Potpourri in normal skin with faceup C!
    4. I ordered Potpourri in NS with faceup A. The clothes and shoes are also up!
    5. Congratulations, Hannaliten and Nancy! :) you two are very lucky. On another look, I got to go see them clothes and shoes. XD
    6. Ooh gosh, I just found out about these cuties, can anyone tell me if they are limited or if they will be offered for a while?
    7. I wasn't thrilled with the clothes offerings. I want some cute frilly dresses for my girl, whose name will be Alice.
    8. I agree, but at least they have nice Mary Janes! Clothes are easier to find than shoes. Dollmore Narsha clothes may fit.
    9. I got a shipping notice on Potpourri!
    10. My potpourri shipped as well!
    11. I ordered potpourri on 10/16, but mine hasn't shipped yet. How long did it take you guys to get a notice?
    12. I ordered mine on 10/10 and got my shipping notice late last night.
    13. I ordered on 10/12. I bet yours will ship within a couple days.
    14. My girl is in customs. She'll be here tomorrow or Saturday.
    15. Mine is in customs too!
    16. She's here! How adorable is this face???

    17. Aren't they sweet? Mine refuses to be photographed without eyes! She is thinking about which ones she likes best. She came with 16mm eyes and they are too big for my taste. I think she'll settle on the green ones, but the purple are cute too.
    18. She's so cute! I still plan on ordering a Pudding head for a hybrid I'm planning... I hope you'll both post a lot of photos of these cuties. :)
    19. Wow that was quick! They are so cute I may snatch one up sometime next year. How is their poseability?
    20. I think she settled on a blond wig, but she still doesn't have her eyes.


      I'm not too fond of the one style of shoe nine9style offers, so I'm looking into other options. Her foot measures 4.8 cm, so I'm looking for yosd shoes that run large. Any ideas?